The Fed Just Broke EVERYTHING!! (This Is Bad)

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Cameron Long

  • SiemaZiomek says:

    gosh darn- in the first 2 minutes of this video a random person that stumbles into it will learn more about finance than 12 years of government scool will teach them. Good job Sir o7

  • Shannon Shunk says:

    Love, love, love the trolling of Moody. You don’t disappoint in your videos. Keep up the good work! 👏👏👏

  • Kodiak Aviator says:

    I have an MBA with a focus in finance . . . and I just learned more from this video than I did in a few of those classes.

  • Scott Jenkins CPA says:

    Best professor I’ve ever had! Seriously, can’t thank you enough for explaining complex topics in easily understandable videos I can share with my family without having to further explain nuances to them. Value your insights more than anyone I follow, even Jeff snider. If we ever cross paths, cervasas on me

  • Rumen K says:

    George you are a genius. Please don’t stop giving us the brutal truth of the reality. Thanks 🙏

  • Amber Hicks says:

    The Amazon spam is insane! Hopefully no one falls for it. Great video all the same.

  • Juan says:

    Thanks George. This is the next fin crisis in the making. Fed will only lower rates when something breaks (core cpi still too far from 2% target) or during a deep recession, which automatically takes care of inflation. Either way, this doesn’t bode well for the stock markets!

  • Salty SaltShaker says:

    One of the best finance YouTube channels.
    Packed with valuable learning materials.
    Thank you, George! 🙏🏻

  • Delmonico Farquhar says:

    Yep, I agree with all of this, George, and you explain the process very well. It’s inevitable we’ll be seeing many small banks disappear, and many of those will be the very same ones we saw building new locations just a few years ago. The problem is that our banking system really bogs down when it has to operate in reverse. The term “disintermediation” hasn’t been used much in recent years, but it will be soon as people move away from banks, and fiat currency, too, into hard assets in order to avoid counter-party risk that actually go to the heart of the problems of and challenges to our banking system today. The public will soon catch on, and, when that happens, it will be, literally, “Katie, bar the door.”

  • Tanner Rasco says:

    George, you are a well off investor. You do not need to do all of this detailed teaching for us in the middle class SO I really appreciate it and thank you! subscribed!🎉

  • Joe says:

    I’ve been thinking alot about what’s going to happen and here’s how I see this playing out. The Fed is going to try pivot because there bros at the banks and the CEOs at every corporation are begging them every day to pivot. They may bring down inflation momentarily, but it will continue to go up just like the 1970’s. As soon as they realize pivoting is the wrong choice is when you will really be able to make some money on precious metals

  • bobby gunz says:

    I blame the FEDs for this, because in the end they benefit by either buying off the failed banks cheaper or something. The fed can print credit as long as someone will borrow it into existence, but they cannot print product (or production).

  • Jooched says:

    You’re a great teacher George! The technical terms made this a lot of fun.

  • Stevens Middlemass says:

    It is a government inspired crisis this time. The Treasury have to sell Bonds to cover the trade imbalance and the government spending imbalance. In order to sell them they have to raise interest rates and the old long-term, low risk, low interest, AAA investments (including Treasury Bonds), held by the banks (often due to government regulatory policy), become next to worthless. The next milestone is the 15th when the government issue a new batch of Bonds. I have approximately $350k stagnant in my portfolio that needs growth. What is the best way to take advantage of this downturn?

    • KingDavid says:

      That’s right! Downturns provide plenty of opportunities for regular people to build wealth from the scratch. However, you may need to get some professional advice from an Investment planner if you need an aggressive return.

    • Carter says:

      Recessions are where millionaires are created. After my portfolio took a big hit in April last year, I was forced to employ the services of an Investment-analyst who has not only accrued a profit of $250k for me since then but has also taught me how.

    • thelastunicorn1987 says:

      Please can you leave the info of your invstment analyst here? I overheard someone talking about how a couple made $200k during this red season. I need such luck lol

    • Carter says:

      I’d recommend Christine Ann Podgorny. She is a genius when it comes to diversifying her holdings. You can verify her identity for yourself by looking her up online. She is well knowledgeable about the financial markets.

    • Nick says:

      I happen to know Christine Ann Podgorny too. She has been my fin coach since 2018, no major losses has been recorded. Totally recommend her too.

  • Raynold Grey says:

    Inflation hits people a lot harder than a crashing stock or housing market as it directly affects people’s cost of living that people immediately feel the impact of. It’s not surprising negative market sentiment is so high now. We really need help to survive in this Economy.

    • Daniel jackson says:

      Your best option if you are unfamiliar with the markets is to seek advice or help from a consultant or investing coach. I know it sounds simple or generic, but talking to a consultant helped me stay afloat in the market and increase my portfolio to roughly 65% since January. For me, it’s the best method to enter the market right now.

    • Daniel jackson says:

      Davies McCamey My consultant is Ruth Loralann Brennan I found her on a CNBC interview where she was featured and reached out to her afterwards. She has since provide entry and exit points on the securities I focus on. You can look her up online if you care supervision. I basically follow her trade pattern and haven’t regretted doing so.

    • Andrew logan says:

      @Daniel jackson We are appreciative of this Pointer. Finding her handler was simple; she appears to be skilled and adaptable. I scheduled a call with her.

    • Last First says:

      Sounds good. I’ll buy that. Here’s all MY money!!

  • MIchael Guzman says:

    The market and the Fed consistently underestimate the sticky nature of inflation. Markets are still unsure if the Federal Reserve will continue with its plan to raise interest rates until inflation is under control, even though bond yields are rising while stock prices are falling. What is the best strategy to take advantage of the current bear market while I am still deciding whether to sell my $401k worth of stocks?

    • Cynthia Byrd says:

      Trevor Ogden That is why I am creating more streams of income that I have full control over. These will take me places my day job never could. The sooner you start investing your money and putting it to work, the longer compound interest will have to work its magic on your portfolio. This is how I am going to get early retirement and it is possible for everyone. understand, know the necessary path and consolidate with the trade.

    • Kevin Meaders says:

      How are we going to achieve all that given that the market has being a mess most of the year seems farfetched. I keep hearing that the market is pricing in a 60% probability of a 75 hike. But isn’t it also pricing in a dovish fed that’s going to pívot relatively quickly?

    • Cynthia Byrd says:

      My advisor “LISA ELLEN SHAW” is highly qualified and experienced in the financial market. She has extensive knowledge of portfolio diversity and is considered an expert in the field. I recommend researching her credentials further. She has many years of experience and is a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the financial market.

    • Kevin Meaders says:

      @Cynthia Byrd I just Googled her name and her website came up right away. It looks interesting so far. I sent her an email and i hope she responds soon. Thanks

  • bob fletch says:

    I still blame the FEDs for this, because in the end they benefit by either buying off the failed banks cheaper or something. The fed can print credit as long as someone will borrow it into existence, but they cannot print product (or production).

    • alex young says:

      People are going through real life crisis, think now isn’t a time to point fingers. Everyone should always be prepared for the unexpected to happen. That is how randomness works.

    • joesph cu says:

      ou’re right! Now that the market is in decline, I know what I want to do, but I’m not sure which stocks to buy, which investments would yield the best profits, etc. The potential gain is greater due to the risk, and professionals are better at negotiating such exact contracts. Right?

    • lawerence miller says:

      Indeed, I started investing in 2018 with no prior knowledge or expertise, and by the end of 2019 I had earned a profit of approximately $750k. I had simply been following the guidance provided to me by my financial adviser. This shows that you don’t even need to be a great investor or put in a lot of effort; all you actually need is a professional to help you.

    • kim young says:

      That’s amazing! Given my failing portfolio, I could really use this manager’s abilities. Who’s guiding you?

    • lawerence miller says:

      I’d recommend Helene Claire Johnson. She is a genius when it comes to diversifying her holdings. You can verify her identity for yourself by looking her up online. She is well knowledgeable about the financial markets.

  • Dr Laszlo Lee says:

    Several of the biggest market experts have been voicing their opinions on exactly how awful they think the next downturn would be, and how far equities may have to go, as recession draws closer and inflation continues.. well above the Fed’s 2% objective. I’m trying to build a portfolio of at least $850k by the time I’m 60. I need suggestions on what investments to make..

    • Monica Vazquez says:

      My primary worry revolves around bouncing back from the current economic and global challenges and maintaining stability, particularly with the ongoing political power struggle in the United States.

    • Kris Grigoras says:

      It’s a delicate season now, so you can do little or nothing on your own. Hence I’ll suggest you get yourself a financial expert that can provide you with valuable financial information and assistance.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mark Lofgren please tell me how to use this recession to make gains! Grew my reserve of $121k to over $513k btw DEC. 2011 and AUG 2012 but the market is diff now

    • Romi Vera says:

      Sounds great. I could really use the expertise of an advisor, just can’t find while I’m away for work in New Zealand for another year. My portfolio has been stagnant…. Who’s the person guiding you can I get a phone number?

    • Romi Vera says:

      Mark Lofgren I just looked her up on the internet and looked into her credentials. I wrote her a letter outlining my financial objectives and planned a call with her.

  • Bobby mainz says:

    It is a government inspired crisis this time. The Treasury have to sell Bonds to cover the trade imbalance and the government spending imbalance. In order to sell them they have to raise interest rates and the old long-term, low risk, low interest, AAA investments (including Treasury Bonds), held by the banks (often due to government regulatory policy), become next to worthless. The next milestone is the 15th when the government issue a new batch of Bonds. If the interest goes up too much, this thing snowballs. I’m still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $338k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?

    • chris says:

      That’s right! Downturns provide plenty of opportunities for regular people to build wealth from the scratch. However, you may need to get some professional advice from an Invest-ment planner if you need an aggressive return.

    • alex young says:

      Recessions are where millionaires are created. After my port_folio took a big hit in April, I was forced to employ the services of an Invest-ment-analyst who has not only accrued a profit of $250k for me since then but has also taught me how.

    • o'neil jerry says:

      @alex young Please can you leave the info of your invstment analyst here? I overheard someone talking about how a couple made $200k during this red season. I need such luck.

    • alex young says:

      @o’neil jerry My adviser is “HEATHER ANN CHRISTENSEN” You can easily look her up. She has years of financial market experience and she is also FINRA & SEC verifiable.

    • o'neil jerry says:

      @alex young Thank you for this amazing tip. I verified her and booked a call session with her. She seems Proficient.

  • Alan Nernst says:

    The banking situation is a reminder that Fed hikes are having an effect, even if the economy has held up so far,” It’s precisely at times like these that investors need to be on guard against the next certainty. First SVB, then signature bank and now first republic bank, these are all the signs of yet another 2008 market crash 2.0

    • dave Mcintyre says:

      It’s a delicate season now, so you can do little or nothing on your own. Hence I’ll suggest you get yourself a financial expert that can provide you with valuable financial information and assistance

    • Trane says:

      George I’ve been down a ton, I’m only holding on so I can recoup, I really need help, who is this investment-adviser that guides you

    • Trane says:

      George thanks for sharing this, I googled the lady you mentioned and after going through her resume, I can tell she’s a pro. I wrote her and I’m waiting on her reply

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