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Tag Archives for " how to lower A1c "

True? Eat Low-carb & Lose Ability to Produce Insulin? Hi-fat is Hi-cal & You Gain Weight?

Link to all "Beat Diabetes" videos: Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, discusses if low-carb causes an inability to produce insulin. Your support of Beat Diabetes is greatly appreciated: Dennis interviewed by his daughter, Joy (Pt 1): Dennis interviewed by his daughter, Joy (Pt 2): Den & Ben's Bible Teaching YouTube Channel: CHALLENGE TO BEAT DIABETES […]

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Will You Accept the Challenge? A Data-Driven Approach to Reverse Diabetes, often within 6 Months.

Link to all "Beat Diabetes" videos: Dennis Pollock discusses the protocols for a data-driven approach to reversing diabetes. LINK TO GET THE BEAT DIABETES CHALLENGE VIDEOS: Your support of Beat Diabetes is greatly appreciated: Dennis interviewed by his daughter, Joy (Pt 1): Dennis interviewed by his daughter, Joy (Pt 2): Den & Ben's Bible Teaching […]

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At What Glucose Level are You Damaging Your Organs? And Even After a Decade – There’s’ Hope for You!

Link to all "Beat Diabetes" videos: Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, shares the glucose range beyond which organ damage likely occurs – and why there is hope for you, even after a decade of high glucose levels. Your support of Beat Diabetes is greatly appreciated: Dennis interviewed by his daughter, Joy (Pt 1): Dennis interviewed […]

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