This ticked me off.

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

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10531 4S Commons Dr.
Suite 524
San Diego, CA 92127

Cameron Long

  • @tina_marie12 says:


  • @amazingmrjesse3995 says:

    It just doesn’t make sence! AI is not human. Be genuine!!

  • @StoreytellingTarot says:

    Refreshing to hear because everyone thinks AI is king. Some things cannot and should not be replaced.

  • @ghilaineclark5351 says:

    TRUE THAT!! It’s about REAL Connections 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

  • @albertjanderson says:

    Thank you so much.❤

  • @PokeBlast151 says:


  • @rwaters44 says:

    The only thing i would use AI for in terms of comments is to gather a list of new comments across my channels and categorize them. This just makes it easier for me to keep conversations going while not being drowned out by comments that do not need a reply.

  • @chinesecabbagefarmer says:

    Thanks Pat

  • @nvmoe says:

    I’m not sure if that OP on X meant “we can use AI to spark genuine conversations” or “we can use AI to handle the other mundane stuff SO THAT we have time to spark genuine conversations” 😅

  • @mylifeinflow says:

    Thank you so much, Pat! You are actually my hero and mentor you have taught me so much about audacity and podcasting and all the things. I am so indebted to you and I so appreciate you. It’s because of you that I have 2 podcasts that I am really enjoying working on. It’s because of you that I now have a voice over business. It’s because of you that I am doing a lot of the things that seemed unattainable at the time, but you created the pathway for clarity. I can’t thank you enough and thank you for being the amazing human that you are XOX

  • @leonardreeves1747 says:

    I completely agree. I actually love to use the mic! I mean, why should I employ AI to do something that I enjoy so much. No matter how good AI is at this moment, I can always tell it is AI anyway.

  • @Muttirehman says:


  • @OnOneWeGo says:

    before you forget, artificial intelligence is artificial.

  • @tube-master says:

    Great advice! Thanks for staying true to your core beliefs! 🙏

  • @unboxthemalldynamicduo75 says:

    Brother you have changed the game for me! Trust that your message is meant for who it’s meant for, the others will not get it. Like Nana always said, Show me who your friends are and I’ll show you who you are! People that use AI to build, the foundation is built on quicksand, while we BUILD a foundation built on family and helping each other grow in our definitive purpose and CHANGE THE WORLD THROUGH RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS! Just my 2 cents

  • @Wucanitbenou.q says:

    “How to accidentally prove that you have never seen a person in 5 years.”

  • @PapisenPijama says:

    Well said Pat

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