Watch This Before Starting a Podcast! 5 Things They Don’t Tell You…

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Starting a podcast? Great! Unfortunately, you're going to be surprised by a few things, and I want to make sure you're prepared. In this video, I'd like to share 5 surprising things about podcasting no one is going to tell you.

How to Start a Podcast in 2022 FULL TUTORIAL (equipment & how tos: )

After 10 years of doing this, my goal is to help you get started with your podcast, the right way. If you'd like to cheat sheet with all the steps required to start your show, download that here:


Listen to podcasts? Here are a couple of podcasts that I personally host (with over 65 million combined downloads) that will help you on your online business journey:

The Smart Passive Income Podcast:

AskPat (these are real life business coaching calls):

Also, have you thought about starting your own podcast? Check out my famous podcasting tutorial here on YouTube, the #1 podcasting tutorial on the platform:

The podcasting equipment I use:

My video and live streaming equipment:

Also, follow me at these places below and say hi!

Personal site:

Cheers, and as always, #teamflynnforthewin

Are you a YouTuber? Then check out Tubebuddy, my favorite YouTube add-on that helps me do keyword research, rank higher in search results, get more views, and gain more subscribers. Sign-up for a 30 Day Free Trial of TubeBuddy here:

Cameron Long

  • Manny • R&B Singer 🇩🇴 says:

    I honestly the most important point is to never stop. I think so many people like you said will Pod Fade so if you don’t stop you’ll have an edge on your competitors.

  • Michael Brooks says:

    I started a podcast 3 days ago and this video was very well timed for me. Thank you so much for your advice.

    • Shravani Tonge says:

      What’s it called ?

    • lulu saidi says:

      Can see you posted this 6months ago…how is it going?

    • Michael Brooks says:

      @lulu saidi Hi Lulu, it’s not going well. I stopped the podcast last year. However, I think I want to try again, and really push it out to my followers.

    • lulu saidi says:

      All the best. Second time’s a charm…if I may ask what are the lessons youve learnt from the last time?

    • Michael Brooks says:

      @lulu saidi Thank you for your support. I’d say don’t do it alone or find somewhere you can post the episodes and get feedback. None of the podcasting platforms allow for commenting so unlike YouTube, it can be very hard to get feedback. Feedback can usually motivate you to carry on as well which is something I was missing out on a lot.

  • Synquette says:

    These tips are good! I have to re listen & take notes as I started a podcast. I’m on episode 2 and for me I want to stay consistent! So I’m glad Pat talked about that.

  • Bradley Moser says:

    Thanks, Pat! I discovered your SPI podcast a month ago and have been absorbing it daily. I’m a burnt out college teacher ready to try something new. I’ve decided to start a podcast where I talk to physics educators and share their strategies and insights with the teaching community. I just scheduled my first interview today! This is really happening!! A month ago I couldn’t have even imagined doing a podcast at all. Thanks for everything you are putting out there. Even “bad news” like you shared in this video isn’t enough to get me down. Those seem like reasonable hurdles to overcome, but I’m glad to know about them early.

    • nerdy-art-for-life04 says:

      Hi! Excuse me, if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you how thing have been going for you! I’m interested in starting one soon and wanted to know how things have changed since your start up! Thank you in advance for any helpful insight.

  • T. Blackman Speaks says:

    Hey thanks for the info! When I learned about podcasting (a conference training) consistency was brought to the forefront as a challenge (I’ve already seen it in shows that I like/would like). I appreciate that you named reviews and showed that a quick video message (also thinking that a voice message via FB) is a great option to reach out personally and make the ask. Thank you.

  • Tondeleya Allen says:

    Pat, I love your one-on-one idea of reaching out to viewers. That’s brilliant! I’m a writer and online seller, so I already know that trying to get reviews/ratings is like pulling teeth. Thanks for the video! 😊

  • Podcast Sins says:

    Consistency is kind of a no brainer but it is so important no matter what type of content you’re creating

  • Thomas H Sears says:

    Thanks for this. The most important aspect for me was marketing tips. I have started 5 companies through my life, all but the last failed due to under-cap and dismal marketing. (I had to shut down the last due to finally being overwhelmed by life–long brain disfunction.) I write and record songs so I already have the recording/editing studio – the discussion and advice here (and the links) are helpful. This is not the only podcast tutorial I am watching, but you do present information and encouragement. Thanks.

  • Bunneh3000 says:

    Thanks for these tips, Pat. I’m on my THIRD podcast and STILL looking for ways to get a consistent audience. At this point, I think the “being a guest” tip is probably the best that I haven’t tried yet.

    • 3enzik Films says:

      I often wonder why anyone would be willing to have a person who isn’t famous or popular on their podcast( I am speaking of me)
      But that just may be the little inner voice that likes to beat me down that sounds suspiciously like my mother.

    • KevAng039 says:

      @3enzik Films my friend and I just started one, we are planning on having different friends and family in to have them talk about something that’s important to them that they’d like to bring attention to

  • Jorge Loebl says:

    As usual, your message and delivery are to the point, clear and not sugar-coating the TRUTH. You have saved me lots of future losses and frustration. Thank you Pat.

  • Calm Incense says:

    Thanks Pat, I’ve been on a podfade every since I started a business in 2018 and I began dealing with #3. I even had your player, it’s the 💩 ! Thanks for all the content you push out, in this episode all 5 tips were helpful, I’ve had a intuitive feeling that #4 is correct as well so thanks for sharing the plug for the PK site👊🏽😎

  • Young and Profiting says:

    These are wonderful tips that will definitely help new podcasters avoid reinventing the wheel! I had attempted multiple other podcasts before starting YAP and keeping up with the demand for content is definitely noteworthy for those who want to start their own journey. It requires a lot of research, planning and a great cost of time, but it is WORTH IT! Getting reviews is also GREAT for engagement! Don’t doubt the power of a review! Great video Pat 🙂

  • Alexanne Stone says:

    This is very helpful. Just getting ready to started mine and doing research. So appreciate the “what doesn’t work “ at the beginning of the journey. Consistency is a big takeaway. Thanks so much!

  • RAWRFox says:

    Very refreshing to hear a more successful person say how difficult it is to stay consistent. So many people say to stay consistent, but don’t admit how hard it really is. Thank you!

    • Marissa Bones says:


    • 3enzik Films says:

      When I was doing daily videos on tou tube it was fine. Work from 7:30 til 5pm, shoot on the way to work and to home, then stay up till 2 or three editing. Didn’t do it for long, everything else in my life changed and the CBFs took hold
      I have been meaning to do a podcast for 4 years, but here I am not.
      Being an anxious person, and I know things are about to change with a a kid maybe on the way( another story) and moving/buying a house and I am anxious about not continuing to produce stuff. The starting doesn’t bother me the failing does.
      If you know what I mean.

      Right before covid I put out a casting call for a general you tube sketch channel and vlog( fat and ordinary, since that is how I feel much of the time) got a really good response and had already written scripts for about 15 stories about working in retail as a smart arse. I had 9 people fully committed to come on board and it was going to be fun….
      I am a bit older, a bit fatter, a bit more ordinary.
      Just saying.

      I will put my mini violin away now. 😜

    • Your Subconscious says:

      @3enzik Films – never say never. you sound like you have stories to tell. I’m sure others would listen. After, I read your msg.

    • sapphire crystal says:

      @3enzik Films you can still do it

  • Indiana Preparedness Consultations says:

    Thank you SO much for this video, and I’ll be digging deeper into your library for more. My fiance is starting a podcast and we’ve been lent an entire, giant box of gear which we have zero idea how to use. This podcast gives us a heads-up about avoiding the five pitfalls mentioned. Thanks again!

  • Positive Outlook says:

    We have now been a podcast for almost 6 months, and there are definitely days where it feels like its not working. But, we have never considered quitting, just over a year after this video, and this will be extremely helpful. Thank you!

  • Courtney Berry says:

    I finally took the leap and launched my first podcast “Faithfully Confident with Courtney Berry” and I’m so sad it took me so long to launch it. I was worried I’d have pod-fade and worried I wouldn’t be consistent. After launching, I had NO IDEA you could schedule episodes out lol…. good grief!

  • Hương Việt Mỹ Official says:

    This is so interesting and encouraging. I honestly felt burnt out at the 11th or 12th episodes, and it really created a lot of self–doubts about the value of my content. Thanks for the great tips. It really helps getting back to the work I so love.

  • KrishnaPrasanna vankayala says:

    I started podcasting today and came to know about it. I felt bored a bit but I wanted to create a personal brand of my channel, therefore I decided to be consistent. I will spend daily 1 hour for writing the script and making the podcast recording and editing. Therefore I won’t stop my new hobby i.e. story telling. Thank you for your video. Though I want to make money from that as a side hustle but before doing that I have to make good episodes so that the listeners may rise.

  • David Mount says:

    Hey Pat, thank you so much for this post. One of the biggest things I took away from it was just getting started and being consistent. That even when you don’t feel like it just do it. It is hard to build a audience but it starts with consistency. I do have a question for you. For a beginner in the podcast world what is the best amount of time to start with? Is there a magic number for the length of time for a podcast to garner views and/or interest?

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