Who Says Keto is BORING? Multiple Sides will Make You Happy to Eat LOW-CARB!
The Everything Bubble Is About to POP – Andy Taner, Richard Duncan
This Financial Crisis is BIGGER Than 2008! 🚨 – Robert Kiyosaki
The Purpose Is YOU #motivation #inspiration #mindset
Start The Day On YOUR Terms 🍋
Atlanta Fed Now Predicting US Recession…Is It Time To Panic?
The Fed’s #1 Recession Indicator Was JUST Triggered
Warren Buffett Gives Dire Warning (Hasn’t Done This Since 2007)
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Clown show economy
Yep, accelerated a lot more since biden and harris took over.
All i can say is Praise God iv never lived in Debt. Own no man anything and never be a cosigner for no1. Live in your means. I dont even own a credit card. Im 46 and pay everything with cash.
You can get cash back on a credit card at the least.. just make sure you have the cash to pay it off before buying something.
That’s a little small minded. If you have self control, credit cards are a safer way to travel w/o lumps of cash, get free miles, cash back and a refund if you were cheated on some purchase. 😉
I am near the same age and always pay cash too. I pinch pennies at every turn. My grandpa always said ‘better to go to bed hungry today and then to wake up in debt tomorrow’.
I’m the same, never owed anyone anything, don’t own much but no-one pushes me around either and sleep well@@xycan8734
Unless by some miracle you saved enough cash to buy your home outright, I assume you’re a renter and paying dead money to a landlord.
Some debt is good debt. My house and assets valued at $1.8m and I’m debt free. Had I not taken a loan and gone into debt for the house I’d be poor.
You may be ok now but statistically renters are worse off in retirement. Hopefully you have enough money to retire comfortably🙏
That’s the reality man.
It’s OK, Fed said they have it under control.
And so now we can all go back to sleep because words.
Feds will set up a soft landing if a recession occurs which is highly doubtful because the Feds are in total control of the economy!
Most dangerous words ever “Im with the government and here to help”
Great Re-Set on 09/23/26 pays off all our debts and ends the Federal Reserve with PHI PI ECHO economics.
That”s when THEY unveil the Light Bearer of pure logic, the NEON GAUD. IT has the Plan to Perfect Humanity. In GAUD we will Trust. You Will Be Happy. It’s encoded in the Great Pyramid.
The politicians and government heads should be coming at work by pushbikes, not luxury cars, based on their performance. When US is printing a shitload of money out of thin air, all other countries who use the US dollar as reserve currency are losing money. It sucks for them and I understand the reason why they are looking for a change.
They won’t care… even if it hyperinflates? 😏
Talented, smart, wealthy, and achievement-oriented guys like George Gammon LEAVE the USA! And millions of other folks will do as well in due course. That’s the biggest growing problem.
I live in Tucson. Moved here 25 years ago. It used to be so beautiful and relatively safe. No, it is an absolute crap hole. I hate it here.
I am sorry to hear that. I moved away from El Paso, TX over seventeen years ago. I lived there off and on for over ten years. I am glad I moved to middle America.
too close to the border
@@JohnQPublic345 I was only a few miles from the El Paso International Bridge. The Rio Grande was so shallow, I could cross it and barely get wet.
@TheRetiredVeteran I left el paso 15 yrs ago and never looked back.
Another excellent video.. Thank you. Welcome to the new banana republic.
“Banana Republic”??! We’re an “African Badland!” Or “South American “Ravine of Poverty!””!
One of Gammon’s greatest blogs.
YouTube deleted my subscription, had subscribe again. Remind your followers to check their status….
the desperation for nuclear war tells you everything!
Nukes are a fear tactic. Two cities in Japan should be radioactive but, they aren’t. What does that indicate to you?
there won’t be Nukes used… it’s forbidden…
Ehh, debt jubilee or nuclear annilation? Gerald Celente has it pegged.
@islandaerial3414 Huge difference between arial and ground detonation .
@@islandaerial3414the only reason they aren’t radioactive is because of a function of time. If those bombs would have been made 10 years later then those cities would indeed be inhabitable.
This is more reason for joe and mo to buy gold and silver to save ur purchasing power
I heard the debt is so outrageous that earthquakes have started to be felt around the burial site for some of our Founding Fathers. Even the dead can’t believe it. 😄
Lee was super pissed about his statue coming down last year. He visited me in a dream.
The best president my country ever had was Robert E. Lee.
“I can’t believe it, either, that members of my administration would buy drugs from our enemies, and then sell those drugs, for a profit to our children on the streets of America, so they could buy weapons of mass destruction to give to our enemy, Iran . . . but those are the facts.” Ronald Reagan, leaving office in 1988.
GHW Bush 1988 campaign trail: “Read my lips. No new fact ss.” hint: former CIA Director, Skull and Bones “Poppy”.
Should never have weaponised the swift system
colossal failure – maybe the death of the dollar
Maybe, just forget about Imperialism(Hegemony).
That was done intentionally by Lobotomized Marxists.
@@agates9383 Death of the dollar for sure.
SWIFT is the gun and the dollars are the bullets.
You didn’t account for BRICS at all
You see government distortion. I see spiritual bankruptcy.
The spirt of God is the best investment mankind can make although most are trapped in the flesh of their own wisdom but Gods Gold , buy earthly gold also
My parents are Colombian. And I have my citizenship there too. Now you just reinforced my plan to sell everything I own and live there lol
Tell you what if Commie Kammie gets the White House I see a mass exodus of US citizens in the middle class heading South. This is what you get when Justice system has been compromised by Leftist Commies!
Their government and currency has a lot of issues as well
Beware Colombia going red and I don’t mean Republican.
An additional solution would be to decrease government oversight in EVERY aspect of our lives.
The government ALREADY has enough of your personal information to predict your next pee.
Gotta go.
HYPERINFLATION is just around the corner in the United States of America.
PHI PI ECHO economics: Only GAUD can lend us $999 trillion at Negative 16.18% interest to pay off ALL our debts and End the Federal Reserve. That’s the 10-fold PHI factor of the Golden Number. This new “debt’ factually pays itself off in 22.7 years, while providing all the ‘money’ needed to build that marvelous, worldwide civilization, that our children and grandchildren deserve. That’s the 7-fold PI factor, for a FULL circle. BUT, all war must end first. The 3-fold ECHO factor, heard around the world.
Otherwise, PHI PI ECHO economics will end up funding the Terminal Wars and the extinction of mankind.
Basically a slow economic death shrouded by gaslighting, ignorance and denial.
As always, a great analysis. Newcomers often wonder if it’s too late to navigate the financial market, but the market is always unpredictable. Trading has more advantages than simply holding, so it’s important to learn before diving in. Active trades are necessary to ride the market’s waves. Thanks to Flora Monticola’s Program, daily trade signals, and my dedication to learning, I’ve been increasing my daily earnings, managed to grow a nest egg of around 127k to a decent 532k. Kudos to the journey ahead!
Flora Monticola program is widely available online..
Found her! googled her name, thank you for the lead
I’ve just looked up Flora Monticola Program on the internet, she’s a pro….I’ll definitely be imploring her service.
I have worked with her also, reached out after reading more about her on the internet.
insightful comments, very much appreciated.. just came across the consulting page of Flora Monticola Program after inputting her full name on the web, super impressed with what i’ve seen so far