In this episode of Rich Dad Stockcast, hosted by Del Denney, the focus is on navigating economic downturns and transforming crises into opportunities. Joined by Rich Dad expert Andy Tanner, provides important lessons to you to improve your financial education and strategic positioning during challenging economic times. FREE Training with Andy Tanner: Understanding Economic Downturns […]
Continue readingIn this episode of Rich Dad's Stockcast, host Del Denney and guest Andy Tanner explore the comparative benefits and challenges of investing in real estate versus the stock market. They discuss similarities and differences between the two asset classes, factors to consider for new investors, and the potential risks and rewards involved. They also delve […]
Continue readingAre ESG pensions good for the investor? Are your pensions and investments safe in today's world? In this episode, Ted Siedle joins Mike to discuss how public pensions are ripe for fraud, who has control, who is neglected, and how deep the politicization goes. —– Please read carefully. This is not financial advice. You may […]
Continue readingThere are two different ways to get rich. One route is to utilize your own cash. The other path is to utilize Other People's Money, or as we call it at Rich Dad, OPM. One (utilizing your own cash) gives little to-humble returns, sets aside a long effort to work out, and requires some financial […]
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