PiYo Base Moves Tutorial with Chalene Johnson

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

In this video, I demonstrate some of my favorite PiYo moves. Piyo Flip, Piyo kick through, the plank tuck and stretch, Piyo connector, PiYo Cross and more.

Get started with PiYo today!
No weights, No jumps, just Hardcore RESULTS!

Check out my favorite workout gear and equipment here:

Cameron Long

  • Kari C says:

    Some of my favorite moves too! This really helped me practice! Im 2 weeks in to PiYo. Getting ready to do Core right now. I appreciate your videos, they help and you really dont have to do them-but you do. I started PiYo at 244 and im down to 237 pounds ( im following the eating plan and Shakeology). Thank you for making an amazing program! God Bless

  • E W says:

    loved seeing all the moves done each side and slowed down… you make it look so easy… i know its not,  the flip took me a while  🙂  thank you for this.

  • Shawniqua Glover says:

    This is so helpful to me being newly certified. Thank you 🙂

  • Max Fitness Plans says:

    Awesome stuff Chalene! People are loving this workout!

  • Alicia Johnson says:

    really nice to see the moves in slow motion… I just came off a PiYo challenge throught Beachbody and I LOVE PiYo and I have gotten some of the moved down but when it comes to the flip and Beast kick through I had no idea and just scowled- but seeing them in slow motion and broken down makes more sense and I can now work on one part and go slower- Thanks so much!!

  • Theresa Reid-Boyd says:

    I just purchased this series! So excited to get started. This is my 3rd workout DVD series by you. Love it!

  • Becky Ivary says:

    Thanks for this video. Been doing piyo for about 6 weeks and am doing much better but this was very helpful. I’m 63 and dedicated to my workouts.

  • Victoria R says:

    Hi +Chalene Johnson , I just placed my order for PiYo and can’t wait to get started. The last year was very difficult and the stress showed in my body, so my confidence is very low. I love the look of this workout, it’s just what I need 😊

  • Huan Nguyen says:

    Hi Charlene, you are such an awesome one of the kind fitness instructor. I’ve been followed your workout 15 years ago since Turbo Kick . PiYo is also such a wonderful workout! You are my fitness model as always!

  • Susan Pirrie says:

    Wonderful video – your explanations along with showing the moves from several angles makes it much easier for beginners to follow. I will be giving this a go, not so much for weight loss but for toning.

  • Tad Kellogg says:

    So excited to get started! I’m 52 and new to yoga and Pilates. I have 45 pounds to lose. It looks intimidating, but I’m going to give it my best shot!

  • hahaha yes says:

    I just completed day 4 of PiYo and I really needed help with these moves! Thank you! Do you have any tips for someone (*cough cough * me) who is having trouble keeping up with the videos? It’s pretty fast paced and I always fall behind

  • Jamie Gallo says:

    Chalene is truly a gifted teacher and her podcasts are the bomb! I’ve been in fitness for over 30 years, and have seen a lot,. She inspires me with her straight talk, humor, technical know-how, and faith. Thank you, Chalene!

  • Rachel Lam says:

    I love your workouts! They have it all – muscle building, cardio, and stretch. But the best part is that I don’t need equipment! I just finished one of your workouts from BoD this morning in a hotel room, using paper plates as my slides. 🙂 Thanks Chalene – great stuff.

  • Thomas says:

    Going through a hard breakup so I signed up for a bunch of classes at the local gym including piyo. Thanks for this. Bit nervous about showing up and being totally clueless.

  • Amanda A. says:

    I was really excited to do the kick through the other day. Pretty sure I went a little too fast because I ended up pulling a muscle in my hip. There’s nothing like hip pain to make a 35 year old feel like a 95 year old. 🤣

  • Mary Theodorou says:

    Wow I absolutely love your exercises and, your explanations for each one are fantastic!

  • Allee says:

    Awe ❤️❤️ this reminds me of when I got fit for the first time after having a baby. (~8ish years ago??) I was gifted the piyoDVD set and it changed my life 💪 I’m just smiling thinking of how much I enjoyed watching Chelene, appreciating her encouraging style of coaching. Anyway, thanks for creating this program, for being a sunshine, and for showing me that fitness is enjoyable and fun 😁

  • Deeno Berry says:

    Piyo is perfect for an old washed guy left with effects of a long life combat sports and military life. It was depressing not being able to go hard like I used to but then my wife bought a piyo set and now I found something that is helping me mentally and physically. Love this.

  • Nae Bang says:

    Just finished a workout and stretched then saw if I could do these moves, wow! My heart is racing now more after doing these moves than the whole workout. I’m gonna get these moves down!! Thanks Chalene for explaining step-by-step how to do these moves. It wasn’t as hard as I told myself it was gonna be when I first watched this video 2 years ago.

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