Fake Money Is Making You Poorer! Why Savers are LOSERS – Robert Kiyosaki [ Millennial Money ]

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

Why the world is filled with fake money and how you can get richer using it.

The #1 lesson in “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is, “The rich do not work for money.”

Today, I modified that to, “The rich do not work for fake money,” in my new book “Fake: How Lies are Making the Poor and the Middle-Class Poorer.”

In this episode, I walk you through a brief history lesson so you don't fall into the trap of FAKE MONEY.

I’m on a mission to level the playing field between the rich and the poor, the elites and the average folks. The lessons I teach on fake money, fake teachers, and fake assets are essential to learn in order to make sure you can grow richer in a world that has and continues to change.

Purchase my latest book, FAKE:

YouTube videos on gold and silver:

Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel and stay tuned for upcoming videos!

Facebook: @RobertKiyosaki

Twitter: @TheRealKiyosaki

Instagram: @TheRealKiyosaki

Cameron Long

  • The Rich Dad Channel says:

    What are your thoughts on gold and silver?

  • Donique Whonder says:

    It is very hard having and learning this mindset and not having anyone around to share your thinking as well as it is to break out of the poor mans life.

    • Hitmaker Shottie says:

      Donique Whonder overlap everybody

    • mattja52 says:

      If they can’t receive, why worry? You do what is best for you! In their time of travail, you know who they’re coming to, Donique, can you help me. It’s like that in life. Been there!

    • FX FLIP says:

      We can talk together, just find like minded people

    • guacgirl says:

      Talk to people in the chat/comments. Some may be apart of groups online on Facebook or Telegram. Realize you can’t take everyone with you. Most people can’t break out of the poor man mindset.

    • Casey Swann says:

      I have that same problem. Everybody’s watching tv and un interested in wealth building

  • J Roth says:

    Wisdom comes from making mistakes and listening to those people that know more than we do. Great job Robert.

  • Videohut says:

    Bless you, Robert. Your books have changed, my life for the better. It starts with how you think.

    You taught us how to think like the rich. Always be grateful to you. 🙏


      so whats changed? did you invest in real estate or gold/silver?

    • LetUsPopular says:

      @BIG GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM invest in stocks, or invest in business, save just small portion of your wealth for emergency use.


      @LetUsPopular what do you mean by stocks exactly? a 401k, a Roth IRA, or just straight up buying and selling stocks daily?
      and yeah after doing some objective research on Robert, he has some good advice but some of it is also terrible.
      he fear mongers people into thinking any form of stock market investment is doomed to crash and leave you broke, and history from 1926-now says he is most likely wrong.
      im still torn on the issue of Silver though. it is pretty cheap and it is a SHTF type investment, so i might consider trying to get about $10k worth of it.

    • Niki Linstrom says:

      +1 209🇺🇸

    • Niki Linstrom says:


  • D Stone says:

    Robert is so spot on it is scary. I would never leave my kids in public schools today. He understands what real money is.

    • jeremy lesso says:

      Try spending gold!! Or buy a ounce and try and sell it for what u paid for it!!! It will never happen

  • Shane Nolan says:

    LOVED what you said from 10:25-12:20 because you taught me the basic concept of but low and sell high and it really stuck. Then I saw some contemporaries how benefited from this and it REALLY stuck 💯

  • Elisha Chanté says:

    The best mentor I have ever had! Thankyou Robert and Kim I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without you both!

  • SuNeilKumar Chowdhary says:

    Robert’s video presentation is eye opener and outstanding with very high level striking ideas on buying SILVER…. You are a great mentor and personal finance adviser and learned financial planer, and really a great motivational speaker since long. Wishing you great time and all the best Robert.

  • Dennis Mcclelland says:

    I love what you are doing. Your message is exactly correct, and not many know where to begin to understand this very intricate subject, let alone are then willing to openly speak about the fraud and deception, especially when the ones they are spreading the message to are not able to perceive the message and brand the messenger a conspiracy theorist, or some other nonsense.
    Modern money is a legal fiction… legalese… dont get me started on that subject, haha… keep being awesome Robert Kiyosaki

  • mrs voice says:

    When I learn all of these valuable lessons, I want to sit and talk to someone about all these so we can share ideas and finance advices, specifically with someone who knows more! But unfortunately there’s no one, my parents all almost retire and they believe in normal job, so I just have my sister who is not interesting in becoming wealthy 😑😭

  • Phil V says:

    Robert is awesome. He did math in his head, gave the correct answer, then said, “I’m not good at math.”

  • phy6geniux_YT says:

    What’s amazing about Robert is that by educating people about money, he also generates money. What an amazing financial teacher!

    • Spazik86 says:

      He is making his money from selling fake financial advice.
      Not from his gold or silver or whatever he is talking about 🙂

    • SternDrive with Doug Stern says:

      @Spazik86 You must be a banker. When your dollars become worthless, then we’d love to hear from you.

    • somethingsomthingsomething says:

      @SternDrive with Doug Stern no dumbo, if you have valuable skills for society, you will never be poor or broke no matter what currency is in place. Like JC Penny said, “More gold has been mined from the mind of man than has ever been dug out of the mountains.” Knowledge IS wealth….

    • misukiy Lambertson says:

      @Spazik86 He literally is the most transparent guy in the industry.

    • Realbinarytrading Paymentdepartment says:


  • SuperheroFlix says:

    The most amazing thing about Mr. Kiyosaki is… He still alive after saying that kind of stuff

  • A Pink Perfectionist says:

    Rich Dad channel has opened my mind to so much possibilities in the financial world🥺 I’m so grateful for this channel

  • Eli Wilson says:

    It genuinely upsets me knowing how much money I actually lost by saving money in my Bank account before I realized things like this. I had probably $30,000 saved which was still that much money yes, but some of that money that was in there for years was earned with wages from years ago and had the buying power from years ago. When I locked it away and didn’t touch it for four years it was worth probably 8-10% less than it was when I initially saved it. All while the bank was using my money for investments and paying me less than a half a % in exchange for them making 3-5% on my money. I now keep about 3,000-6,000 in my account everything else is in crypto and income generating ETFs. I also plan on getting into real estate at some point as well. Moral of the story, 0.12% interest isn’t worth losing 2% a year to inflation.

  • Insight Job says:

    This is what I need. Thank you for this mind opening content about growing money.👏

  • Logan Chloe says:

    The pandemic came and taught me the importance of having multiple stream of income, unfortunately having a nice paying job doesn’t mean you are financial secured anymore. So we all need to put in an extra- income earning chance, like bitcoin, stocks bonds real estate .

    • Jessica Trinh says:

      Yeah! every $1 you invest today is a little bit of time that you buy back in the future, the more you invest, the more free time you can afford in the future, having time and the freedom to choose what to do are the ultimate investing goals.

    • Tran Nguyen says:

      True! Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn which I myself took advantage of. I made my first million from going diverse, mainly ETFs(stocks, bonds etc), bitcoin , and gold. I’m also working on an investment plan that includes NFTs with my advisor, Katie . It’s been a year and half of steady growth.

    • Simone Thomas says:

      You mad your point very clear, I realized that the secret to making a million is saving for a better investment. I always tell myself you don’t need that new Maserati or that vacation just yet. That mindset helped me make more money investing. For example last year I invested 80k in stocks (with the help of my Financial Advisor of course) and made about 246k, but guess what? I put it all back and traded with her again and now I’m rounding up close to a million.

    • Shannon Callehan says:

      @Tran Nguyen What actually the idea behind this bitcoin investment,I have been watching some videos and I was thinking about investing in bitcoin , but still don’t know where to start from

    • Antonio Handel says:

      @Shannon Callehan Same here ,It’s strange how people talk about all the profits, they’ve been making through investing in bitcoin, while am here not making any profit at all. Please can Someone put me through on the right path.

  • Jessica Trinh says:

    “if you don’t build your dream someone else will hire you to help build theirs”

    – Tony Gaskins

    • Alex Morris says:

      True! Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn which I myself took advantage of. I made my first million from going diverse, mainly ETFs(stocks, bonds etc), bitcoin , and gold. I’m also working on an investment plan that includes NFTs with my advisor, Katie . It’s been a year and half of steady growth.

    • Helen Adams says:

      @Alex Morris What actually the idea behind this bitcoin investment,I have been watching some videos and I was thinking about investing in bitcoin , but still don’t know where to start from

    • Velente victor says:

      @Helen Adams Same here ,It’s strange how people talk about all the profits, they’ve been making through investing in bitcoin, while am here not making any profit at all. Please can Someone put me through on the right path.

    • Burj Khalifa says:

      @Helen Adams Most time having knowledge or insight about a particular activity can as well be a pleasing exercise. I can boldly say that bitcoin investment is one of the profitable money exchange services that elevates investors and their financial status.

    • Wang Lei says:

      @Burj Khalifa That’s true most people today have been having a lot of failures in bitcoin because of poor orientation or bad experts

  • Alex Stephanie says:

    Thanks for this amazing information !! If you don’t find a means of multiplying money, you will wake up one day to realise that the money you thought you had, has finished. Investment is key, I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life

    • Alex Stephanie says:

      Jamie Janny I agree with you Investment is the key to sustaining financial longevity . And not just any investment but an investment with guaranteed return .

    • Steve Ashley says:

      @Alex Stephanie yeah investment is the key to sustaining your financial longevity but venturing into any legit investment business without proper guidance of an expert can lead to great loss too .

    • Charles says:

      Exactly and many of us don’t know where to invest our money so we invest it on wrong place and to the wrong people

    • Eric Edward says:

      @Charles Obviously talking about been successful , I know I am blessed if not I wouldn’t have met someone who is as spectacular as Benson Sandra

    • Eric Edward says:

      She helped me recovered all I’ve lost trading by myself

  • MIchael Guzman says:

    Currently I’m just being smart and frugal with my money, I’m in the green 47% over the last 13 months and l’ve accumulated over $700K in pure profits from DCA’ing into dividends paying blue chip stocks, ETFs, index and mutual funds. However I’ve been in the red for a while now. I work hard for my money, so investing is making me a nervous sad wreck. I don’t know if I should sell everything, sit and just wait.

    • Raymond Suplee says:

      Stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over $250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are a lot of wealth transfer in this present economy if you know where to look.

    • Aden McAnelly says:

      I completely agree. I have been consistent with my profit regardless of the market conditions. I got into the market early in 2019 and the constant downtrends and losses discouraged me, so I sold off. I got back in December 2020 and this time with guidance from an investment adviser who was recommended by a popular economist on a popular forum. Long story short, it’s been years now and l’ve gained over $1.8 million following guidance from my investment advisor.

    • Clark Dunshee says:

      @Aden McAnelly Is there any chance you can recommend who you work with? I wanted to make this change for a very long time now, but I was very hesitant. I would appreciate any recommendations.

    • Aden McAnelly says:

      The thing is, I really don’t like to make such recommendations. But there are plenty of independent investment advisers you can check out. I’ve been working with “LISA ELLEN SHAW” for about three years now. She has made decent returns for me and I believe she has the qualifications and expertise to achieve your goals. If she meets your objectives, you can continue. Always carry out your due diligence before starting out with anyone.

    • Clark Dunshee says:

      @Aden McAnelly Thanks for sharing, I just looked her up on the web and I would say she really has an impressive background in investing. I will write her an e-mail shortly.

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