Swollen Ankles, Puffy Feet – 5 Ways for Diabetics to Increase Circulation

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Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, shares 5 ways that help circulation to increase and swollen feet and ankles to go away.

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Cameron Long

  • @stephenlawlor2876 says:

    Thanks Again Dennis! 😊

  • @alvincash3230 says:

    My wife has this problem. I forwarded this video to her. Thanks for posting this.

  • @linsteele1820 says:

    Jogging will get you needing knee replacements

  • @suzannes4909 says:

    Thank you.

  • @summersolstice884 says:

    Thank you for your common sense approach to good health – – I share your content with friends because we are all getting to that “delicate” age – – Bless you and have lovely day!!!!

  • @onesky8647 says:

    The primary use of any exercise machine is to sit in a corner and catch dust.😅

  • @jacksnavely559 says:

    Tons of Hobbies that will let a person keep active at a pace that is fine with your lifestyle ❤

  • @ruthhaney2946 says:

    Thank you Dennis for your inspirational and MOTIVATIONAL videos. I look forward to them!!😊

  • @harold18659 says:

    Great topic Dennis! Even if you don’t have t2d, ageing is naturally progressing. Arteries get narrow, plaque builds and clotting happens especially after the shot. I started getting numbness, swelling and cramps this called is PAD. Severe Claudication in the left leg. I couldn’t walk but a few steps with pain. I started using Nattokinase at 10,000 fu after 3 months no more pain and now can walk for at least 1 hour. Exercise is good but you still suffer arterial disease as you age, this supplement is safe and works.

  • @olly2027 says:

    My friend has that.

  • @ellen9579 says:

    🥀👍🥀 Extremely informative, Dennis! Spreading exercise throughout the day is a new concept for me 🥀👍🥀 Though not diabetic, I prioritize exercise, because daily early morning walks outside, yoga and strength training are fun to me…

  • @Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n says:

    Ginko Biloba is far safer than aspirin. You have to find your own amount of tablets to take. If a cut takes too long to stop bleeding you are taking too many in a week.

  • @zenane2012 says:

    Greetings from Ethiopia. That was scary but very awakening. Thank you, Dennis.

  • @kenjackben says:

    thank you for giving me a reminder of what to do I must be more diligent about my diet

  • @johnmadany9829 says:

    Elevated insulin levels lead to sodium and fluid retention. The rapid weight loss when removing carbohydrates from the diet is due to low lowering insulin levels which naturally works as a diuretic.

  • @slugo915 says:

    Yep i had these systems. Key word, HAD! A pill will not cure type 2 it’s up to YOU. Ty again Dennis 🙏

  • @rosebailey3537 says:

    Thank you Dennis for all your hard work. Many blessings to you and yours!🙏❤🙏

  • @williamberliant8145 says:

    Wonderful ideas. I learned to do the same. I use a seated exercise bicycle, and then about twice a day I go for a short walk around the neighborhood to see if any of our alligator friends have come for a visit. (I live in Florida) I can tell you that if you save your walks for after meals, your numbers will be lower. Thank you Ben & Den.

  • @victorbaez3688 says:


  • @knottreel says:

    This video was very helpful. The challenge with exercise as well as with diet is that it has to be integrated into our lifestyle, or we won’t stay with it.

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