How To Use Manifesting To Get Anything You Want – Interview with Gabrielle Bernstein
Manifesting might be a word that you have resistance to and think of as a "woo-woo" topic. In the past I had my own negative ideas about manifesting but as I've matured and opened my mind to it, I've found that I am actually quite good at it. I've successfully manifested so many amazing things in my life and business and now that I know how to manifest them, I know that it's not a myth but rather a realistic way to get anything you want.
In this video, you'll hear from my good friend Gabrielle Bernstein. She explains the answer to "What is manifesting?" in a clear, concise way. You'll learn how to manifest correctly so that you're using your energy and power to bring what you really want in life, make your dreams a reality, and get anything you want.
You'll learn the tricks to thinking of manifesting as "co-creating with the universe" and how everyday miracles are the way life is SUPPOSED to be. By harboring negative thoughts you're just letting bad energy get in the way of the amazing things that are supposed to be happening in your life.
You'll also learn 3 important manifesting steps you can take immediately to get anything you want:
Step 1: Get Clear – before you can get anything you want you need to know what it is that you want.
Step 2: Release your negative beliefs and have the courage to clean them up.
Step 3: Know the universe has your back.
C'mon over to where the main discussion happens after the episode!
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Yes! Gabrielle stole my heart describing her own journey, and her uplifting spirit. Thank you Marie for sharing this special interview with us. I have also been on a spiritual journey that has manifested so many beautiful things in my life, but you asked for just one. When I found total self love within and said “no more” to half-steppin’ relationships and PATIENTLY waited with the knowing that it was around the corner, it happened. I manifested my dream partner.Next stop:awesome consulting biz!
Marie, Thank you so much for this! I have been having SO much success with manifesting! It’s like faith, you have to believe that it’s going to come true. Keep in mind that Faith without work is Dead/Useless. You have to believe but throwing your feet up in front of a TV won’t get you anywhere. Like Gabby said, she worked very hard to get where she is now. Manifesting + Hard Work = Success. Good luck everyone! <3
Using the power of manifestation, affirmations and creative visualization was a HUGE part of my eating disorder recovery and something that I use a lot with my eating disorder coaching clients. Thanks Marie for being so open about this and sharing it with your wide community. It really works if you are committed, have a desire aligned with your purpose and BELIEVE that it exists right here right now. Love your stuff Marie! Just enrolled in B School – psyched!!
Positive with where I’m going in life. I’m only 20, and on the right path towards getting what i want. I love you for what you have done for me and so many countless others. A simple thank you is not enough. Please continue to do what you do.
I have been listening to this video everyday since it came out. It is so inspiring and there are so many great messages in here.
thanks so much for having Gabby Bernstein on! This really helped me become more patient in my process of applying to medical school and to not be afraid to manifest during all of the stress that can come with it. Thank you for reminding me that sometimes you just need to allow!
I am positive, I know & have faith in my art, singing, and writing. i face quite a lot of negativity that what I am achieving is impossible. I also have much support from great people. Lately I was challenged by great pitfalls & needed this to remind me who I am.
My first manifestation story to follow.
I’ve used manifestation successfully in so many ways throughout my life and this video was a good reminder to keep it going. One example. I created a folder called ‘dream jobs’ back in my 20’s and slipped two job descriptions into it over the years.
I held both positions without even striving.
Thanks to both of you ladies for being such positive, driving forces in the world. Much love!
Marie, thank you so much for being the perfect example of everything you teach, plus being friends with other inspirational teachers like Gabby, whom I met on the Oprah Super Soul Sunday… I feel like you are one of my most important mentors, because I am multi-passionate, too, and you show us that it can be done… That you can be successful + enjoy yourself+ have an awesome life! Gabby = I LOVE your message of MANIFESTATION… Applying it already, thank you!
I needed to receive this message — and I particularly needed to hear this right now. Thank you for sharing this lesson with all of us.
Thank you Marie & Gabrielle; “Manifesting is acquiring the experience that you want to feel and being & living it and allowing it to come into form.” Allow yourself to manifest this or something better!
You two ladies have really made my month! Thank you so much for allowing me to create such positive experiences in my life, i hope to see you live sometime!
Have a great week!
I am on a learning journal regarding Manifesting, meditating, and positive chakra. My daughter introduce me to all of this. I will have clarity in my life, a positive mind, body and soul. I will have nothing but good angels surrounding me and I will be more Spiritual. Thanks Miss Gabby and Miss Marie.
This collaboration was vibrant. Two brilliant woman getting together to assist me in my daily personal development and I thank you!
My manifestation has come with weight.
To be short
All my life food has been the life of the party.
3 years ago I felt depression arising
I cleansed for the past 3 years -going through very difficult times
lowest point was crying with no known reasons to speak of AND one day when I was trying to be helped from the outside world and talked to the words did NOT process from my brain to mouth
AS of TODAY I never accepted medication for what i thought was depression, anxiety, and bipolar…. I learned that foods were triggering my moods and way of being.
ON A DAILY i use food supplements and that has kept my energy level higher!
Really Cool! this is my new personal Google+ page while studying the Ascended Master, so this video is right on!
Call me Babe!
Yes, this is how we do it, believe that it is going to happen, be patient and enjoy the feeling of abundance, let go of fear, anger, jealousy, blame, guilt, sorrow, resentment, irritation, tension and stress. Be open to good things happening.
First off, thanks Marie and Gabrielle for a wonderful episode, wonderful guidelines, and instilling some hope! I want to share a manifestation story of mine!! In the winter during my senior in HS I was getting ready for college, writing down what I wanted/needed to buy for the dorm/school. I wrote things like flip flops, shower tote, desk lamp etc. and among that list I wrote down iPad with a star, because this was entirely optional. I knew I would be getting a laptop at some point for college, but I was also obsessed with having an iPad. I already knew my parents wouldn’t buy one for me, and I was spending all my time with my studies, afterschool programs, and mentoring, so I couldn’t afford it. I kinda let the thought go, however that list was on my wall corkboard next to my bed and I looked at it everyday, sometimes checking off the things, sometimes adding another item. As senior year came to close, my hard work paid off as I was a co-valedictorian of my school and the HS Honoree in my District. I was really proud, and I was excited to be going to FIT in the Fall. At the end of the graduation, the school and district staff came up to me with a present. I had previously gotten a gift in a similar shape, so I shook it a bit and thought it to be a large hardcover book. They insisted I opened it with the quickness, and it was in fact an iPad with a case. WTF. Immediately I started crying, and I asked them if it was really for me!? How could they be so gracious? How could I deserve such a nice gift? I accepted it but still to this day I am amazed. But I know it is because the universe listens. The universe works. I believe that I manifested that item (and other things/opportunities throughout the years). I have seen the universe create my thoughts. That is just one example. I know that life is so hard, but I am a girl from the projects and I busted my butt and the world/universe/school noticed. It recognized that I was vibrating higher, truer to myself, as if I already had it, working hard each day, not worried about the item on the list. I felt that if I didn’t get it this year I would get it in a year or two when I got a job or something. I hope sharing this give you a bit of hope. I suggest anyone who wants to manifest things into their lives to just breathe, listen to these ladies tips, and just go about their life, moving in some way towards that goal. Even if it isn’t the exact goal you want (lets say an Oscar) but you are doing things like improv classes, networking, having your professional stuff in order, and persisting, you never know what can happen. You may land a great broadway role, you may create an amazing webseries, you may even win that Oscar. But you have to believe at the end of the day. Right now I’m personally not in that same wavelength of believe as I once was, it fluctuates, but watching videos like this help me to open my mind to the possibilities in this world. Thank you again for a great show Marie.
Israel Salvador Cedomio Thanks!!
Peace and many blessings!!!
For me, I manifest with seeds of gratitude. How can you get what you want if you don’t know what you want? Sometimes what we think we want is not really what we want. You might say I want a puppy, but what you really want is to feel loved. Marie has a great video on gratitude! Anyway, another great video!
Yes to all of this! I spent last year purging myself of my fears, doubts, disbelief, and inability to live life for myself. I’ve had depression and anxiety since I was 12. I knew they were veils that were keeping me from seeing the larger picture. I am so happy to say that I haven’t had a single panic attack, moment of debilitating dread, or numbness occur in almost three weeks now – and that hasn’t happened in the past 13 years EVER. I began meditating and have began to clearly state out loud and in writing what it is I desire. The note on patience, the note on having faith and not worrying about time because if you know the outcome you don’t need to have anxiety over it really hit me hard. Its like – even when I was wading in muddy waters, I still manifested moving to Las Vegas to become the traveling showgirl I always wanted to be. But now, I know the Ultimate Dream of working with Panic! At The Disco on a large scale touring production is clearly defined on my vision board, so I just have to wait. I will be the person I’ve always wanted to be – because I already am – I already have everything inside of me to BE that person. In the meantime, I continue to keep my waters clear and tend to my internal garden.
I truly believe in this. But moreover I think it’s the discipline and habits you build day in and day out to backup the confidence inside you. Really awesome video and great interview by Marie.
Clarity is the key, and life should be simple, and we are led to what we need to heal. Thank you so much, Gabrielle and Marie, I truly love your show!