Grant Cardone addresses the popularity of people that don’t get their way in life simply saying “whatever” and disengaging. In fact, over 70% of American workers are disengaged from their jobs and unhappy at work.
The company loses out and the disengaged person takes a job space from a great person that would be engaged and grateful for that opportunity. The disengaged worker is simply an employee who has quit their job but has not yet left.
#money #motivation #employees #work
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At Cardone Enterprises we believe that success is the result of hard work, education and persistence. Examples given should not be considered typical and there is never a guarantee of results. Information provided is educational in nature and is not legal or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results, or lack thereof. Our team is here to support you, but you should always do your own due diligence before making any investment or taking any risk. Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility. For additional information, visit .
Money is like an Amplifier. Money can only Amplify who you really are. If you kind it makes you more kind. If you happy it makes you more happy.
Disengaged in money game , is a game to engaged with probably the game yet not over
Love the intro
Spot on! This was a problem in my marriage for years. I can finally start my business with my husband’s backing. When you meet someone and you intend to marry them and be a business owner, sit down and have the money discussion.
I’m favoured $130k every 4 weeks! I now have
a good house and can afford anything and
also support my family
Wow I’ m just shock someone mentioned expert Mrs Maureen I thought I’m the only one trading with her
I can’t believe it
, l just bought a house
after linvested $14,000, and I now

make $35,250 every month. It’s been a
life-changing experience
She’s really amazing with her skills. She changed my 0.5btc to 2.1btc
He is my family’s personal Broker and
also a personal Broker to many families
in the United states, He is a licensed
broker and a FINRA AGENT in the
United States.
I’m from Canada I and two other of my
friends tried with him immediately we
testified, he’s performing wonders
Great video! i really have a question For someone with less than $10,000 to invest, how would you recommend we enter the crypto market? I am at studying some traders and copying their strategy rather than investing myself and losing money emotionally what’s your take on this approach?
Going into the trading world without the help of a PROFESSIONAL, trader and expecting profit is a 0.5% chances of win rate, that’s why i trade with Mrs Camila cruise , her skills set exceptional?
@Beitress stones wow it surprising
you know her I have been growing profits with her for some months now!!
wow This is not the first time i am hearing people talking good about this woman and her exploit trading world but i have no idea on how to reach her
@Beitress stones I’m a beginner how can i reach out Camila Cruise?

Bad things happen when good people do not pay attention to the bad things that are happening.
So true need to focus on money to get more leaders
The best course of action if you lack market knowledge is to ask a consultant or investing coach for guidance or assistance. Speaking with a consultant helped me stay afloat in the market and grow my portfolio to about 65% since January, even though I know it sounds obvious or generic. I believe that is the most effective way to enter the business at the moment.
I”ve been and around real estate for over 50 years. I learned more in this1 hour than that whole time. Thanks for introducing me to JENNY PAMOGAS CANAYA..
Great guest with very deep industry knowledge. So sad to hear additional examples (to me) of how statistics published by the government and also the main short-term rental sites (airbnb, etc) and even MLS! are flawed….keeping the retailed investor blind to the real market fundamentals..
She is fantastic, and I truly loved her road trips to see the developments first hand and to dive into what was actually going on. Wonderful work. Reminiscent of the “Big Short” where those two actors went to houses that were owned by strippers, etc. etc.
Please who is the consultant that assist you with your investment and if you don’t mind, how do I get in touch with this person!!
My advisor is JENNY PAMOGAS CANAYA highly qualified and experienced in the financial market. She has extensive knowledge of portfolio diversity and is considered an expert in the field. I recommend researching her credentials further. She has many years of experience and is a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the financial market.
I’m favoured financially, Thank you Jesus.$32,000 weekly profit regardless of how bad it gets on the economy.
Stocks are good but crypto is more profitable
I wanted to trade crypto but got confused by the fluctuations in price
That won’t bother you if you trade with a professional like Mrs Geraldine Lane
I heard that her strategies are really good
I made a profit of 73005 trading with her last week