One Meal to Eliminate Diabetes, Would You Eat it for the Rest of Your Life?
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Dennis Pollock discusses a dietary solution to a dietary problem – diabetes.
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Good morning Dennis from Minnesota
Not diabetic but am low carb and staying healthy at 64 love your videos
Thanks to this man, I’m no longer a diabetic
Keto diet is the truth

Me too.
Thanks Dennis!!
Thank you Brother Dennis. Have a peaceful Good Friday
I never buy any box or bag that says Keto on it. It’s just as bad. I usually have an egg container full of boiled eggs handy. I’ve cooked a 5 pound container of ground beef and put it in a covered bowl. There are so many healthier options than eating something with the word Keto on it. Putting keto on the box is just a marketing ploy, in many cases. That’s why they think they can charge so much more money for it.
I eat cooked ground beef cold as a snack so I stay out of the nuts. Boiled eggs are great too.
Thank you from Texas.
Excellent as always.
thank you for reminding me of that particular meal I need reminding of these things from time to time
Just had an OMG breakfast/lunch/dinner moment. 3 eggs, cheese, onion, pepper, salt, chilli, bacon/chicken/ham. Does at least 2 meals.
Great ways to helping the diabetic community; thanks Dennis!
Thank you for all that you do, good sir!
Same advice applies to alcoholics and drug users. Those who want to ‘get better ‘ and those who are powerless to follow this excellent advice.
A bit over simplistic view of the problems don’t you think? if folks could, they would. !
Thanks for info as usual very helpful.
Canned sardines come prepared in all kinds of ways. Some are more appetizing than others, same goes for canned salmon. I stick with sardines canned with olive oil which taste great on a salad.
For the past few months I’ve been eating a small bowl of lean ground beef swimming in Kerrygold butter along with a generous helping of some kind of low carb vegetable on the side. About 70% of the time it’s fresh green beans! It comes out to a pound of meat, 8 tablespoons of butter and about 1 to 2 lbs of vegetables a day. My blood sugar now ranges from the high 60’s to the low 80s. Before keto I had to take insulin just to try and keep my blood sugar from sky rocketing to over 300, now I don’t need it. I could eat this way for a long time because It keeps me satisfied and I never feel deprived. I also drink green iced tea with stevia and that satisfies my sweet tooth.
You are doing great! Keep it up.
What a fantastic session. Mr. Dennis you really life saver person
Great video Dennis! I Pretty much eat everything you,ve shown on the list. When I move to Montana in July, I will be trying new recipes with all these flours. Happy Easter to you and Benedicta!

You made me hungry, Dennis! I love hamburger patties! From freezer to my plate in 3 minutes, add some cheese and a hot sauce, excellent! I do like sardines in hot sauce. By the way, someone said they got a substitute for honey and it made their blood sugar go up over 170. I had purchased some honey from Wholesome Yum (over $10 !) but never tested (shame on me! Yes, I do keep a diary of questionable meals). So I had some of the honey on chaffles and my sugar went from 90 to 97, so Mike approved – for me. This was a profitable video. Thanks!
I love sardines, have eaten them since childhood, my mum put them on toast, I still eat them with a salad and no bread
from being a vegetarian for 30yrs I decided my health was important so I started to eat meat! And I’m enjoying it!


I spoke to you last month to thank you for guiding me in the right direction, I just had my blood glucose results back from my 6 monthly check, it said no Diabetes detected! You can imagine how jubilant I am! Will carry on eating the way I do now, Keto/carnivore
Thank you once again Dennis
Happy Easter Weekend