How to Lose Weight Automatically (3 Key Strategies) | Jason Fung

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

Learn how to lose weight automatically. Dr Jason Fung first discusses what comprises habits and how to best change them. The second key strategy is to put fating on the schedule. The third key strategy for automatic weight loss is to spoil your appetite for fattening foods. Check out my blog at

More Information:

The Obesity Code – Reviewing underlying physiology of weight loss and how low carb diets and fasting can help.

The Diabetes Code – Reviewing how type 2 diabetes is a reversible disease and dietary strategies.

The Cancer Code – Scientific exploration of how cancer develops –

Canada –

**Fasting Aids**
Pique Fasting Tea (recommended)

Fasting Community and Coaching:

YouTube Medical Lectures (for specialist physicians):

1. The Roots of the Obesity Epidemic –
2. Therapeutic Fasting – The Two Compartment Problem: ​​
3. Does Calorie Counting work? ​​
4. Two Big Lies of Type 2 Diabetes –
5. Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Naturally –
6. Insulin Toxicity – ​​
7. Saturated Fat – Friend or Foe?
8. Diet and Disease –
9. Dangers of Fructose –
10. Insulin Resistance –
11. Role of Hormones in Weight Loss –
12. The Obesity Code Lecture 1 –


0:00 How to lose weight
0:32 Making weight loss a habit
1:13 Obesity trends in the USA
2:37 Dietary habit changes
3:17 Changing Habits
8:37 Put it on the schedule
10:26 Spoil your appetite
12:22 Weight loss success story

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Cameron Long

  • LaneyOfLimerick says:

    I remember doing the Scarsdale diet back in the 70’s and using Dexatrim.

    Now I do extended fasting. On a fast now. OMAD 23:1 for the most part. Down 47 pounds since Nov 2nd 💗

    Good info! Thank-you, Dr. Fung! ☺️

  • Gタワーハウス says:

    I’m not only saving my life from misery and shame but also my wasted money on buying junk food I used to eat between meals. Thank you Dr Fung!

    • Rae_23_Rae says:

      Oh man I know all about wasting money on junk food!!!! I’m saving soooo much money because of his tools to help us lose weight!!!!

    • Connie Babcock says:

      I would be a millionaire if I had all the money I spent on bad foods especially candy. I started at an early age eating potato chips and tomato soup for lunch and candy bars and Twinkies for dessert and of course I had to have a dessert every meal and I am 75 years old so what a pity. What I could have done with all of that bad stuff that has made me now have hardening of the arteries. Fasting is the only thing I can do I have tried every day to lose weight but my sugar addiction has brought me out of it all the time. I went to a weight specialist in Palo Alto when I was 13 and he put me on a diet program with no oil no white flour no white sugar I lost weight and looked and felt the best. I tried Eileen feather gym program which was a hoax also. This fasting makes me feel better and it makesMy mind work better. The sugar only fogs up everything but I can’t seem to let it go sad story isn’t it thank you Dr. Fong you are a miracle worker

    • Trinity Jn Louis says:

      @Connie Babcock and

    • Anita Salpekar says:

      @Connie Babcock you’re only 75 yrs young. At least you have the courage to’re such an inspiration for everyone.

    • Pottenger's Human says:

      Not to mention worthless supplements and exercise equipment

  • Gypsy Moon Designs says:

    I like how you explained this. I recently changed my que. Around 9pm I would eat a small amount of sunflower or pumpkin seeds while watching a movie. At first I told myself this is better than the popcorn I used to eat. Last month I stopped night time eating and changed the que. Before a movie I do a routine with essential oils, rub it on my feet and spray some on my pillow. So, instead of sitting there struggling with not having a snack, my brain says now is the time to feel relaxed with beautiful aroumas.

  • Jose Rosa says:

    Doctor Fung, this is the first time I’ve ever left a comment on any platform on social media. I’d like to thank you for the help that you’ve given me and my wife. Changing our eating habits has really enriched our lives. Again, thank you very much.

  • Kamille Lord says:

    Currently I’ve lost 40lbs. I have another 60 to go to my goal weight. Thanks Dr Fung, I love your content it really helps motivate me!

    • Jason Fung says:

      Wow that’s amazing, Great Job!

    • Ms Yemisi says:

      Awesome im down 23 and still going.

    • Lainie Lynn 🦋 says:

      I’m new to this – any tips/suggestions on what worked for you.
      I find this procesd very overwhelming but I’m motivated I have to be.

    • Lainie Lynn 🦋 says:

      Awesome job!

    • Kamille Lord says:

      @Lainie Lynn 🦋 idk if this is a tip/trick, but I use sparkling water a lot since the bubbles trick your taste buds into thinking you’re eating. I also like to incorporate green tea. A lot of intermittent fasting is mental, so make sure you know why you’re doing it and just stick to it, bc it works! Good luck!

  • Tammy B says:

    This was my favorite so far of your Sunday shorts! I think this type of info needs to get out there more in the LCHF, keto/carni & fasting world. Some people make it look and sound so damn easy forgetting that there’s real-world people out there that really struggle🤷

  • Laura Garofoli says:

    As a psychologist, I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate your sharing this content with everyone! I use different vocabulary, but I teach this same lesson to my college students every semester! You are the best! 🙂

  • Robert C Lynch says:

    I’ve fasted 18:6 for almost a year and I’m down from 313 pounds to 208 pounds. I crave my two meals per day, but I never get hungry and the nutrition has never been better.

    • Nancy issa says:

      Did you exercise

    • Robert C Lynch says:

      @Nancy issa just a 30 minute walk each day – nothing more.

    • Anjana Bafna says:

      & what supplements do you take along with 18:6

    • Robert C Lynch says:

      @Anjana Bafna Hi, I take Vitamin D 4000 iu (with K included), a quality Fish-oil supplement for Omega 3, a quality powdered liver capsule for added nutrition and a daily electrolyte capsule – for a good electrolyte balance. I rely on the quality of my food for the rest of my nutrition – like nutritional yeast and ground flaxseed.
      Hope this helps.

    • Occupied With Christ says:

      Do you fast the 18:6 every day?

  • Queen Dubya says:

    I just did my first 72 hour fast last week. I lost 6.4 pounds and a week later, its still gone! Yay! I’ve lost over 120 pounds and have been sort of stuck in the same 5 pound range for the last 18 months. I’m hoping to fast my way to the last 20 pounds to my goal!! 💚

  • Ruel Tipo says:

    I was so inspired by all of your videos Dr. Fung, from 94kg, now I’m only 65kg within 6 months of doing Intermittent Fasting.

  • Iliud Carrillo RN says:

    Dr Fung I’m a register nurse working for an insurance company I been a renal nurse for 11 years and i been recommended you work for years i was able to stop diabetes for my dad and reverse kidney disease. I thank you so much for the teaching that you give the world.

  • Jason Fung says:

    Learn how to break through weight plateaus here –

  • OlGravey says:

    I started doing a ketogenic diet and fasting regime after topping out at 387 lb and being diagnosed with a glucose impairment issue. Since starting into my plan, largely based on the knowledge you’ve shared, (and setting an incredibly aggressive daily carb target) I’ve dropped 63 pounds in 92 days. Thank you for freely sharing; what I’ve learned has been life changing.

  • Dana Cheong says:

    The psychology behind habits and advice on ways to better serve yourself are really needed. This is great for turning a diet into a lifestyle. Awesome work here, thanks a lot!

  • Gaurav Goenka says:

    Dear Dr Fung, I started my fasting journey about 2 1/2 years ago and you were one of my biggest inspirations. You videos were most informative and scientific. I lost 30 kgs in the first year and made fasting my life style. For last 2 1/2 years, I eat only one meal a day and do a 48 hour fast once a week a matter of routine and habit. I would urge that you keep posting as many videos as possible given your expertise and scientific knowledge for the larger benefit of all. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration in this amazing amazing journey!

  • gLanceD says:

    Pro tip: Use your procrastination to your advantage. Everytime you feel like snacking, just tell yourself, “I’ll snack later.”

    • Viola Hamilton says:

      This trick worked for me to quit smoking. And of course the craving only lasted less than a solid minute, and I would remind myself of it again, till I had forgotten the craving.

    • Jenn Vazquez Fitness, Yoga, and Wellness says:

      Haha! Brilliant

    • Sharonda Lewis says:

      That’s a great idea! Thanks, I’ll try it later😏

    • agapeLOVEpietas says:

      I like using laziness too. Don’t buy bad food when grocery shopping so then when I crave it I have to go to the store to get it and don’t want to. LOL

    • Abhishek Tripathi says:

      Tell yourself that I will go out for a walk and eat later.

  • Marcy Anderson says:

    I’ve been on 18:6 fasting for three weeks now and when my body feels like it’s hungry I brew fresh ginger tea, no sugar and that eliminate the hunger. I also stop using sugar, get my sugar naturally from fruits and I only drink water. I am feeling good about this decision!! 🙏🏽

  • Dany Anka says:

    His way of speaking is a big factor of why people get encouraged to do it, there’s very few people that have this gift. He keeps it real with no condescending tone. And he is never selling anything aggressively. We are so glad that you exist. Thankyou from the heart!

  • Liv says:

    I am so grateful to you and your videos, Dr. Fung. ALL my life I self depreciated and self harmed because I believed being obese was my fault. After watching and learning from you, Dr. Berg and Dr. Ekberg I am now on a track to better health and well being. Thank you!

  • Marshall scott says:

    Dr Fung, you and Dr Berg are just absolutely phenomenol in changing people’s lives for the better. I know I feel better with your advice and the fasting. God bless and thank you so much! 🙏

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