Cardio vs Weights After 40 (Wish I Knew this Sooner)
The #1 Cooking Oil for Health & Longevity – Are You Using It? – Dr. Nicole Srednicki
DOGE vs The Fed: The TRUTH About Your Money (They Don’t Want You to Know!) – Andy Tanner
The Purpose Is YOU ⚡️ #motivation #inspiration #mindset
Don’t listen to the people in the cheap seats 🍿
DOGE Wants to Audit the Fed… Here’s Why! – Tom Wheelwright, Bob Coleman
Learn How to Use Debt for Real Estate Investing – Jaren Sustar
Global Real Estate Markets Could Crash Because Of This…
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It is all relative. If all houses went up, my wealth did not go up even though my equity value went up. Net is zip.
Your wealth did go up if you have low interest fixed rate debt. That loan gets paid off with deflated dollars.
But practically u can take more equity out of ur house so its more liquidity. And if ppl need to decide bettwin another credit card high intrest loan or equity from their house to pay for their lifestyle some will use this option
Houses didn’t gain value, the money just lost value.
I try to explain this to people constantly but no one gets it.. 😖
What happened to our incomes though
@@Joe-pq4rq Incomes went down for many people
Income also goes up for others.
If the American people allow the central bank to control their money. First, by inflation and then, by deflation. Their children will end up with nothing and be happy eating bugs.
It’s by design. Climbing the stair step of worry takes too long for them to steal your $$.. Why not steal it through a glorified confusing toxic sludge margin call?
This would actually prop up home prices. Now, people will be renting out their home, taking out equity and buying another home at 3.5 APR with the line of credit.
Things only bust when you can’t borrow anymore.
In the short term, yes.
Excellent information keep it rolling George.
“Taxable Events”
Every time I look at my retirement I’m proud, until I look at my dads retirement 50 years ago and realize I’ve done no better.
The dollar is crashing is whats happening… not appreciation!
The dollar isn’t crashing. The opposite is happening, and will continue to happen, if the Fed keeps rates higher for longer.
@@reservecurrency lol okay.
@@reservecurrency they’ll cut soon, since the only remaining inflation is in rent and insurance
Im from the government and im here to help.
We’re screwed!
Get out of fiat-denominated financial instruments. Buy real assets.
They want to rinse, repeat. Dump the value down, then make it rise again, and profit both ways.
George, I’m almost debt free – just a few more years and my house will be paid off. I’m not falling for it! :>
Kiyosaki says you’re an idiot. 🤷♂️
I bet I can convince you. You can get a line of credit. Keep it available and not pay interest until you use it. If the market comes down or you get a good opportunity to good to pass, you will have a good source too get cash from. Would you or wouldn’t you?
Kiyosaki would say you’re an idíôt.. 🤷♂️
Robert Kiyosaki would say that’s stupid 🤷
Have you read or watched (for free) The Great Taking?
Private entities with an implicit guarantee = economic fascism
I love the condescending laugh. Keeps me coming back
The last year I have gotten so many calls about tapping into home equity. NOPE!
If you own gold, you can use this against them, and with the right timing you could end up with a free house or two.
The trap!!!
Why do the taxpayers always have to bail out the banks?
why(?)…. because not enough taxpayers are saying “enough is enough”
@@gunfunandstuff9226 All of us say enough is enough. The problem is voting has no power when it’s stolen, and the system by design is corrupt to the core.
Because the people carrying the load are now in the minority. Even if we complain, the majority (who often have inflation-adjustable incomes) will crack the whip and say, work harder sucka! This relationship was always the goal of a certain party.
Because you’re dumb enough to pay tax.
Lol because we are slaves. And slaves endlessly toil for the benefit of the masters
George Gammon will go down in history as the,, funny truthfully economist”
This is so infuriating. We shouldn’t have to bail them out! This is criminal.
You wouldn’t have to if you hold PMs
We do NOT have to.
Never ever take advice from Government or a Banker…on anything
“By 2030 YOU will own nothing have no privacy and be happy” – WEF 🤔
And enjoying our bug salad.
@@Thisishard2333 isn’t it government over reach to ban bug salads like they did in florida