How To Invest With NO MONEY Down: Turn $0 Into Infinite Returns -Robert Kiyosaki (Millennial Money)

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There are two different ways to get rich. One route is to utilize your own cash. The other path is to utilize Other People's Money, or as we call it at Rich Dad, OPM. One (utilizing your own cash) gives little to-humble returns, sets aside a long effort to work out, and requires some financial intelligence. The other (OPM) gives huge to-infinite returns, creates amazing velocity of cash, and requires a high financial intelligence.

Be diligent. Continue to increase your financial education. Work hard. And master the fundamentals of good debt and OPM, and you WILL become wealthy.

Get your copy of FAKE here:

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Facebook: @RobertKiyosaki

Twitter: @TheRealKiyosaki

Instagram: @TheRealKiyosaki

Cameron Long

  • The Rich Dad Channel says:

    When it comes to investing, would you prefer to use your money or Other People’s Money?

  • DW says:

    Still waiting to hear how he raised the capital and how do we get other people to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into our ideas/business besides asking our rich step dad that most of us don’t have

    • Angelo Nunez says:

      No-one will ever give you the right formula, he will only advice you and give you tips, yes it is a pain but you have to do the work. According to his book, you have to be financially creative and that my friend, is the key. You do not need much money for that, yes keep you day job and do not quit until you figure out what to do. You gotta unlearn to learn new skills that perhaps you do not want to learn, say because you do not have time or you are not interested but you have to do it if you want to be ahead. Knowledge is power

    • FoodGrowsFree says:

      One way I think In raising capital is credit cards and working your way to increase your limit over time. Then you can use that money to invest in your business and pay back the credit card over time. When I started getting credit cards I never knew you could do this I thought is was to spend on consumerism never business my credit limit is about 22,000 so once I get some paid down I will be putting good debt to use. Hope this helps!

    • ZX ZEUS says:

      @FoodGrowsFree sure, you can use credit cards, but you better have a damn good return on your investment just to pay off the interest!

    • Big Guy says:

      He got the money from his dad. I just ranted about that in the comments. He’s telling people they are stupid for using their own money but then he said he borrowed 200,000 from his dad on his second deal. Which means his first deal was probably the same, daddy. Then he goes and rips on people telling them they are stupid to use their own money. Without his dad he would possibly not have been successful at raising the capital needed. His whole argument crumbled right there for me.

  • Bryan Rodas says:

    It would be cool that Robert make a video of his life so that people can undertand his past.

  • Mbali Maka says:


  • C. Galindo says:

    Excellent insight and I love how you push intelligence by giving the hard truth.
    It isn’t an insult but a direct understanding of others’ mindsets who aren’t as successful as yourself.
    Thank you for the knowledge

    • Richard Fain+⓵⓽⓪⓽⓶⓻⓺⓸⓼⓷⓪ says:

      Thanks for watching
      Hit me up there ☝️☝️
      There are profitable nods and patterns I’d love to show you!

  • Anthony Sanchez says:

    I’ve just started my journey in real estate investment. I’m as rookie as they come but I’m educating myself in the terminology, strategies, etc. I really wish I came across this amount of knowledge in my 20s. With no mentorship and guidance it can get hard but I’m eager. My life would’ve been so different now in my mid 30s. Sigh.

  • Steven paul says:

    Putting our time and effort in activities and investments that will yield a profitable return in the future is what we should be aiming for. Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it.

  • Kevin Marten says:

    To my understanding this just proves how much we need an edge as investors because playing the market like everyone else just isn’t good enough. I’ve been quite unsure about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it’s the best time to get started on the market, what are your thoughts?

    • Oluchi Laura says:

      Since the crash, I’ve been in the red. I’m playing the long term game, so I’m not too worried but Jim Cramer mentioned there are still a lot of great opportunities, though stocks has been down a lot. I also heard news of a guy that made $250k from about $110k since the crash and I would really look to know how to go about this.

    • lipglosskitten26 says:

      it all depends on how long you’re willing to hold for and your strategies, stocks might likely tank further, but making serious gains in this downtrend shouldn’t be a problem if you’re a pro

    • Oluchi Laura says:

      Dan Brooks Impressive can you share more info?

    • Oluchi Laura says:

      Dan Brooks She appears to be well-educated and well-read. I ran a Google search on her name and came across her website; thank you for sharing.

  • Jaz Broumn says:

    *My spouse and I are adding a variety of stocks/ETF to my present holdings for the long term, We’ve set aside $250k to start following inflation-indexed bonds and stocks of companies with solid cash flows, I believe it is a good time to capitalize on the market for long-term gains, but it wouldn’t hurt to know means of actualizing short term*

    • Vladimir Perez says:

      The market is volatile at this time, hence i will suggest you get yourself an inv-advisor/coach that can provide you with entry and exit points on the financial assets you focus on.

  • Deena Doyle says:

    I lost over $70K when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that’s what everyone said. I’m still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I’m really grateful I find one source to recover my money, at least $9k profits weekly. Thanks so much Mrs Joan Birnie.

  • Harrison Michael says:

    I wasn’t financial free until my 40’s and I’m still in my 40’s, bought my third house already, earn on a monthly through passive income, and got 4 out of 5 goals, just hope it encourages someone that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any of them right now, you can start TODAY regardless your age INVEST and change your future! Investing in the financial market is a grand choice I made. Great video! Thanks for sharing!
    Very inspiring! I love this.

    • George Robinson says:

      I understand that tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone, but investing today is hard for me now because I have no idea of how and where to invest in. I would be happy if you could advise me based on how you went about yours, as I am ready to go the passive income path.?

    • Harrison Michael says:

      @George Robinson This is the problem! Most times people with little or no knowledge of the stock market try investing by themselves. It once happened to me, then I learned my lesson and contacted a US-based finance consultant by name *PRISCILLA DIANE AIVAZIAN* and everything changed. I started enjoying huge returns from my investment.

    • George Robinson says:

      @Harrison Michael Oh, that sounds good but how do I reach out to PRISCILLA DIANE AIVAZIAN?

    • Harrison Michael says:

      @George Robinson Look up her name on the webpage

    • George Robinson says:

      @Harrison Michael Okay, thank you. I just found her website very impressive and dropped a message for her.,. I hope she replies to me

  • Albacus says:

    Buying a stock is easy, but buying the right stock without a time-tested strategy is incredibly hard. Hence what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist? I’ve been trying to grow my portfolio of $260K for sometime now, my major challenge is not knowing the best entry and exit strategies… I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

    • Christopher Farrar says:

      Particularly in this weak market, there are several opportunities to generate excellent returns, but such intricate transactions can only be carried out by seasoned market professionals.

    • Legado says:

      I’m sure the idea of a coach might sound generic or controversial to a few, but new study by investopedia found that demand for portfolio-coaches sky-rocketed by over 41.8% since the pandemic and based on firsthand encounter, I can say for certain their skillsets are topnotch, I’ve raised over $400k from an initially stagnant reserve of $150K all within 14months

    • Stevens Middlemass says:

      @Legado I’ve actually been thinking of reaching a portfolio-adviser, my 401k and stocks been losing everything it’s gained since 2019, mind if I looked-up this one coach you use?

    • Legado says:

      @Stevens Middlemass credits to Sharon Louise Count, one of the best portfolio manager;s out there. she;s well known, you should look her up

    • Eric says:

      Thank you for this referral! i just looked her up and sent a message hoping she gets back to me

  • Isaiah says:

    I just turned 15 in the past week or so and I know the work and time it takes to become wealthy with knowledge and experience, learning about cash flow, real estate, the stock market, financial information, and an overall view of my mental capability. I’m sure that my future self in my mid 20s to 30s will appreciate the time I put into myself with all the knowledge I’m gaining. Just putting this here because I know I’m gonna make it. If you’re reading this and have any general tips or heads up about anything, please let me know because the knowledge I receive from the generation before me will apply to my generation, as well as all the knew things we will experience.

  • Alexander foss says:

    It’s has been so difficult for me trading on my own because i have had much losses.Think the real market is manipulated, please can anyone help me out or tell me what I’m doing wrong.

  • George Clark says:

    My advice to new investors: Buy good companies stocks and hold them as long as they are good companies. Just do this and ignore the forecasts and market views which are at best entertaining but completely useless. I’ve only ever saved($510,000), never invested but want to start.

    • Dennis Cox says:

      My portfolio has good companies, however it has been stalling since last year. I have approximately $200k stagnant in my reserve that needs growth.

    • George Clark says:

      Rich Szabo Mind if I ask you to recommend how to reach this particular coach you using their service? Seems you’ve figured it all out unlike the rest of us.

  • instinctively_awesome says:

    I’m currently retired, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, I decided to stay on the sideline for awhile, now I’m worried with the numerous bank failures as of late, am I better off reinvesting my savings in the stock market or do I wait?

    • Jeffrey Hulkman says:

      Given the prevailing market conditions and the potential risks associated with the current economy, I would recommend refraining from investing in stocks for now. Instead, it would be prudent to consider retaining a portion of your assets in gold. Alternatively, seeking advice from a financial advisor could provide valuable guidance in this matter.

    • Tom Danese says:

      true, A lot of folks downplay the role of advisors until being burnt by their own emotions. I remember couple summers back, after my lengthy divorce, I needed a good boost to help my business stay afloat, hence I researched for license advisors and came across someone of due diligence, helped a lot to grow my reserve notwithstanding inflation, from $275k to approx. $850k so far.

    • instinctively_awesome says:

      @Tom Danese I’m intrigued by your experience. Could you possibly recommend a trustworthy advisor you’ve consulted with?

    • Marco Polo says:

      @Tom Danese I looked up your advisor’s full name and she appears to be trustworthy and knowledgeable. She is a fiduciary who acts in any individual’s best interests. So I left a message on her website, and I’m hoping she responds soon.

  • Gabriel Chaffman says:

    Nobody can become financially successful overnight. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals. you have to contend with inflation, recession, decisions from the Feds and all. I was able to increase my portfolio by $289k in months. You have to seek for help in the right places.

    • Josh Barney says:

      I think it’s not always about fear, Sometimes realistic factors discourage people from reaching their goals in life. For instance, I’ve tried investing in the stock market several times but always got discouraged by fluctuations of stock value.

    • Roger Wheelers says:

      This is the problem! Most times people with little or no knowledge of the stock market try investing by themselves. It once happened to me, then I learned my lesson and contacted a US-based finance consultant and everything changed. In in the first quarter of this year i made $370k and counting.

    • Eloign says:

      @Roger Wheelers please who is the consultant that assist you with your investment and if you don’t mind, how do I get in touch with them?

    • Roger Wheelers says:

      @Eloign Sure, the Investment advisor that guides me is ”Colleen Janie Towe” and she’s renowned and has quite a following. So it shouldn’t be a hassle finding her. Just look her up.

    • Eloign says:

      @Roger Wheelers Colleen really seem to know her stuff. I found her website, read through her resume, educational background, qualifications and it was really impressive. She is a fiduciary who will act in my best interest. So, I booked a session with her.

  • James wood says:

    Because of dividends, I first began investing in stocks. It’s important, in my opinion, to be able to live off of dividends without selling if you invest and make other income in addition to payouts. It suggests that you may pass that down to your kids and give them a leg up in life. Over the years, I’ve invested over $600k in dividend stocks; I continue to buy more today and will keep doing so until the price drops even further.

    • William Yejun says:

      Hearing from an experienced investor who has survived adversity and prevailed is always motivating. It may be frightening when your portfolio goes from green to red, but if you have invested in strong firms, you should maintain growing them and stick to your goal.

  • yung says:

    Robert kiyosaki is beyond amazing. Whoever’s reading this hope you find success.

  • Brian Whitehawker says:

    I think I could really use more guidance to navigate the market, it is completely overwhelming. I’ve bought stocks picks this year but I’m still unable to make profit. However, a few investors I read about were able to make profits of upto $250,000 in these current market, so am I doing something wrong?

    • Code Blue says:

      The stock market rally is still in force, but the major indexes, sectors and especially leading stocks are prone to reversals. I recommend you seek the guidance a broker or financial advisor.

    • James Scott says:

      I agree, having a brokerage advisor for inveesting is genius! Not long ago amidst the pandemic crash in March 2020, I was really having investing nightmare prior touching base with a advisor. In a nutshell, i’ve accrued over $550k with the help of my advisor from an initial $120k investment thus far.

    • gerald.t says:

      that’s impressive!, I could really use the expertise of this advisors , my portfolio has been down bad….who’s the person guiding you.

    • James Scott says:

      credits to LEILA SIMOES PINTO, one of the best portfolio manager;s out there. she;s well known, you should look her up

    • Lucas Williams says:

      Thank you for this Pointer. It was easy to find your handler, She seems very proficient and flexible. I booked a call session with her.

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