#motivation #success #money #shorts The Reason WHY PEOPLE SUFFER – Would you take life advice from a 13yr old?
Continue reading#motivation #success #money From rock bottom to building a $5B real estate empire. Here is why buying a home is the worst investment. Why the power of cash-flowing assets is the only way to get wealthy, and how I’ve used unconventional strategies to achieve financial freedom. Be sure to follow @jackneel 00:00 – Introduction "What’s […]
Continue reading#motivation #success #money #realestate #investing #bitcoin #crypto #cryptocurrency Join Grant Cardone’s FREE Real Estate Live Training on December 14, 2024, from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST. Learn the strategies that propelled him from a $3,000 start to managing over $4 billion in real estate assets. What You’ll Learn: Proven Investment Strategies: Grant’s methods for […]
Continue reading#motivation #success #money Ever wondered how to analyze a rental property without spreadsheets or calculators? In this video, I break down the simplest napkin underwriting method for real estate deals. Learn how to calculate NOI, determine cap rates, and estimate property value. Let’s keep it simple! 🔗 Subscribe for More: Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction How […]
Continue reading#motivation #success #money #shorts Being TOO COOL is HURTING YOU – This kids got some serious knowledge…
Continue reading#motivation #success #money #shorts Get INSPIRED and STOP HATING If you hate on success you can never have it…
Continue reading#motivation #success #money I'm a BITCOIN FAN BOY NOW – I resisted for so long because I just didn't understand how this made up digital currency can change the landscape or modern economics and banking. If you are not on the Bitcoin train… Watch this video.
Continue reading#motivation #success #money #bitcoin #shorts Have something invested in bitcoin. Anything above 0 is a good place to be…
Continue reading#motivation #success #money #bitcoin #shorts How REAL ESTATE & BITCOIN Work TOGETHER I was a crypto hater for the longest until I was shown the possibility.
Continue reading#motivation #success #money #shorts MAGA is REAL and it's COMING – Post in comments if you agree…
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