
Category Archives for "Health & Nutrition"

Why This Doctor Converted from Low-Fat to High-Fat, and how this Affects DIABETES

Link to all "Beat Diabetes" videos: Dennis Pollock discusses Dr. Mark Hyman's conversion, and how he came to promote a high-fat diet. Your support of Beat Diabetes is greatly appreciated: Den & Ben's Bible Teaching YouTube Channel: "DIABETES EMERGENCY KIT" VIDEO SERIES (for download): "MORE FUNDAMENTALS OF BEATING DIABETES" VIDEO SERIES (For downloading): Order Dennis […]

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When Pres Bill Clinton and Dean Ornish Love your Diabetes Book, You Know There is a PROBLEM !

Link to all "Beat Diabetes" videos: Dennis Pollock discusses a diabetes book praised by Pres Bill Clinton and Dean Ornish, and discusses some some of its issues. Your support of Beat Diabetes is greatly appreciated: Den & Ben's Bible Teaching YouTube Channel: Latest Beat Diabetes Challenge email: "DIABETES EMERGENCY KIT" VIDEO SERIES (for download): "MORE […]

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