I Wish Someone Told Me | Caring For Aging Parents

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

Caring for aging parents can be so stressful and complicated! How do you handle all of the complex family dynamics during this season of your life?

Join Chalene Johnson in this episode of The Chalene Show Podcast as she empowers caregivers facing the complexities of caring for aging parents. Explore the emotional challenges of the sandwich generation and gain valuable insights from Chalene's personal experiences. Learn how to initiate essential conversations about end-of-life plans and wishes with aging parents, focusing on proactive planning, using open-ended questions, and deciphering family dynamics in caregiving.

Tune in to discover ways to navigate this life stage while reducing the burden on your family.

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Links from today’s episode:
Life Planning
I’M Dead Now What

Downloadable End Of Life Planner

Past Episodes
When Your Parents Need Care | with Amy Cameron O’Rourke – 802

How to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia | The Must Share Episode – 902

Avoiding Alzheimer's with Dr. Dean Sherzai – 685

Why is Alzheimer's More Common in Women? | Dr. Lisa Mosconi | XX Brain – 529


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Cameron Long

  • SusanneJ says:

    I have 3 parents. One just died, my mum just got really sick, i feel like ive lost years. I was the only frontline person. Just off the back of menopause that also triggered suppressed sexual abuse trauma, the plandemic etc… it broke me 😢 …its also an initiation into who i really am. ❤

    • Chalene Johnson says:

      I’m so sorry to hear about all the challenges you’ve been facing. It sounds like an incredibly difficult time for you. Sending you strength and support. 💜


    It was so very hard taking care of my mom with dementia. Yet, so very rewarding. Mom passed last year and I miss her every single day. 😢

  • JR says:

    Thanks for this video, I’m sure a lot of us out here are now dealing with this along with the other sides of Life. Happy Thanksgiving tou you and all of yours. Take Care

  • Stacy Jones-Erickson says:

    ❤️Thank you! I just finished a 3 month stint with my 86yo mom who is on oxygen 24/7 and still smokes. Me oldest, she has disliked me my whole life. But outta 5 kids, only the youngest and myself available to take care of her. So , thank you for this affirmation. IT IS HARD ON US ALL!!! But I know l am doing the right thing. ❤️Follow your heart.

  • Heidi Hackbarth says:

    Such an important topic to learn more about because it affects all of us!

  • Bonnie Davis says:

    My mom in law is 94, and she’s in an assisted living, and I have guilt about this but, we have a small home, a 25 year old son with Autism, and my husband works from home, so it would so difficult to have her here. My mom is 87 and getting dementia. That grieving you mentioned truly is what I am going through. Thank you for this, very informative

    • Chalene Johnson says:

      The guilt can be the worst but you have to also protect your own health and sanity. I feel you and have been there.

  • mary deering says:

    Caring for aging parents is a much needed episode for many. I’ve been there and it is a difficult time in my journey. I try to help others going through this. Thank you for your great episode.❤️🙏🏼

  • Kat Parrott says:

    My heart hurts for you and anyone who has to go through this❤️ thank you for giving a silver lining to having absent and often terrible parents because I will never have to deal with this.

    • Chalene Johnson says:

      Thanks for your comment! It’s tough, but finding a silver lining can make it a little better. Hang in there!

  • theycallmerachelle says:

    Such a great episode, Chalene! I can attest to the toll of stepping up as caregiver to parents and grandparents. I took care of both my grandmother and grandfather for 10 years and now it starting with my mother. All while being a single working parent. I would not have it any other way but it did wreck havoc on my physical and mental health. I care too dang much but that wasnt the problem. Like you said, having those discussions early and setting boundaries is so important.

    • Chalene Johnson says:

      Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad the episode resonated with you. It’s so important to prioritize our loved ones’ well-being while also taking care of ourselves.

  • Marie Vlachos says:

    I would love to see an episode on what we as 50ish year olds can do to protect ourselves from dementia especially if we have a genetic history to it. On my mother’s side both my grandparents had versions of it and both of my mother’s older sisters had it

  • Chalene Johnson says:

    Tell us about your own experience as a caregiver for a family member or parent ?? What one piece of Wisdom would you give to others?

    • Pit Pride says:

      I typed out my story in the comments. But my biggest advice is to know your limits and don’t be guilty. Do what you’re capable of doing while maintaining health yourself. Whether that is emotionally or financially. Overcommunicate.

    • That True True from the 8Y & 8Y says:

      Harder to do when your a child and a child of a single parent 🤔

    • Diann Stover says:

      My wisdom is try not to take what they say to heart, and if you let it go, just let it go, or it will eat you up inside. Someone with Dementia or Alzheimer’s, they don’t know what they are saying and how they are acting. The brain is diseased, and it takes them over, so they won’t remember 10 mins after they hollered and screamed mean names at you. I really wish I had my mom back
      I miss her
      She is still here, but really, it feels like she is gone. I love her through this so so much!!

    • Diann Stover says:

      @pitpride1220  you are right. But not feeling guilty is hard. I had to set boundaries for my mom because it’s just way too much. Her dementia is progressing her into someone I don’t know, and other times, she is ok. The holidays are the hardest. Even though she’s here, it is not the same .thank you for your advice.

  • Denise says:

    This is needed 🙏🏾

  • Georgette Castillion says:

    Thanks for covering this imperative topic! It definitely helps us feel less alone! -xo

  • Sherrell Boonstra says:

    Going thru dementia with my father, while my mom is still extremely active. Although I’ve started having the conversations, this was great info. Thank you for sharing.

    • Chalene Johnson says:

      I’m really sorry to hear about your father’s dementia. It’s a tough situation, but I’m glad this video could provide you with some helpful information. Hang in there and take it one day at a time. You got this!

  • Caroline Murray says:

    Thank you, Chalene! This is so helpful and insightful x❤

  • Suzanne McKean says:

    Thank you so much! I feel so grateful to still have both of my parents at 59. My parents don’t want to listen to anything I say and they still treat me like a teenager. 😂 My parents are doubling down just like you talked about. ❤❤❤God help me! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • Susan Zamzow says:

    I lost my father last year to Alzheimers. What was hardest is I was in Wisconsin and he and his wife were in NC.. However, I am now passionate about looking into what can I do to reduce my risk or help my siblings reduce their risks of getting Alzheimer’s. So maybe a podcast about that end too? My Mom is a very healthy and witty 86 year old. 😊 My goal is to follow her lead. Love you!

  • The Greatest of These says:

    Such a big subject! And so very true! It seemed like overnight my parents declined very quickly. Both my parents (82 and 80, divorced for 40 years) this is true. My mom is the memory/early dementia person, but one thing that’s actually a miracle is that she was always a very judgmental, critical, angry person and she is getting so mellow! She’s actually becoming delightful to be around! It’s because she is forgetting that she’s pissed off, she’s forgetting about things that she used to get so angry about (politics, judging people, etc). It’s remarkable. And such a blessing, for her and us!

  • Lisa Eccles says:

    Perfect ❤ I have been in the long term health care portion for almost 30 years now. You have been doing super great with this! This is a great video

  • Think Live Give Goodness says:

    Thank you for continuing to share your story and regular updates (Bob truly seems like such an amazing person). This info is invaluable and I wholeheartedly agree to be proactive and start getting things in order now.

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