What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur – John MacGregor, Tom Chenault

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

In this episode, host John McGregor interviews guest, Tom Chenault. Tom shares what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a human touch, putting people first, and seeing beyond their corporate value.

Tom shares his journey from being a restaurateur to becoming one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Network Marketing with a downline of a million people through his unique interpersonal skills. He reveals how he utilizes Nowsite AI and his Contact Mapping tool to keep track of his contacts and maintain fruitful relationships. Tom also speaks about his passion for helping people cope with addiction, leveraging his sobriety journey spanning 35 years.

00:00 Introduction and Welcome
01:48 Introduction of Guest: Tom Chenault
08:28 Tom Chenault's Approach to Network Marketing
10:05 Tom Chenault's Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
11:29 Tom Chenault's Success in Network Marketing
14:40 Tom Chenault's Views on Mindset and Wealth Creation
21:19 The Journey of 10X-ing Your Life
24:04 The Power of Relationships and Networking
26:20 The Art of Listening and Remembering
30:30 The Role of Structure and Routine in Success
33:25 The Power of Writing Down Your Goals


Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument or engage in any financial activity.

The content presented here is based on the speaker's personal opinions and research, which may not always be accurate or up-to-date. Financial markets and investments carry inherent risks, and individuals should conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.

Cameron Long

  • @elizabethinsaurralde8037 says:

    Where is Robert? I don’t see him in the show anymore ❤️

  • @truthseeker9173 says:

    What’s his phone number?

  • @valerier4308 says:

    Wow, I have met Tom Chenault, but I never knew his story! I’ve been a customer of his for years. I live 30 minutes away and have attended a few of his meetings. I just can’t do the network marketing business. I’m not a good salesperson. Nobody I know is willing to spend money on high quality nutritional supplements. I believe in them because they improved my health, but most people I know will barely spend money to buy a bottle of Centrum or One A Day!
    I wish you all the best, Tom. God bless.

    • @johnmacgregor3106 says:

      Awesome! Thank you for your comment. Great to hear you like his product. It’s great! But Tom has so much going on beyond network marketing. If you’re that close you should reach out. Your last comment is dead on!!!

    • @valerier4308 says:

      @@johnmacgregor3106 👍 You’re welcome!

  • @agr8tbiz says:

    Fascinating interview!

  • @JohnHernandezNY says:

    Such a good interview

  • @onestonemedia6298 says:

    Deep 🙏🏽Thank you gentle.God bless

  • @stickySituations415 says:

    Hi Tom, that interview was amazing. Give and you will receive.

    Thank you
    Best regards,

  • @bluefish4999 says:

    Great information, I’m a bad name dropper, I think I’ll write something down after I meet people for now on.

  • @deathlarsen7502 says:

    malarkey long winded word salad trying to sell you a seminar

  • @lubosimaboshe says:

    Awesome show

  • @craigbouwers6051 says:

    Thanks for the information John and Tom.

  • @ablamill8357 says:

    MLM again 🙁

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