Swollen Ankles, Puffy Feet – 5 Ways for Diabetics to Increase Circulation
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Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, shares 5 ways that help circulation to increase and swollen feet and ankles to go away.
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Thanks Again Dennis!
My wife has this problem. I forwarded this video to her. Thanks for posting this.
Jogging will get you needing knee replacements
Walking better, i don’t jog
Beep bop boop
Thank you.
Thank you for your common sense approach to good health – – I share your content with friends because we are all getting to that “delicate” age – – Bless you and have lovely day!!!!
The primary use of any exercise machine is to sit in a corner and catch dust.
They can also be a handy place to hang clothes.

Tons of Hobbies that will let a person keep active at a pace that is fine with your lifestyle
Thank you Dennis for your inspirational and MOTIVATIONAL videos. I look forward to them!!
Great topic Dennis! Even if you don’t have t2d, ageing is naturally progressing. Arteries get narrow, plaque builds and clotting happens especially after the shot. I started getting numbness, swelling and cramps this called is PAD. Severe Claudication in the left leg. I couldn’t walk but a few steps with pain. I started using Nattokinase at 10,000 fu after 3 months no more pain and now can walk for at least 1 hour. Exercise is good but you still suffer arterial disease as you age, this supplement is safe and works.
My friend has that.
Ginko Biloba is far safer than aspirin. You have to find your own amount of tablets to take. If a cut takes too long to stop bleeding you are taking too many in a week.
Greetings from Ethiopia. That was scary but very awakening. Thank you, Dennis.
thank you for giving me a reminder of what to do I must be more diligent about my diet
Elevated insulin levels lead to sodium and fluid retention. The rapid weight loss when removing carbohydrates from the diet is due to low lowering insulin levels which naturally works as a diuretic.
Yep i had these systems. Key word, HAD! A pill will not cure type 2 it’s up to YOU. Ty again Dennis
Thank you Dennis for all your hard work. Many blessings to you and yours!

Wonderful ideas. I learned to do the same. I use a seated exercise bicycle, and then about twice a day I go for a short walk around the neighborhood to see if any of our alligator friends have come for a visit. (I live in Florida) I can tell you that if you save your walks for after meals, your numbers will be lower. Thank you Ben & Den.
This video was very helpful. The challenge with exercise as well as with diet is that it has to be integrated into our lifestyle, or we won’t stay with it.