
Category Archives for "Health & Nutrition"

How To Get Your Sex Drive Back

Wondering how to spice up your sex life or make it more fulfilling? You're definitely not the only one! In this episode of The Chalene Show Podcast, Chalene Johnson dives into all things sexy and intimate. After reaching out to her Instagram fans for their burning questions about sex, Chalene's ready to tackle the hot […]

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This Old Radio Ad Demonstrates Why America is Full of Diabetics!

Link to all "Beat Diabetes" videos: Dennis Pollock discusses how we have been fooled and tricked by "food" advertisements. Your support of Beat Diabetes is greatly appreciated: Den & Ben's Bible Teaching YouTube Channel: Latest Beat Diabetes Challenge email: "DIABETES EMERGENCY KIT" VIDEO SERIES (for download): "MORE FUNDAMENTALS OF BEATING DIABETES" VIDEO SERIES (For downloading): […]

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High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): The Efficient Path to Peak Fitness

High-Intensity Interval Training, commonly known as HIIT, is a training methodology characterized by brief, intense bursts of physical activity followed by periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. This form of exercise has gained immense popularity due to its efficiency and effectiveness. HIIT is not only a time-saver but also a powerhouse of health benefits, from […]

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