You’re Overweight, Your BMI is terrible… Do This One Thing and You’ll Probably Extend your Life
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Is post meal blood sugar measured 2 hours after the last bite or 2 hours after the first bite?
I was taught fron 1st bite. Soon as that 1st calorie hits your system it starts your system to Kickstart.
@@slugo915 How long is the meal supposed to last? 30 minutes between first bite and last bite or 60 minutes between first bite and last bite?
When testing a food for blood sugar spike, I do several time points – 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1.5 hrs, 2 hrs, 2.5 hrs, 3 hrs. I have found that while most foods spike within the one to one and a half hour, some don’t spike until much later. Dennis has a few videos where he points this out.
I was having scary blood pressure spikes that ended me up in the ER several times.Had no idea that was caused by my insulin resistance that I had for decades. No medical professional told me that. Since going low carb one year ago blood pressure averages 110/70, checked daily. Thank you Mr. Dennis
Limit carb and sugar intake you will be ok
My friend looked perfectly normal. Her blood sugar was very high . It killed her kidneys.
Yes losing weight and cutting carbs dramatically and walking is how i went from 7.3 A1c to 5 in only 6 months. This is the best channel out there for type 2 in my opinion! I thank Dennis every day and God for helping myself.
Losing weight will naturally come if you cut carb and sugar so losing weigth is not the main goal really
@johnbrando8248 correct I also got active and started walking after each meal. I’m really proud of myself and feeling better. And I got off my metformin! We gotta stop relying on these doctors because imo they still use the old statistics and a lil research and willpower and faith will help you more than any pills. You take a pill to help one thing and it just messes up another part of your body. I am proud of myself and even doc couldn’t believe I reversed it. But I do know it can come back but ultimately it’s up to myself to continue to live this healthy way.
Last year in march I had a A1C or 8.8 watching you videos and health coach Kate in august it was down to 6.6 . I had lost 54 pounds started exercising getting back in shape .What really got me blood pressure and cholesterol all came down to .I went last week for blood work and to my surprise 5.6 and still everything else had gotten better going back in in May if i come in below5.6 I’m going to stop taking Metformin my doctor could not believe it, but then again no advice except take this pill. I’m not stopping I’m motivated as hell I can not thank you enough for all you do.
Sound too simplistic? … Except it works! I could see significant results within a month (A1c, blood pressure, weight …). For others it takes longer. But it works!
Please discuss research on waistline to height ratio
This is a video all diabetics should watch twice or three times. You can’t solve any problem, until you focus on the cause of the problem. Diabetes is caused by a huge over consumpion of carbs over many years. Job one is focusing on cutting carbs as low as possible. A side benefit is that your spikes after meals will be tamed. Thanks Dennis.
You are a great man Dennis thank you for sharing
It’s time med schools and nutritionists get up to date on info!!!!!!! They are behind the research. They told me a year ago to eat brown rice, sweet potatoes and pasta. Seriously? I went from 12.3 to 5.8 in 6 months eating 30 carbs a day. Dropped 100lbs