How to Re-Program Your Subconscious Mind to Get What You Want w/ Dr. Cathy Collautt

Your subconscious mind holds approximately 97% of the of your brain's processing power and scientists will tell you that the power of the subconscious mind is perhaps a million times greater than the conscious mind.

That's why it's critical to get your subconscious mind onboard when you're trying to make something happen in your life.

In this video you'll learn from Dr. Cathy Collautt, a metaphysician and manifesting consultant, about the 5 steps you can take in your life to get your subconscious mind on board with your conscious goals, and in turn get anything you want.

Step 1 is that after you recognize what the resistance you are having is, you need to stay humble.

Step 2 is to get specific and really narrow in on what your subconscious mind is looking out for. You'll interview your subconscious mind and really get into to the details.

Step 3 is that you need to make a promise to work things out with your subconscious – not to work against it.

Step 4 is to dowse your subconscious mind with positive examples and case studies of people whose lives have improved as a result of getting what you want. The point here is to let the subconscious mind know that it's possible to satisfy all sides of your heart and mind.

Step 5 is to solidify and affirm. The more you ingrain your new perspective in your subconscious mind, the most you can capitalize on its power and its resources to facilitate and execute toward your goal on your behalf.

According to Dr. Cathy Collautt, it's not about fighting yourself to get what you want. It's about gentle introspection and really looking within to the tools that already exist inside of us and have the power to catapult us into anything we truly want in life.

C'mon over to where the main discussion happens after the episode!

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Cameron Long

  • Angelica Perez-Litwin, PhD, MBA says:

    As a practicing Clinical Psychologist, I must say that this is one of the best discussions I’ve seen on how to tackle fear of success, and align your unconscious fears with your conscious goals. Excellent conversation, insight and tips! Thanks Marie and Dr. Cathy!

  • Sparks to Fire says:

    Thank you for this interview and sharing Dr. Cathy Collautt’s powerful framework Marie. Some might quibble about the words used. However, the power of aligning all we are cannot be denied. Any quibbling should not stand in the way of us (me) taking action and making adjustments as we (I) learn more.

  • Tiffany Britt says:

    I think that this video is so powerful because Dr. Cathy simplified things. She did not go into detail about habits, debate the meaning of success, or discuss experience and exposure in a great degree of detail as you have. That does not mean those things aren’t important- she just focused on the key points that she wanted us to really get.

  • vegangrit says:

    great vid and such valuable info from Dr. Cathy! Thank you Marie! I never thought that all of that gut level resistance I’ve been feeling towards certain things in my biz+life are important messages from my subconcious. I think it’s time for me to have a heart to heart conversation w/ it and take notes so that real growth can happen. Please have more Dr. Cathy interviews and btw more from Ramit Sethi and Gabby Bernstein.

  • Ken Ross Jordan says:

    Awesome stuff, thanks Marie and Cathy, You are changing lives and our world for the better! Blessings to you all, Ken

  • Amy Satori says:

    Another fantastically helpful video… thanks, Marie! Those were some amazing statistics and analogies. I wish they’d teach this stuff in school, ya know? These are more valuable tools than anything else we spend all that time learning about in school currently.

  • Erica McStay says:

    How have I been a dedicated MarieTV viewer for a year and a half and not seen this fantastic interview? Thank you Marie and Kathy for a job well done!

  • Shelby Steele says:

    Wow, this is brilliant and enlightening. Ive just been trying to ignore my negative thoughts and fears but I had never considered acknowledging and compromising with them. I am so glad i came across this video. Thanks Marie!

  • Debra Wilder says:

    Wow!!! This hit the nail on the head for me. I can’t believe I didn’t think this is why I go back and forth- I have a fear of losing freedom. Thank you so much! Success increases my freedom in life… I will be able to travel even more and have more time with family, yoga & spiritual practices.

  • Mas says:

    This is great! So many people try to explain how to reprogram the mind and is rarely find anyone who actually makes sense. This was simple, no BS and I’m excited to try these steps! Thanks!

  • RedheadedPrincess says:

    Marie, I love the language you use when interviewing. “I love that,” “what I’m hearing you say is,” “this is so delicious.” I find your conversational style very inspiring!! I think your method of active listening helps pull the best out of the interviewee. Great stuff as always Marie!!

  • Louis Cordero says:

    What a great video on the sub conscience. Thanks Marie and Dr. Kathy C.
    We all have fears and I am one of them. I affirm daily what I want to achieve and speak to my sub conscience on what I want to achieve and that it will be beneficial not only to myself but to others. 

  • Jenn May says:

    Definitely got a TON from this, even though much of this I practice and guide others to do, I found this video showing how much more specific and systematic you can make the process of reprograming your subconscious! Thank you so much for such a great interview, wrote a lot down that I will be implementing! You both are beautiful! xoxo

  • Ashley Flinn says:

    I love this video. First time coming across your videos. This really breaks it down into attainable steps instead of just speaking what you want. Thank you. I got my notes and I’m ready!

  • LovingSoul61 says:

    This is very affirming for me because I started to this exact process about a year ago. And it was all intuitive. I love having the spaces to talk about these things. I love this. Thank you!❤

  • Robert Hackett says:

    Awesome step-by-step process. I just signed up for B-school and getting some serious learning. I finished the “Start the Right Business” workbook (for the most part) this weekend and I was delighted to see this video popup on my Youtube channel. I’m you’re newest maniac fan Marie. Keep on rocking.

  • BrittnySyndrome says:

    Marie thank you so much for this channel. I can’t express how much this platform with remarkable women and men truly, truly lifts my spirits. This means everything to me. You are amazing and I thank you for bringing such a platform to life!

  • Christina Hunte says:

    This might just be my favourite episode of Marie TV. I’ve watched this so many times and it hits home differently each time.

  • Ever Evolving Leadership says:

    I really enjoyed this. My inner battle is one I’ve been fighting for a long time and after listening to this, I realize it doesn’t have to be a battle. Time to embrace!

  • Mary V. says:

    I affirm, “Success increases my freedom in life!” 🙌🏻

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