The Beginner’s Guide to Acquiring Websites for Passive Income Streams

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

In this episode of the Rich Dad Radio Show, guest host Greg Arthur interviews Matt Raad, an expert in website investing. Matt shares his experiences and strategies in buying and selling websites, emphasizing the potential high returns and low risk compared to traditional businesses. He discusses the importance of high traffic and profitability, and the use of ads and affiliate marketing to generate income. Matt also shares a success story of a couple who significantly increased the value of a pet website they bought. He advises beginners to start small and stresses the importance of keyword research and due diligence.

Check out Matt’s online training:


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Please read carefully.

This is not financial advice. You may be asking, “What does that mean?”

Let me explain…

Do not just do what I, my team, or my guest say. That would be stupid and irresponsible. Take the education, then use your own brain and make your own decisions.

YOU must take responsibility for your future and your success. That is why you are here. Neither I, nor my team, nor my guests, know your risk levels, prior education, emotional maturity, or how much money you can afford to lose.

We are only telling you what we believe to be smart moves. But you must decide for yourself. There are NEVER guarantees.

Also, understand that we are REAL teachers. We practice what we preach. With that in mind, we often invest in the very projects that may be mentioned on this show. While it is never our intent, we could possibly profit from others investing in our recommendations.

Take the education we provide but then determine your own actions. If it does not make sense to you, get more education before you invest. We will continue to provide education and there will always be more opportunities.

Cameron Long

  • cabdifataax says:

    Good to see you ❤

  • DSLightning21 says:

    Yeah, there are other sources of passive income besides real estate (debatable as “passive”) and dividend stocks. 😉

    I’m personally interested in music royalties (but won’t hear about that here). Keeping my mind open… 🧠🎶

  • josh turla says:

    Here from Seattle!🙏

  • Blessing Ava says:

    Great transmission, as always. I appreciate the no-nonsense approach you take to the news and the markets. A lot has changed and that’s about it ,but the truth is that I don’t even care much about the bull or bear market anymore because Maya. covered me while I’m doing comfortable. 2.3 BTC per month.

  • WebDesignSocal says:

    The real way Matt makes money is by selling online courses on how to make money with websites.

    • Ben Dover says:

      😂😂 that’s all I heard out of it to. And then when it come down to it you still need to be an online marketing whizz but he just called it ‘the nerdy part’

  • Jesse Harris says:

    Best advice to building business credit..?

  • Alex Tyson says:

    I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Margaret Bryant.

    • Peter Michael says:

      Wow.. amazing to see others who trade with Margaret Bryant, i’m currently on my 5th trade with her and my portfolio has grown tremendously.

    • George Kovner says:

      I invest with Margaret Bryant too, she charges a little commission on profit made after every trading session which is fair compare to the effort she put in to make huge profits.

    • Jeffrey Baldwin says:

      This is not the first time i am hearing of Margaret Bryant and her exploits in the trading world but i have no idea how to reach her.

    • Elizabeth Paul says:

      As a first time investor I started trading with her, with just a thousand bucks. my port folio is worth much more that now within just weeks of trading with her

    • Jennifer Daniel says:

      With the consistent weekly profits I’m getting in vesting with Margaret Bryant there’s no doubt she is the most reliable in the market. such a genius.

  • Nafay Khan says:

    it really is a good juice business

  • Young Wisdom says:

    Thank you guys for this information!!!

  • Dịch Vụ Facebook Uy Tín says:

    Hes so happy about the Recession coming in, like hes super excited to be witnessing it.

    • HartlepoolLad says:

      And why not? There are winners in every situation in life. You can choose to mope and complain about the recession, or to take advantage of the situation to earn money.

  • Dan XRP says:

    Always great content.

  • Sky1 says:

    10 minutes in and I have no idea what he does. Cutting my losses…

  • Deep Space says:

    They price it all. Good to be rich. Life is life. Live on.

  • Retarded Residenz says:

    I miss Robert but your good too

  • Jason Jonathan🦁 says:

    • Ralonda Rogers says:

      I had heard of a lot of investing with Mrs Jane and how good she is, please how safe are the profits?

    • Joseph Biturus says:

      Jane was my hope during the ‘bear summer’s last year. I did so many mistakes but also learned from it, and of course she is also my number source when it comes to crypto and TA.

    • جيمس لانج says:

      I know Mrs. Jane too and I have been trading with her, she is such an amazing woman and her skills keep me happy all week knowing I earn $10k extra income trading with her

    • Raluca Apostol says:

      Her accurate singles, coupled with her sound advice and risk management techniques, have completely transformed my trading trading strategy.

    • Vance Harmon says:

      I really appreciate your clear and simple breakdown on financial pitfalls ! I lost so much money on crypto market but now making around $5k-$7k every week trading different crypto’s and stocks

  • Adam Walker says:

    I know nothing about trading /investment and I’m keen on getting started. What are some strategies to get started?

    • Kamran Khalil says:

      in my case Fergus waylen has assisted me in doing that effectively, I’m not an expert so I lack experience in investment strategies, I work and my consultant handles the rest.

    • Frankly Hunt says:

      indeed, most people downplay the roles of financial planners until burnt by there mistakes. Productivity is optimized and keeping up to date strategies and analysis makes it more lucrative. I’ve been able to navigate the volatilities and scaled up 880k from 220k with professional guidance.

    • Tate says:

      know him and I have also been trading with him, he’s such an amazing man with good skills,

    • Dom Enez says:

      His trading stream is mind blowing, I also trade with him. I’ve made $18,500 so far trading with his guidance/advice.

  • Tjay Tolan says:

    how does this work with dropshipping with e-commerce sites??

  • Aristone Louxz says:

    His real business is selling online courses get this guy off the show. Robert would never allow this

  • Regiccp Jor says:

    >Cryptocurrency is booming, notably giants like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Yet, the market’s rollercoaster nature is testing even the hardiest investors. Guidance from pros like Craig Reeder is a beacon during these times. His strategy has fueled my portfolio’s fast-paced growth, netting me over 35Btc. Remember, in such a volatile arena, thorough analysis and astute decisions matter, and Craig is the mentor you need for triumph.

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