How to Have a Tighter Jawline Overnight

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

Learn about non-surgical methods to tighten the jawline and improve facial appearance and a more defined and youthful look without surgery. Results from these techniques can be noticeable within weeks!

In this episode of The Chalene Show Podcast, Chalene Johnson discusses the importance of proper breathing, mouth taping, the impact of side-sleeping on facial sagging, and the advantages of sleeping on your back.
Learn what Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman has to say on this topic as well.

Discover the benefits of lymphatic face massage for facial definition.
Explore "mewing" and how tongue posture affects jawline development. Chewing gum as a jaw exercise is also covered.

Chalene shares what "tech neck" is and how to prevent it.
She also emphasizes making cosmetic changes for oneself, not others' approval and shares her positive experience with Botox. But stresses the importance of finding the right surgeon and using an experienced consultant to help find the right doctor.

Join Chalene on August 10th for The MasterClass at

Links from the episode:
Related Episodes:
Mouth Taping Update

Don’t Get Botched with A Nip Tuck Coach, Michele Garber – 986

A Deep Dive into Lip and Under Eye Enhancement and Fillers | with Beauty By Dr. Kay – 883

All Your Beauty, Facial Injections, and Skin Care Questions Answered | with Dr. Kay Durairaj – 881

What You Need to Know When Choosing a Plastic Surgeon, with Melinda Farina AKA The Beauty Broker – 748

Nip Tuck Coach, Michele Garber
➜ Website:
Melinda Farina, AKA The Beauty Broker
➜ Website:


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Cameron Long

  • Chalene Johnson says:

    Would you like deep dive episodes on “Mewing” and “Sleep Positions”?

  • Fantastically Fit says:

    Awesome observation. I’m a Chiropractor so I’m sharing with my patients all the time why sleeping on your back is important to your spine and muscles. And I will add face asymmetry to my list! Great observations!

    • Chalene Johnson says:

      I love it! Thank you for sharing!

    • MaryBeth Kaljian says:

      Massive L❤VE and respect coming from this Michigan girl CEO-business leader, content like yours Chalene fuels me and my 50’s self, my conversations with the younger people I lead (mainly female) and is so needed! We are aligned on so many things, muscle, heavy weights, Botox, having hot bodies as we age and leading by example… on and on. From the beach body days, you became my gf, with your empowering programs (I now know that wasn’t you being healthy) to the public it was bad@ss. Love and adore you, so excited I found you here in YouTube. 🔥💪😍

    • Carmen Gillman says:

      Yes. a chiropractor told me to sleep on my back due to back problems I was having. It takes time to train our bodies to sleep on back, but I have been doing it for 25 years now. Also decreases wrinkles and I always breath through my nose. 😊

    • Hunny1au says:

      Way too painful to sleep on my back…

    • Helena Lovelock says:

      @Hunny1autry a 7inch incline sleep wedge and 2 or 3 firm pillows under your knees. It really helps.

  • Kismet Marlane says:

    Yes! Ive managed to stop sleeping in the face-down-murder-victim-chalk-outline position, and im well aligned as a side sleeper now…lots of pillows but my neck feels better and longer than it ever has. And i know that getting into consistently back sleeping is where it at. I would love a back sleeping episode please!

  • Amlacy912 says:

    I am currently training myself to sleep on my back and would LOVE a whole video on your experience and tips/tricks!

  • Katie Davis says:

    Ever since my 1st pregnancy 9+years ago I’ve trained myself to sleep on my back. I get far better sleep and tend to sleep through the night. On the odd night that I end up on my side I notice a very restless sleep of tossing and tuning. I’ve also been training myself to keep my mouth closed. This is a very helpful video!

    • Heidi H says:

      sleeping on one’s back in pregnancy is actually not recommended, as when you are closer to term, the weight of the baby compresses an artery that will reduce bloodflow to the baby. Side-sleeping is recommended in the later terms.

    • Katie Davis says:

      @Heidi H I suppose I didn’t phrase this right. After the pregnancy, I was really tired of sleeping on my side and switched over to back sleeping. It took a lot of training to get used to staying on my back though.

    • Martha Woodworth says:

      I usually sleep on my right side, turned toward the wall against which my bed is pushed. However, last night I found myself sleeping on my back and it felt wonderful. I rested so peacefully. I am going to start cultivating back sleep.

  • Curated Curiosities says:

    Your content rocks the topic! I love your “to the point” synthesis of the important info in the area. I have been studying and using these techniques to reduce facial edema, sleep better, reset my jaw for tmj relief, improving my sinusitis, and improve the look of my 61 year old formerly falling face. I’m two months in doing the various things you talk about…but you pulled it all together in a way to help me understand how all theses things tie together. You rock!

  • Moddy Puppets says:

    I’m 38 and noticed I was getting really jowly and growing a double chin. I used to wear a night guard for TMJ and was due to get a new one. Around the same time I was doing physical therapy for a knee issue and figured the same rules apply and strengthening the muscles around the joint just made more sense than babying it so I started chewing gum and not using a night guard. It’s been a few months and my jowls have decreased, my double chin is mostly gone and my TMJ pain has all but disappeared

    • Donna Hughes says:

      Wow, thank you for this information. I have TMJ also in a terrible double chin at 63 years old no one has ever suggested giving me any help for my TMJ either. So thank you so much for your information on how the chewing gum has helped yours. I’m going to try this.

    • Donna Hughes says:

      This is why I like to read all the comments. There’s always comments that always help everyone else. Thank you so much.

    • Echelon Rank says:

      holy crap its so simple ! my mom is gonna hate hearing this

    • Conspiracy Believer says:

      That is fantastic! I had a mouth guard for tmj that cost me $500 and really hated it. One morning recently it disappeared and I think I removed it while half asleep in the middle of the night, no idea where it went. Maybe the gum will work for me.🤔

    • Pla Cebo says:

      Thank you!

  • Mae on Mars says:

    Part of the reason your teeth problems improved when you used Xylimelts for dry mouth is the xylitol in the mints. Xylitol is a calorie free sweetener actually PREVENTS cavities. So if anyone watching this video is going to take up gum chewing for the jaw line, they should get Xylital gum to add the cavity preventing benefits! I like PUR Gum with 100% Xylitol, because it has no aspartame.( IMPORTANT Note: xylitol is TOXIC to dogs, so make sure to keep anything containing xylitol away from your puppers.)

    • Dona Glosser says:

      Have you tried the chocolate mint. So good

    • Conspiracy Believer says:

      I recently bought that same gum after watching videos about the benefits of Xylitol. It tastes great but the flavor doesn’t last long at all.

    • Pla Cebo says:

      Wow did not knew about it! Thank you!

    • j mc says:

      💯 Just a heads up to any who have IBS or other issues that maybe/prob sensitive to artificial sugars (ols). I can’t chew it or even use melts but wish I could. PS: mastic gum is also great for teeth and mouth muscles.

    • Avarysse says:

      @j mc You can do Xylitol “pulling” or putting the crystals in your mouth, let them melt & just hold it in your mouth after you eat food or before bedtime so you alkalize your mouth overnight. I buy a 1lb bag of birch sourced xylitol & use those according to my food/caffeine intake.

  • Stephanie Potter Art says:

    Ever part of this video was educational. I’ve had the same dental issues and never knew why, I do sleep on my side (don’t know if I can change) so yes! Bring on another video. The lymph drainage, toning, adding that to my mix! Thanks Chalene you rock!

    • Marie Carton says:

      Get a firm neck pillow, the kind that is preshapeed into a neck like one used for flying. Also some small firm rectangular cushions for each side so you cant roll over should do the trick.

    • Chalene Johnson says:

      Glad it was helpful!

  • Ayliea says:

    Great advice, Chalene! Here’s a couple things I do to keep my face as lifted as possible. Use a Jawzersize and do this simple exercise at least once a day. The next thing is an easy exercise. Clasp the fingers from both hands together and place your hands at the base of your scull by the top of your spine. Your elbows will be bent and raised above your shoulders. Now simultaneously push your head backwards against your clasped hands as you pull your bent elbows back. Do this 10x twice daily. This simple exercise helps to correct tech neck, eases shoulder stiffness and firms the front of your neck. Broadly speaking, anything you can do to increase blood and oxygen to your face will help you to look better. I have nothing against injectables and plastic surgery except the cost. But even if you have the disposable income to get professional work done it’s smart to do what ever you can to take care of wonderful, amazing, unrepeatable you. ❤️

  • Donna Wilson Huffmon says:

    I love your podcasts. You are so real and honest when you share your views about plastic surgery, self care, nutrition, and fitness. Beauty always starts from within because it is really good health and self worth that shine through your eyes, skin, posture and attitude. But even with that, sometimes nature needs a little boost and if it makes you feel better that too will emanate through your body. Thank you for sharing this info and supporting those that need to choose a different path….like me, lol. At 66 I’m holding it together but I need a more strategic line of defense :). You are awesome though. I enjoy your podcasts

  • Angie Arroyo says:

    I’ve been doing facial exercises on and off for 30 years. I’m 70+ and always get compliments about how much younger I look. . Stumbled on the technique in an article from a magazine. It does work! Now it’s all over and I’m learning more and applying new techniques with a better understanding. You’re an awesome teacher. Thanks for sharing and best to you.

    • sn232 says:

      What type of facial exercises do you use? Do you follow a specific person’s routine?

    • Yoga with Ali Beale says:

      @sn232 Search face yoga follow along. Sample different personalities cause you will prefer the delivery on some over others but it’s really preference. Two things about face yoga 1. you need to switch up your routine so and not do the same thing all the time like with our body. and 2. you need to workout the whole face not just the problem areas. I notice a difference when I am consistent.
      I also sleep with a silicone patch on my forehead and keeps the wrinkles from getting worse.

    • sn232 says:

      @Yoga with Ali Beale Do you know the brand of silicone patch that you use, or type you bought? Thank you for the video info!

  • Linda Pricopio says:

    Love every single one of your shows Chalene! I started doing exercises with my jaw and neck about six months ago and also listen to your taping for you. Keep your mouth closed while sleeping. I did it for a month like you did and I really feel it has helped and made a difference. I feel like my job line is much smaller and tighter, and I don’t know anymore, so thank you for everything that you give to us. Love you, girl mean it!❤

  • Kim Pilates says:

    Back sleeping, One pillow under each arm (soft, flatish), one pillow under your knees, one under your head. One month you’ll be trained to sleep on your back. My ex-husband used to snore so I would always sleep on the left side of my face. The right side of my face started to drop faster and noticeably lower than the left side of my face. YES ON THE MEWING PLZ…Sleep on your back people.


    This video is amazing. Thank you so much, you are an inspiration. So many points of this I already have learned over many years – but that you have covered SO many points here and explained them so clearly is just a huge gift for anyone listening, whether they will know it right away or not. I hope they look into all of this and find out how really life changing these improvements will be for them !

  • Lily Medina says:

    1. Sleep on your back
    2. Mew (place your tongue on the roof)
    3. Chew gum
    4. Lymphatic massage
    5. Breathe through your nose
    6. View your phone at eye level

  • Brittany says:

    This is an amazing video. I love how much knowledge you’re sharing about what you’ve learned and you’re own personal experience.

    I learned a lot from my own physical struggles.

    I used to have upper cross syndrome really bad, and it was very painful for my neck. Kids growing up and developing it may adapt better to it, but I didn’t grow up with a cell phone, because they didn’t exist. I developed upper cross syndrome from sitting for very long periods of time with poor posture as an adult, and it caused a lot of problems.

    It seriously sucked, but doing myofascial release and exercises like wall angels helped fix it very fast.

  • Irish Auntie says:

    Yes please do the deep dive into sleep positions. I’m a side sleeper and that side of my face is lower than the other. I’ve tried sleeping in my back but I always end waking up on my side. So glad I found your channel, new subscriber here from Ireland. Thank you.

  • High Treestess says:

    Hey Chalene, this is a really great topic! Thanks for sharing. You are spot on! Shaolin monks speak about this too. They talk about sleep positions & breathing properly for health & spiritual purposes. I think the health & spiritual work internally will always show externally. As the saying goes, beauty inside reflects on the outside. ❤

  • EZEE ADV says:

    As an older guy who has returned to a higher level of fitness with good results, this is many of the missing pieces to really complement a journey to great health! Thank you Chalene.

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