DOGE vs The Fed: The TRUTH About Your Money (They Don’t Want You to Know!) – Andy Tanner
America needs to take Responsibly
Don’t listen to the people in the cheap seats 🍿
DOGE Wants to Audit the Fed… Here’s Why! – Tom Wheelwright, Bob Coleman
My Daughter will be a Millionaire
Why California is DOOMED
I put GOD before anything
Why I’m Bullish on Crypto Now
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If she gets educated in the financial sector she will be successful, skilled mentors are better then teachers
I don’t see often teachers becoming businessman, it’s the other way around businessman teaching different skills
Think about implementing AI , that’s the future
Expand the mind. Not just be a one trick pony. Life is more than making money.
So go thousands into debt for that mind expansion? A world tour will expand it way more and cost a fraction of college. The value of college beyond stem professionals is in the toilet.
Joke of a comment 😂
@AdityaKaul-dm8fk i don’t entirely disagree, but these comments usually come from people who simply can’t handle the responsibilities and challenges of college. There are other ways to pay for college. Scholarship, employer, grants, military service…
@SuperRkstar usually said by the mentally lazy. There are other ways to pay for college.
I think I’ll just let my daughter be a little girl
Absolutely. That’s very very important. It can be cute to see children that are evolved beyond their age but It is very important to remember to let them have a childhood and be a child. It can be traumatic later in life to miss that.
Just. Lol
“I’m gonna just get handed wealth from you daddy…you’ll make it look like I worked for it, but really I’m just getting a handout because of nepotism.”
So it’s nepotism to hand things down to your kids?
That’s some expensive validation
Not for grant
I went to college and got my doctorate and it’s awesome, I absolutely love what I do and I’m great at it!!
Did he mention Harvard?
When you’re not struggling you can actually go further. In life. Not just financially.
Oh Dad! She melts your heart!
I can help get her into Harvard for free
She is a precious person.
🙌🔥learn more from successful people be with you,then from broke school teachers.
I was approved for $15,000 from chase thank you so much. Only my LLC for 1 MONTHLY