Science Based Ways To Look Younger And Live Longer

Learn how to improve your skin tone, boost energy, and restore that youthful glow! Discover the research and revolutionary practices guaranteed to help you look and feel younger!

In this episode of The Chalene Show Podcast, Chalene Johnson dives deep into the secrets of maintaining a fresh, youthful appearance without resorting to surgical interventions. Discover the transformative power of sun protection, hydration, and the magic of restful sleep. Hear personal anecdotes that echo the beauty and confidence of aging gracefully. Chalene unpacks the significance of lifestyle and diet in longevity and vibrancy. Learn about the antioxidant goldmine in your kitchen and why exercises like zone two cardio can be a game-changer for youthful vigor.

But it's not all about the physical; Chalene stresses the impact of stress on aging and shares calming practices like tapping and meditation. Plus, get the real scoop on alcohol and smoking's effect on appearance. It's time to embrace aging with wisdom, making conscious choices that reflect on the outside and the beauty within.

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Cameron Long

  • shannon parker says:

    I totally agree with you about aging! I love myself so much more today. I feel so grateful to age! My Mom didn’t get this opportunity. So I take full advantage of every day in honor of her too! ❤️

  • Patrick Plummer says:

    Chalene is smart, gorgeous and forever 21 and a gift from God!

  • Leap Into The Wild says:

    Re STRESS — my mantra since a teen is: it’s not what happens to you; it’s how you REACT to what happens to you! I’m certainly not a natural let-it-roll-off-my-back kind of person, but I’ve trained myself not to overact so emotionally over the years. It’s much better for my mental health, and blood pressure! 😊

    • Chalene Johnson says:

      You are def doing it right!!

    • Melissa Alfonso says:

      I stretch 2 times day. Stopped running, low impact hit, weights, bike, walk, sunset yoga at the beach, journal. Best part… 58 and got a string bikini. Zone 2.
      Love your videos. ❤
      FYI. Zero process 💩🍷

  • Juys Deano says:

    Yes to sunblock!! Even if you’re not going outdoors. Then double cleansing before doing your skincare at night. Btw thank you for this amazing tips Chalene!!! ❤

  • L.HighVibrationalLiving says:

    👏 Thanks so much for this, tips in this video are really useful, ps:- You are totally right about the cold plunges, as it’s definitely off balance & just another social media fitness trend, till another one comes along!! Appreciate your content ⭐️ 🙏🏽

  • Landra Gentles says:

    You look amazing!! I also was in the best shape of my life: healthly, vibrant and young-looking from age 50 to 56. I felt my best and have ALWAYS taken care of my diet and exercise. Now 10 years later, gravity and sagging is starting to take effect (still feel wonder and in great shape); however, some of us have never had ANY type of procedures or botox and can never compete with those than are able to. I would if I could! 😏 Keep up the great work and motivation beautiful lady!!!❣️

  • Jann Little says:

    I’m with you girl. I learned when I was younger.. never let them see you sweat.. And my feet are cold daily, twenty four seven..thyroid makes them colder.. so that out of the question.

  • Gladys m says:

    love my sauna!!! thank you for an amazing video. meditation has made me stress free and more productive all around, including looking younger

  • Joella Hopkins says:

    I am so glad you talked about the sun. I have been so careful but I also walk my dogs 3x per day in the hot Texas sun and don’t always put sunscreen on my arms. Well I recently received a very scary melanoma diagnosis – thank God my margins came back clear after surgery (huge scoop out of my arm) but I will never make that mistake again! I’ve been so careful with my face and neck but the rest of the body matters too! ❤

  • Neringa Varanauskiene says:

    Love hyperbaric chambers. I have done it to help me to recover from a very difficult case of Covid in 2020. After spending 10h over period of 2 weeks in the chamber I felt like new. And later I did another 10h just because I loved it so much. I wish I could do it again but yes it is very expensive.

  • Nikki Johnson says:

    I absolutely love you. You are transforming the way I feel about aging. Thank you, Chalene!!

  • María Esther Ramírez says:

    I am 48 and just found you! I just wish I would have found you before! I am binge watching your knowledge bomba! Thanks for simplifying it all for us ❤

  • Dee Dee PENN says:

    You are such an inspiration to us – you’re beautiful, smart, healthy and positive. I took notes so I’ll be incorporating some of these things into my lifestyle. Thank you Chalene! 🙂

  • IronAngelsFitClub says:

    I’m so grateful for what I know about resistance training and nutrition. I know I’m aging better than my mom, even though she is fairly healthy, I feel like resistance training and hormone therapy and Pilates are making me younger and reversing any damage I’ve done. Thank god for educating oneself and modern technology.

  • bigaz72 says:

    I love your perspective on love, life, and the pursuit of happiness! How we can and must continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes we look in the rearview mirror and wish we were younger. When this golden age (I’m 61) can be every bit as awesome. The things I know now about healthy living are so much better. I may not be as powerful but like to think I’m a lot smarter and don’t sweat the small stuff. I still think you and your hubs are still hotties. Keep inspiring

  • Territa Daye says:

    I would love to sleep better. Please share the habits that helped you. I have definitely aged in the last few years, thanks to stress and lack of sleep.

  • Chalene Johnson says:

    Share some of your anti-aging secrets!

  • Amanda Denton says:

    I’m in the phase of life where I am blessed with young children but not much sleep! This was a great reminder on all accounts. I have had the most success in managing my weight when I incorporate intermittent fasting. I would love to see a video on that topic! 🤗

  • Jamie Andrick says:

    I’m a redhead/fair skinned, so I don’t go out in the sun that much. I’m so grateful for my bed, it tracks my sleep patterns! Eating clean and weight training also produces autophagy. I’d rather do that then fast.. fasting can also cause damage to the muscles if not done for the right reasons or for too long, I’m sure you know this. Muscles will give up their “energy” for the bodies organs first, plenty of podcast’s that speak about this with science to back it up.. I’ve watched my sister fast way too long, and it didn’t help her one bit! In fact, I’d go as far to say it most likely hindered her, especially her muscle mass. Fasting is actually a stressor and raises cortisol.. this info irritates me so much.. sorry but I’ve seen the mental and physical damage that fasting for diet/age causes!

  • Julie Heinemann says:

    Would love an update on intermittent fasting. I have been doing it a long time, but you don’t always reduce calories. Sometimes you do a little bingeing. If you can do an update , that would be great! I am turning 70 tomorrow and love this video! Taking notes! Thank you, Chalene. xo

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