
Category Archives for "Health & Nutrition"

Build Your Diabetes-Reversing Diet Around These 8 Foods, and WATCH GLUCOSE LEVELS DROP!

Link to all "Beat Diabetes" videos: Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, discusses some of the core foods that make up a diabetes-beating, diabetes-reversing diet. Your support of Beat Diabetes is greatly appreciated: Den & Ben's Bible Teaching YouTube Channel: CHALLENGE TO BEAT DIABETES IN 6 MONTHS VIDEO SERIES (download): ? "DIABETES EMERGENCY KIT" VIDEO SERIES […]

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To Beat Diabetes – Go Plant-Based or Low-Carb? Resolve the Conflict & Diabetes Retreats

Link to all "Beat Diabetes" videos: Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, discusses the plant-based vs low-carb approach to beating diabetes, and shares important insights that at least one plant-based doctor has in common with the low-carb folks. Your support of Beat Diabetes is greatly appreciated: Den & Ben's Bible Teaching YouTube Channel: CHALLENGE TO BEAT […]

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Losing Weight After 50 My #1 SECRET

Join me as I share my journey of losing 12 pounds and 12% body fat using unconventional strategies tailored for women facing midlife changes like perimenopause and menopause. Discover how I stopped dieting, changed my exercise routine, reduced stress, and considered hormone replacement therapy to create a more sustainable and enjoyable approach to health and […]

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