Transitioning from Hard Core Keto to Soft Core in Crushing Diabetes – and 3 Foods to Never Eat

Link to all "Beat Diabetes" videos:
Dennis Pollock discusses what to do once you reach your target A1c, and how to transition from pure keto to a kinder, gentler version in crushing diabetes.

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Online conversion of average glucose to A1c:

Formula to convert estimated glucose to A1c: A1C(%) = (Estimated average glucose(mg/dL) + 46.7) / 28.7

Our Latest Beat Diabetes Challenge Newsletter on the Web:

Den & Ben's Bible Teaching YouTube Channel:

To figure approximate A1c: A1C(%) = (Estimated average glucose(mg/dL) + 46.7) / 28.7
Online A1c Calculator:



Dennis & Benedicta's new Bible teaching podcast ("Discover the Word with Den & Ben"):

Get Benedicta's Autobiography (e-book or paperback):

Cameron Long

  • @tordkarl says:

    I live in Sweden and got my diagnosis at the end of March. Immidiately I began a 7 day water fast and since then I have eaten at the most two meals a day. Mostly OMAD. In one week my BS went down from 16 mmol/l to 6,1.
    Lost 27 kg in six month and got a healthy BP, 110/71. BS is stable at 6 mmol/l.

    • @Shepardisthelamb says:

      how did u manage to fast…I have hypoglycemica if I dont eat…

    • @tordkarl says:

      @@Shepardisthelamb, I became very motivated to get rid of my blood sugar without using metformin or other drugs, so I just did it without thinking very much about consequences. And I didn’t have any problems during the week. A little hungry day two but from day three and thereafter I was fine.

    • @Shepardisthelamb says:

      @@tordkarl Ive been trying just to start the low carb and I feel soo weak, sheaky, dizzy and my vision is blurry…it gets very hard to think..i feel better when I eat some sugar, but it only last for short time and than I get weak again..I dont know how to stop the cycle…no one is talking about that

  • @DK-kg1fe says:

    I participated in the challenge. I have lost 21.5 lbs and my A1C is down 1.2 points. Still not in the five so I’m going to continue with the training wheels until I get there. Thank you Dennis for all you do

  • @fazbell says:

    Thank you so much for your advice on diet for those of us who are at risk for diabetes.

  • @jpennturner says:

    Thank you for your programme it works for me, I lost faith in my nutritionist when wholefoods which spiked my glucose were constantly recommended!

  • @ronachadwick7908 says:

    Congratulations to everybody who completed the challenge!

  • @TheLakeMum says:

    Thanks for your encouragement these last few months. My A1c lab result was 5.4 on 12/2. (Down from 6.9 the previous year). I am down 50 pounds (since May). I haven’t reached my goal weight but added strength training to work on rebuilding muscle and improving bone strength.
    Have a blessed Christmas.

  • @noahniang5573 says:

    Simple and pragmatic. You are indeed a talented communicator.

  • @projectmustardseed857 says:

    Thank you, your time has given me encouragement and information on a consistent basis. Although I benge every once in a while. I am on track. I love potatoes in any form 😢. Please keep up your good work for me. Your time has given me the courage to eat responsibly again.

  • @scottc95 says:

    I came into this late ; about 3 months ago after a new diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. i didn’t sign up officially but followed pretty much what you said to do except for the bullet proof coffee ; instead i have one egg and 2 slices of bacon for breakfast usually around 7 am. my fasting has been between 5pm to 7am and to 9am some days. i started with fasting bg at 170 . 3 months ago . this morning it was 85 . i lost weight from 245 to 216. thanks for all that you and your family do . by the way i am 51 and struggled with weight most of my life.

    • @usadaily135 says:

      Dito. Congratulations! Dennis speaks the truth! His determination is contagious. I also truggled with weight most of my life. Still 20 lbs to go. Never give up! If we happen to stray, let’s accept it, pick ourselves up and get back on the low carb diet! Happy holidays to all!

    • @Mrs.TJTaylor says:

      Fantastic! So exciting to see our community members winning against illness! Good going!

  • @kathrynmaxson6907 says:

    Even though I had several personal life challenges and wasn’t able to follow the program perfectly I still had positive changes even with doing it halfway. My morning fasted glucose finally came down to 100 after struggling with morning highs for a long time. I normally gain 5 to 7 pounds this time of year and this year I did the opposite. The breakthrough with the morning fasted glucose seemed to be related to the day of carnivore eating each week so I will be doing that regularly in the future. Merry Christmas Den and Ben! Thank you

  • @billtroutman7172 says:

    Hi Dennis, I am on my 3rd challenge with you. I have been in the mid to low fives, I just checked my A1C and I’m 4.9 this morning. Thank you for your time and help. God bless you and your family!

  • @joenettleton6562 says:

    I’ve participated and dropped from 7.6 to 6.1 A1C and let go of 20 lbs in six weeks. Thank you. I live in North Fort Worth and have recommended your channel to all who would listen

  • @jobrown8146 says:

    Congratulations to everyone who participated in the challenge. I’ve been low carb for 2y 2m now. Every now and then I will have something which is a bit higher in carbs, carrots, tinned soup with the potato or pasta removed to which I add 2 sausages, but I mainly stick to what works for me. I did try to only have 2 meals a day but didn’t like I, so I started having an egg coffee (search YT for Neisha egg coffee – Ken Berry’s wife) each morning; during hotter weather I have a cold one using half full cream milk and half cold water). I’ve found that the longer I’ve been low carb the more protein I eat because it is satiating and I like the feeling of not feeling hungry all the time and therefore always thinking about food.

  • @miraak8523 says:

    Thank you ! When I went carnivore June 28, my A1C was 6.9 and my feet were turning blue. Then in Sept, my A1C had declined to 6.6. Now, in Dec., my A1C is a comfortable 5.6. Your diet tips are most excellent! My primary has reduced my diabetes meds, metformin, glipizide and actos, decidely, to where I now take 1 glipizide, NO actos and only 2 metformins a day. Here is a carnivore for life. BTW – I turned 80 this month.

  • @carldewhitt7337 says:

    I participated in the challenge although I was not real strict and i am still on oral medicine.I went from a 7.8 A1C to a 6.0 and lost 12 pounds ! My goal for the first quarter is to get my A1C down to 5.6 or lower and i will be stricter on my diet.

  • @cherylbusse2262 says:

    I’d love to be in a challenge asap. Are you doing one after the New Year 2024? I really need the ‘phase 1’ diet, and I’d love to see your daily emails for people in the challenge. Hope to join you soon! 🙂

  • @michaelcooper5868 says:

    Dennis, thank you for the good plan and thoughts, went from 8.3 to 6.6. Not what I want as my final goal, but will be getting to work on a lower number.

  • @apuz13 says:

    Great video Dennis. I have been watching your channel for many months and you have helped me beat my diabetes. Last week I went to my doctor and she took me of all of my medications. I went from an A1C of 10.4 to 5.6. My doctor was totally shocked because I also lost a lot of weight. Thank you for helping me and many others and I hope you and your wife have an amazing Christmas. God Bless you for what you do.

  • @ut561 says:

    hearing you talk about this is refreshing and just makes me happy. I know you are telling me the truth, which is nearly impossible to hear from my family and from the doctors that are part of the system. not sure how else to describe this, it’s just good 🙂

  • @sherrytitus5345 says:

    Den and Ben, thank you for all your advice. Being able to revisit your videos and continue applying these to my diabetic lifestyle, I am sure, will eventually bring me success. I wasn’t able to get to goals on thus challenge. But I am continuing to try with all your great info. Merry Christmas and may God continue to bless you both.

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