At What Glucose Level are You Damaging Your Organs? And Even After a Decade – There’s’ Hope for You!

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Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, shares the glucose range beyond which organ damage likely occurs – and why there is hope for you, even after a decade of high glucose levels.

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Dennis interviewed by his daughter, Joy (Pt 2):

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Cameron Long

  • @andrepatterson7058 says:

    Thanks 🙏🏽

  • @victorbaez3688 says:


  • @jamescalifornia2964 says:


  • @dorsetboronia6744 says:

    Thank you for putting up the “other measure” for us not in US.

  • @zenane2012 says:

    Greetings from Ethiopia. That was truly helping. Thank you, Dennis.

  • @NellieNeedsMeat says:

    Dennis, did you see that they’ve changed the range they are recommending? They are now telling people to keep their blood sugar under 180!! I was so hopping mad when I heard that because I knew that damage started at 140. They are setting people up for failure!

  • @olly2027 says:

    When I get stressed and upset.

  • @nancyballard8666 says:

    You have been a great encouragement to me. Thank you for all your work. In October, I was diagnosed with T2 at 9.3. I got mad and determined. I take the lowest dose of Tirzepitide once a week and 1/2 Metformin daily. This week, my HbA1c was 5.6. I am waiting to see what my doctor says about the meds. I can tell by my blood sugar readings that I am still dealing with insulin resistance, so now I am diligent to attack that issue (basically, by staying low carb and not getting discouraged by some wonky readings). I don’t want to start going up again. Thank you so much!!!! I recommend your channel a lot.

  • @ellen9579 says:

    My primary takeaways of Jenny Ruhl, author of Blood Pressure 101: 🌟 1. At what point are you harming your body with high glucose level? 140 and 160 is the point of organ damage per her extensive research 🌟 2. Per Dennis, don’t live in the death glucose zone 🌟 3. Low carb dieting, and intermittent fasting and exercise is key🌟 4. “My diabetic body can not tell the difference between chocolate cake and oatmeal cereal”…Nuff Said! 🌟 5. REPEAT: Per Dennis… A. Reduce carbohydrates, B. exercise and C. intermittent fasting is the ticket out of the death zone 🌟

    Though I am not diabetic, I am a faithful follower of Dennis. His tenants are keeping me out of the Glucose Death Zone. Dennis and Mike the Meter are my besties! Best of luck to you all!

  • @kwasiAsareBoye says:

    Dennis, you look different today. I hope you are fine. Thank you for all the good you do for us.

  • @alexandrawhite7614 says:

    Dennis, for those of us like me who want simple advice, never mind the science, I strongly recommend another of Jenny Ruhl’s books “Your Diabetes Questions Answered”. It is arranged in a format which sounds similar to one of your books on diabetes. It is made extremely simple to find the topics that most concern the reader and skip over others. Sensibly, JR has left out the research references, saying they can be found in “Diabetes 101”.
    When I first discovered I have a problem with my blood sugar, which terrified the life out of me, I went to the library and took out every book they had on Diabetes – about 10. Most of them were useless, but I found JR’s “YDQA” so comforting and practical. I soon returned all the others. Later I came across Dr Bernstein’s great book, which launched me on Very Low Carb/Keto eating for the rest of my life.
    Its great to hear you celebrating these authors.

  • @toneranger7813 says:

    Im new to the channel. I’m 46 and unknowingly abused myself for years.

    I got a blood test about a week ago. My glucose was 321 with a1c of 12.2.

    I’m making diet changes and trying to exercise, but I’ve have influenza for the last week or so.

    I have made progress. My glucose is consistently in the 150 area and I’ve lost about 20 lbs this year.

    I have a long way to go but I’m optimistic

  • @toneranger7813 says:

    Im new to the channel. I’m 46 and unknowingly abused myself for years.

    I got a blood test about a week ago. My glucose was 321 with a1c of 12.2.

    I’m making diet changes and trying to exercise, but I’ve have influenza for the last week or so.

    I have made progress. My glucose is consistently in the 150 area and I’ve lost about 20 lbs this year.

    I have a long way to go but I’m optimistic

    • @slugo915 says:

      Sir, you can do this! I too ate whatever I wanted for all my life and I’m now in the 5 club. The simplest exercise I did, and still do is walk after each meal. That itself helps lower your bloodsugar. Cut the carbs and pasta and use Mike the meter to tell what foods do what to your sugar. Drink water it flushes out the sugar. You are on the right path. You can and will do it . Welcome to the channel. 🙏

  • @slugo915 says:

    Dennis helped so many people and myself and i pray for him everyday and all that have this disease. You listen and apply his teachings and you like I will lower your numbers. I’m now in the 5 club. And the methods only took me 6 months. God bless you Dennis and Benedict. Hope i spelled her name right. 🙏

  • @MJYouAreNotAlone1 says:

    God bless you Dennis. Every time I see one of your videos, they just almost bring me to tears because I am so grateful for you. I thank the Lord that you are a Christian man, a follower of Jesus Christ, and that one day I will get to meet you when we get to Heaven.❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏

  • @stephenlawlor2876 says:

    Thanks Again Dennis!! 😊

  • @sandyoberkirsch8444 says:

    Thank you for this video. I stay in the death zone almost always. The arrow analogy is helpful to open my eyes on carbs and the food I continue to consume.

  • @babytigtig3795 says:

    Thanks I am a Type 1, and I find your videos so helpful.

  • @jaedo71 says:

    Joy is 🔥🤣 (probably married)

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