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Ban central banking.
You first
Just don’t keep your savings in their currency.
Mass Non-Compliance.
@@Kittiyuli never comply
I can show people these articles, the Hedera , WEF connections…. Lay it all out, show them all the info from multiple sources and they still look at me like a conspiracy theorist!
Its easier to fool a man than convince him hes been fooled.
Ignorance has no boundaries.
I can show it to them in the Bible too (the global beast system) and they blow it off.
“If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry.” — Satoshi Nakamoto
Most of the conspiracy theories are actually facts
This truly is pure evil.
Pay your taxes Plebs.
Otherwise, the just us crowd will Justice Dept your life…
Pls..ill be a good pleab . I promise mommy
Step1: convert Fiat to government controlled digital currency
Step2: ban cryptocurrency
Step3: control your money
The reason we have TFSAs, RRSPs, etc is because you give the government full visibility to those accounts. With digital currency, they will see it all.
Dont know what they are going to see, I stopped buying stuff a long time ago. Besides groceries and gas lol.
So how will this work with investment money? I will not comply.
You’re almost getting it, but you haven’t quite listened to the George’s conclusion at the end
We are truly in the last days. This is the mark of the beast system in Revelation.
Yep cbdc with vaxxed
It’s more likely that the CBDC shows the ordinary reality that people can get ideas from books, and then use these ideas as guides or inspirations for building real things. Communists derived inspiration from utopian literature like Plato’s _Republic,_ for example; but no one argues that Plato’s writings are supernatural.
We are in the last days. Everything is shaping up exactly as the Bible predicted. Turn to Jesus before it is too late
@@edchristman9914absolutely correct. Blessings to you and your family from Glasgow Scotland 🏴✝️🇬🇧🙏🇺🇸
@@albionicamerican8806 Yes, yet none of those writing or gov’t models foretold the future. Sending money to someone across the country in minutes, or it being monitored centrally, wasn’t thinkable 75 years ago let alone 2000 yrs. ago. Compliance, greed and control are the kickers in the coming adapted models. You don’t just guess this stuff 1500 years before a bicycle.
Outside that, technologically were capable implementation wise of a said beast system. The linear path to such a system could certainly be considered natural, but calling it out so long ago definitely isn’t.
Imagine if some event caused the whole ponzi fiat system to die…
Like WW3?
Carrington Event? Take out Bitcorn as well.
When, not if.
They’re working on it now!
“Sandbox”…sounds like something you need to sh$t in 😹
Cats use a sandbox.
Sandbox is the testing stage and SWIFT is beyond the “sandbox” stage, they are ready to implement the CBDC. SWIFT copied Ripples CBDC program which is already live and in use by countries.
If you make a sand castle your hands will stink.
Competition leads to low prices. Monopoly leads to more billionaires and more homeless.
I was wondering why the price of gold and silver was going through the roof! Just saying.
Only way out is to fight.
Some crisis will come along in the digital monetary space that will provide the perfect “opportunity” for this unified ledger as THE solution. For your safety.
It’s going to happen! And it will be facilitated by the younger generation!
Word up ..they will line up to continue and support “progress “
We are getting out of the sh*t system old people left us, you greedy geriatrics screwed the banking system out of greed, and outrageous government spending, petty sure its the old greedy as*holes that have put us in the situation we in……. running your mouth……
We not choosing to support the current system ran by a bunch of thugs. YOU run our debt up to 35T we arent the ones choosing to spend a Trillion dollars every 100 days. Don’t worry just keep that 60/40 portfolio heavy bonds😂😂😂😂
@@seanmonear4917 Central Banks have already outflanked all forms of “currency”. A mass mind shift will only take place once societal collapse happens and the crisis is exactly the nudge that will be used to push everyone into their new (much worse) system of tokenization and digital governance. When things actually get as bad as they want, all the real millionaires will have big rigs, fuel, and mohawks.
We are about to go back to 1700, you better get your horses saddled up.
No problem. Man has riden horses for 5,000 years in history.
My three favorite channels: George Gammon, Stock Brotha, & How Money Works. Make my week complete! 🔥 🔥 🔥
i flatly refuse a CDBC. I’ll go straight to barter.
If you are into it or not does not matter, AKDMTTP is the right thing for this world now
I want this! This is so great! Huge moves expected!! Yay!
It’s a big coin, if you consider who created that that’s gonna have gigantic impact this year
If you say this is only spam you haven’t understood any PR about that and why it’s so powerful
wtf how you get it?
A smart one for the next weeks
As expected we went down a little but AKDMTTP keeps everything strong and in place. These guys really know how to be convincing and the preparation all the years was so well done. Nothing will change in 2024 and nothing will come close to this incredible smart one. True believers for AKDMTTP will have a good year
It’s my personal favorite
Really good one for 2024 and beyond
This is how it SHOULD be made, mark my words if you are getting wasted on this you’ll be pissed tomorrow
Someone should analyze it, review or something…
It’s Amazons coin 𝔤𝔬𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔢 it
Riding the AKDMTTP train feels so good, they really know how to make promises count and bring them to reality
Someone should mention it, review or something…
You can 𝔤𝔬𝔬𝔤𝔩𝔢 it
It’s my personal favorite
Glad to be part of this xDD
Excited to be part of this xDD