insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

Should I eat meat? Should I go vegan? Does the Ketogenic Diet Work? How do I get rid of my inflammation?

It seems like every food we try to eat, there’s something wrong with it. So what are we supposed to eat?

We answered these questions and dove into some of the top health trends in this episode of Power Players. Here, I interviewed Dr. Robert Kiltz, a renounced fertility doctor featured in the Wall Street Journal. He’s a huge advocate for the carnivore/ketogenic diet for fertility and overall wellness.

I’ve been following him online for a couple of years, and I can’t wait to share what he had to say.

#health #vegan #paleodiet #carnivorediet #podcast #nutrition

Cameron Long

  • @Elqawsi says:

    Hello Grant

  • @NoBullshitU says:

    should I avoid veggies/fiber with inflammed/swollen colon

  • @TabakovRadoustine says:

    The wisest thought that is in everyone’s minds today is to invest in different income flows that do not depend on the government, especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in gold, silver and digital currencies (BTC, ETH… Stock.)

    • @JonBosworth-dc8no says:

      Same here all thanks to Miss Susan Marie Alessio, she has always been there to guide me through with detailed analysis and recommendations that I wouldn’t have access to otherwise.

    • @WoolhouseCardish-cq7hc says:

      How please I’m pretty new and feel I have much to learn, I would appreciate if you show me how to go about it.?

    • @Rachelwilliams. says:

      Susan Marie Alessio is considered a key Crypto Strategist with one of the best copy Trading Portfolios and also very active in the cryptocurrency space.

    • @elizabethvaughan8008 says:

      She is really a good investment advisor. I was privileged to attend some of her seminars. That is how I started my crypto investment

    • @frankalex7485 says:

      I have heard about her excellent trading expertise in CNBC news, guess she’s more popular in United States.

  • @TuanTranKeto says:

    I’ve been carnivore animal based for 4 years now! Feel great!

  • @bichitrakumarbal6350 says:

    Beef is King queen diet.. how is this amazing.. it’s demons food 😅

  • @danielaramburo7648 says:

    Meat is good in moderation. People with certain conditions have to eat large amounts of meat.

  • @RAZASHARP says:

    This is a great video…thanks uncle g!!!letsgoooooo. #RazaSharpApparel

  • @TheRedpillExperiment says:

    How did hunting animals get harder as we evolved?? Obviously this man has is not familiar with weapons technology.

  • @franciscochavez1010 says:

    Did he just blame his background and childhood struggles to a plant based diet ? Wtf. I don’t think his dad was in jail because he ate plants lol.

  • @nicholasscholten4838 says:

    Two weeks is not enough for most people,

  • @truth8887 says:

    We live in a free world. Let everyone has one’s favorite healthy food. We do not need uniform kind of diet.

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