Cameron Long

  • @lovewever7433 says:

    It’s very useful, thank you!👀

  • @MabelAdinolfi says:

    What is your most unusual or interesting talent?🌺

  • @ionalisa6113 says:

    What is the planned rhythm for your future video contributions?👌

  • @bogipepper says:

    Screw Arnold Thanks

  • @jessicagrollino1407 says:

    I was swimming after a few drinks and got sucked down a damn,I saw my life flash before my eyes,but because I let my body go limp and grab on to the first rock ,I came out with just a scratch.If I was sober,I think my body would have froze and tightened up.Not saying drinking is better but it might have saved my life,lol

  • @MelissaBytwork says:

    Peace and quiet of the world

  • @BigGift1 says:

    Screw your freedoms!

  • @EARTHMUSIC3 says:

    He is a good man!!

  • @annak2575 says:

    “Screw your Freedom!”

  • @simplyfurniture-oq6ni says:

    no fear that’s right.
    thank you for sharing

  • @daleneparole1502 says:

    But remember, this guy wanted you to go get the “arm ticket”. Dont forget

  • @javierbrokenleg says:

    Very stoic, thanks T800!

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