These 4 Steps + this Amazing Ingredient = Become NON-DIABETIC!
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Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, discusses the 4 steps and the one other thing necessary to go from diabetic to non-diabetic.
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And YOU are a nasty person who trolls the ill. God will have His just desserts with you, Troll.
What a scumbag you are
Thanks for your consistency Dennis.
Just a word of advice – I live in Northern Minnesota in a mobile home. Our experienced landlady advised: if you let your faucet drip, you should let it drip in a bucket, not down the drain. You can freeze the dirty water lines by just dripping down the drain.
I’ve lived in Missouri for 66 years so I can totally relate. We’re under a blizzard warning tonight!!!
I’m from Missouri too (and still there). You must be much further north or south than me (Suburb of St. Louis – county not city)
Oh, and we keep a large cooler full of water to flush toilets – just in case!
I was diagnosed with an A1C of 12.2 back in Nov. I immediately went very low carb and stopped eating almost all carbs and no snacking. I didn’t get to see an endocrinologist until January 10th. I had already dropped my A1C to 10.5. I started Metformin at the end of January. She also prescribed Jardience and I’m still too afraid to take it from what I heard. I went to a health screening at work (a hospital) last week. My A1C has dropped to 8.9 and I’ve lost 34 pounds since November. I am still eating very low carb (and low calorie) and no snacking. My numbers spike with ANYTHING I eat…even if it is just a tiny amount of carbs and sometimes with no carbs at all! I’ve been exercising after meals – focusing on the large muscles to burn more glucose. I’m doing everything right and my numbers are in range most of the time per my libre3 sensor. But their idea of in range are 70 – 180. My usual numbers are in the 130 – 170 range including spikes and maybe a little lower resting glucose but the MINUTE my feet hit the floor in the morning, my numbers spike up 30 – 50 points. Once more thing, I am a worrier of the worst kind. I worry about my family, my health and lack of money. Trying to get a hold on all those cortisol hormones and other stressors. I just want to know that if I continue this healthy lifestyle, that my numbers will get better. All that being said, I’ve come a long way in just a little over 3 months, but I also have quite a ways to go, but I’m confident I’ll beat diabetes, Dennis. I’m so happy I’ve found you!
Rock on!😊
Time is not my friend eating the SAD. Diabetes is referred to as a progressive diet. Glucose is not static. Lowering glucose levels can be achieved with a low carb diet + intermittent fasting! The process towards victory is available to us all!
SORTA, Ellen. I have done Keto + I.F. for 3-1/2 years. About 6 months ago, my diabetes has been running wild. Even having to add more meds, but still have not had success in getting it back under control like it has been for so long. Tonight, at a Homeopath’s suggestion ( who is a close friend of mine ) I am beginning a homeopathic remedy , in hopes that it will help me. Right now, I am disgusted AND disappointed.
On occasions we have been having minus numbers at night since November and will still have the occasional minus until April. End of December to February it has been very regular, and just 1 or 2 when not minus. With a dangerous unnecessary net zero policy which has increased cost to the ridiculous, destroying humans and businesses.
DENNIS, you constantly speak of how much your bulletproof coffee is good for your diabetes. MY PROBLEM is that even THINKING about coffee makes me gag. I have NEVER liked coffee. So, AM I going to have to FORCE myself to now gag bulletproof coffee down JUST to HELP my diabetes ? I ALREADY do keto plus I.F. Please respond to my question, Dennis.