Type 1 Diabetic from the Netherlands Reveals the Shocking Dietary Advice He was Given

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Dennis Pollock interviews Peter Van der Plas from the Netherlands. Peter is a type one diabetic who was given some really bad advice about the diet a type one diabetic should eat.

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  • @fredwhitmore3737 says:

    A Dutch treat thank you Sir

  • @estherlouisamay says:

    There is LADA slow onset t-1 diabetes he have may have been actually LADA which can be often mistaken as t-2 all the characteristics of type 1 and 2 but mostly t-1 as a fellow t-1 diabetic myself I follow low carb high protein gluten free (Celiac too) as my blood sugars do better and I Don’t need as high doses of insulin when I do low carb high protein gluten free 😎

    • @DutchCarnivore says:

      That may very well be right. Had I known about the low carb approach back then maybe it could have even delayed the onset. You hear a lot of stories nowadays of people extending their t1 honeymoon phase by going low carb. Great to hear that you got your t1 diabetes under control, sounds like a very similar road your walking. Peter

  • @tyronejames1552 says:

    Doctor prayers for your protection, cause they dont like people cutting into their drug business ,your a blessing and good thing for all people

  • @Crimepaysaskapolitician says:

    Your guest should get Dr Bernstein’s book. I’ve learned so much reading his book, Diabetes Solution.

    • @anomarnamloh7444 says:

      You didn’t listen to the video. The gentleman spoke on finding Richard Bernstein’s book

  • @zenane2012 says:

    Greetings from Ethiopia. That was really helpful. Thank you, Dennis.

  • @slugo915 says:

    Gm Dennis. Great interview. My go to channel on YouTube. 🙏

  • @lilystonne4108 says:

    Too bad he did not know what we know today. His outcome could have been better. It’s a travesty that some doctors today are just as ignorant of how to stop or slow down diabetes as decades ago. Thank you for sharing is story.

  • @TheGardenAndWormLady says:

    Can’t wait to hear the rest!!! Awesome interview

  • @GerbenWulff says:

    I grew up in the Netherlands. I am a type 2 diabetic. My mother was a type 1 as well in the Netherlands and has been for about 50 years. In the early years they told her not to eat sugar, but pharmaceutical companies convinced the government that avoiding sugar was a bad idea, and they said it wasn’t just because they wanted to sell more insuline, but people would increase their quality of life if they could eat sugar and just use some more insulin. That advice caused that a lot of type 1 diabetics to develop insuline resistance (type 2 diabetes) on top of their type 1 diabetes. And they would get all kinds of medical problems.
    My mother was careful not to eat too much sugar and never got type 2 diabetes, but the frequent insuline injections made it very hard for her to control her weight. It was very hard for her to do diets, because if she didn’t eat enough, her glucose would go down and she woud have to eat some carbs. Around 2018 she discovered keto and could significantly improve her blood glucose management and reduce her medication.
    In 2019 I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. And also I got the same advice from the doctor: eat your carbs and eat regularly. I quickly decided I didn’t like the side-effects of metformin and I know what my mother was doing worked for her, so I started looking on YouTube and among a few others, found this channel. From then I started doing low carb and no longer took the metformin. I recently switched to a more ketovore diet.
    “Healthcare” in the Netherlands is mostly a sales office for the pharmaceutical industry. Health insurance in the Netherlands is mandatory, so we are all paying the price for it, with our money and our health.

  • @petercyr3508 says:

    Your liver produces glucose and ketones under the catabolic action of glucagon moderated by insulin. With no insulin, type 1 is glucagon gone wild. Massive amounts of glucose and ketones are produced from a runaway breakdown of fat and then other tissues. So the dangerous levels of glucose and ketones in the blood come from a nightmarish breakdown of the body. Introducing more glucose in the diet clearly is wrong. A tyoe 1 needs insulin mainly to control the action of glucagon, not control blood glucose per se. Adding glucose to the mix just makes this way more difficult.

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