@@Dragon4lyfe He gets people to invest in his real estate get rich quick funds and then tells them later it’s not really a get rich quick scheme. He makes money selling shares of REITs. He is an excellent salesman for Real Estate Capital Ventures. He’s not wrong about Real Estate making money long term. He just isn’t telling anyone that the only people making huge profits on derivatives of anything are the salespeople and people running the funds. Look on Youtube where he’s telling everyone to invest in his Real Estate Ventures.
Grant, no offense, you’re a clever and charismatic dude.
@JeffreyStock Mr. Cardonne gave a very simple example on how to make money fast that was supposed to be pretty obvious to understand. If you haven’t figured it out yet, that means you’re still very far in your learning and you should focus on that instead of trying to discredit a person who has done more with his life than most would do in ten lifetimes.
Absolutely, I understand True friends ,family ,will only tell you the truth I know you were only being helpful Sorry,if it came across mean.You are a true friend.
Thank you
Thank you, thank you ,thank you Grant
Grant Cardone, This is great! Let’s be friends and have fun together!
Note to self… quit buying visine!
Bro looks like he got bit
Yeah don’t trust this con artist.
How is he a con artist
@@Dragon4lyfe He gets people to invest in his real estate get rich quick funds and then tells them later it’s not really a get rich quick scheme. He makes money selling shares of REITs. He is an excellent salesman for Real Estate Capital Ventures. He’s not wrong about Real Estate making money long term. He just isn’t telling anyone that the only people making huge profits on derivatives of anything are the salespeople and people running the funds. Look on Youtube where he’s telling everyone to invest in his Real Estate Ventures.
Grant, no offense, you’re a clever and charismatic dude.
@@Dragon4lyfe I see a lot of people calling him that and none can give a reason
@@Prfctdtlz He’s an expert salesman and marketer, there’s a lot of value he offers teaching these skills
Grant Cardone, Your videos always make me happy, so I subscribed!
So everyone at his events pays a thousand bucks each?
@@shahanhama6176 ok but 10,000 times 100 doesn’t equal 10 million, as he seems to think.
@JeffreyStock Mr. Cardonne gave a very simple example on how to make money fast that was supposed to be pretty obvious to understand. If you haven’t figured it out yet, that means you’re still very far in your learning and you should focus on that instead of trying to discredit a person who has done more with his life than most would do in ten lifetimes.
@@sonsmith4809 I agree. I am an economist and I didn’t think for a second of counting. I got a different message, a positive one.
Literal proof that these gurus can say 1+1=3 and randos in the internet will defend them.
Grant you aint looking physically healthy man, take care of yourself
Leave him alone
@@robmerrylees7281 it wasn’t an insult, just pointing it out so he can address it and get better. We want him looking healthy!
Absolutely, I understand True friends ,family ,will only tell you the truth I know you were only being helpful Sorry,if it came across mean.You are a true friend.

The guy is old. Honestly, if he went to his high school reunion, he would be among the most attractive people in the room, male and female.
gotta love GC.
Yea are a well pleasing lord standing uprightnesses unto beloved
GC often says outrageous things and I don’t care for his persona but this time he is correct.