The Fed’s #1 Recession Indicator Was JUST Triggered

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Cameron Long

  • @BrodyAlden says:

    Silent 🤫 Depression 😭

  • @lambocandles8382 says:

    Awesome, remind me what year we’re in again? There has been an endless cycle of doom and gloom, “on the verge of disaster” scenarios for so long now it’s hard to tell. I’m sure it’ll all come crashing down eventually but I wonder how many people have been sidelined waiting for disaster to strike.

    • @KRGreat says:

      Number 1 rule. You can’t outguess the market

    • @lambocandles8382 says:

      @@KRGreatthat’s why I didn’t sit on the sidelines while the usual suspects told everyone to expect imminent doom.

    • @Brody961 says:

      Agreed, it is very hard to tell. I get the sense that a lot of the analysts that have been flagging recession warnings in recent years have been, *in large part, correct, but often times underestimates the feds ability to kick the can down the road. Feels like something big is coming. 1 month, 1 year, 5 years, who knows, but there are certainly storm clouds

    • @TeddyBess says:

      You’re totally right, man. I guess we gotta keep dancing (with one foot out the door), until the music stops. Hopefully, you’re mouse-button is faster than the next guy! 🫡

    • @Superdisco199 says:

      Human nature to want to see patterns. Elvis was in my coffee thismorning.

  • @ManifestPhil99 says:

    Seems CNBC always talks about the inverted curve of the two and the 10 not the three month

  • @joemama-tn7zl says:

    I’ve been watching this since Covid time. What I did was took his advice things are bad and I’m buying gold. Has worked for me

    • @MathsYknow says:

      Wouldn’t you have made more money in the S&P 500 than in gold over that period?

    • @dougprw1110 says:

      Yes. He would have. But when you don’t believe in this country or it’s economic system, you buy gold. Go ahead and try and buy something with your gold if your fear of economic collapse comes true. Buy something with it today even! Won’t work. And what’s dumb is fees to buy and or sell are huge.

  • @bennyc6021 says:

    You are getting better and better George. Thanks.

  • @Bailouts4Billionaires says:

    Thanks for covering this. I noticed the re-inverted yield curve and was wondering if I was the only one who saw it and why everyone wasn’t talking about it more.

  • @lonnieprior says:

    I can tell you here in Columbia Mo it sucks like it’s bad hardly any cars out past 9:00 I have to work 2 job and my pay check are down from 1200 a week to 700 a week The economy’s bad

  • @markcarlson1945 says:

    We’ve been in a recession for 18 years. We’ve been blinded by inflation and distorted data. 😮

    • @SimpTote says:

      Doesn’t help that they changed the way they calculate inflation to make it seem not as bad as it actually is.

    • @susanemig972 says:

      The statistics are manipulated & unreliable. Then the rotten FED uses them & wonders why things get worse

    • @STUDlOIC says:

      Started in 1971 after the dollar was no longer backed by gold. Keynesian economics convinces society that inflation is real and necessary.

    • @sewnsew6770 says:

      Now they are admitting that private sector has been in recession
      All government all the time

    • @thriftybob says:

      They started the printing in 2001 to paper over the recession. They’ve been printing unsuccessfully since then. I think the reason is that if we go into a recession, it will turn into a depression and/ or collapse.

  • @sarcastichue2119 says:

    You’re one of the best out there George

  • @RobotsCanDoAnything says:

    George, excellent video. You do a great job presenting the data.

  • @ufuksenol2005 says:

    We should be mindful of our spending. If an expense doesn’t contribute to generating future returns, it’s best to avoid it. Instead, consider early investments in stocks and ETFs, as they can help grow your wealth over time

    • @PineHosting says:

      It’s really heartbreaking to see how inflation and recession impact low-income families. The cost of living keeps rising, and many struggle just to meet basic needs, let alone save or invest. It’s a reminder of the importance of finding ways to create financial opportunities. You’ve helped me a lot sir Robert! Imagine i invested $50,000 and received $190,500 after 14 days

    • @quantarrow says:

      Absolutely! Profits are possible, especially now, but complex transactions should be handled by experienced market professionals.

    • @IshrakHossain-rt8is says:

      Some persons think inves’tin is all about buying stocks; I think going into the stock market without a good experience is a big risk, that’s why I’m lucky to have seen someone like mr Robert L Cox.

    • @MA-KEJointVenture says:

      Cox demonstrates an excellent understanding of market trends, making well informed decisions that leads to consistent profit

    • @nandojuace says:

      Seeing the future of xrp last year I had to sell my my HELOC I regretted somehow until I met Mr Robert started with $5000 xrp well say less 😊

  • @tpfrk8977 says:

    Once the revisions come in, it would not be surprising to find out that we have already been in recession for quite some time

  • @surfbum8166 says:

    This is your best breakdown on yield curve and economic situation today that I’ve seen. You earned my subscription with this video. Thank you

  • @rb95051 says:

    First time watching, very good video, aligned to my own opinion. Slammed my breakers, went from 80/20 allocation to 50/50. I let the “market always go up” types to buy theirs dips. I ignored the same signals in 2006 and took me a while to recover…don’t have that time anymore

  • @EldredaReid says:

    Can you share more details about the project you mentioned? I opened a starter deposit and am wondering what to do next on Moonacy Protocol. Any ideas?

  • @croissantamandes says:

    Right when I start investing in sp500 it goes “oh wait a minute let me show you a trick” and turns red.

  • @fatfatthewaterrat5010 says:

    It’s been 4 years running now. Hopefully George’s recession call finally comes to fruition

  • @Jacob99174 says:

    I’m Fred, I’ve arrived:
    Listen to Kramer
    Hold the bag
    You Sir, can’t predict shiz
    Stock market always goes up
    Stop fear mongering!

  • @RaymondKeen. says:

    I foresee a recession lasting 2-3 years, and if inflation continues to surge, the Federal Reserve will likely raise interest rates soon. Inflation is causing various issues worldwide, such as food shortages, scarcities of diesel and heating fuel, and significant spikes in housing prices, leading to a potential financial market crash. This global downturn could have long-lasting repercussions. Given the current inflation rate of approximately 9%, my main worry is how to optimize my savings and retirement fund, which has remained stagnant at around $300,000, yielding almost no gains for quite some time.

    • @Vincent-j8u says:

      Numerous opportunities exist to achieve substantial profits at present, but executing high-volume and nearly flawless trades requires the expertise of real-time professionals with an ISDA Agreement. This agreement allows investors to participate in sophisticated trades, exclusive to seasoned individuals, and unavailable to amateurs. Attempting to be a high-stakes trader without an ISDA is akin to trying to win the Indy 500 riding a llama.

    • @ClarkeGriffiny7 says:

      I’m sure the idea of an invstment-Adviser might sound controversial to a few, but a new study by Motley-fool found out that demand for Financial-Advisers sky-rocketed by over 42% since the pandemic and based on firsthand encounter I can say for certain their skillsets are topnotch. I’ve accrued north of 580k within 16-months from an initially stagnant Portf0lio worth 85k.

    • @TinaJames222 says:

      Inflation is over 10% here in the UK, but as we know it’s definitely way more than the Government would like to admit. My plan is to earn more passive income and ride this out, can your Investment-adviser assist?

    • @ClarkeGriffiny7 says:

      My Financial adviser is ‘’Lisa Grace Myer’’ she’s highly qualified and experienced in the financial market. She has extensive knowledge of portfolio diversity and is considered an expert in the field. I recommend researching her credentials further. She has many years of experience and is a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the financial market

    • @ScottKindle-bk3hx says:

      She appears to be well-educated and well-read. I ran a Google search for her name and came across her website; thank you for sharing.

  • @GeorgeGammon says:

    UPDATE: Atlanta Fed is now predicting Q1 GDP to be negative. See GDPNOW chart we used in thumbnail.

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