Michael Burry Is Now Predicting Another Huge Crash!! (Here’s Why)

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Cameron Long

  • micheal wagner says:

    the other issue about 2023 is that consumers are carrying a lot more debt than in 2019. The safety net is gone

  • Mike Shlyak says:

    Cool video, a few weeks back GS has a nice chart of their prediction of the market in 2023 with a soft and hard landing, and BofA predicted back around July/August a market low between 2900-3150 (sp500) further down the road. The market was also heading down to 3400 back when Powell raised rates in October, but the Bank of England incidence with the pension funds and bonds stopped the bleeding. It’s only a matter of time before we go down again to retest/fall lower. It’s nice to see these relief rallies, but watching these markets come crashing down, I salivate and get ready to buy into those massive dips.

  • Tom Johnston says:

    I think the falling consumer demand will slow inflation and in some cases reverse it. I think this will be visible in auto prices, both used and new, through the next 12 – 24 months. Prices were driven up by high demand and low supply. Supply is catching up, and demand is dropping as household budgets tighten.

  • roosTak says:

    Burry is amazing. He has predicted 21 out of the last 2 crashes.

    • Silver Surfer says:

      Lol. 💪🔥

    • TrendThis says:


    • Your Betting Assistant says:

      Yea he is a clown for sure, underperformed the market every year except 2008

    • parkerbohnn says:

      @Your Betting Assistant He did the right thing the stock market should have fallen every year. If you do the right thing in the long run you’ll make money. If you do the wrong thing in the long run you’ll end up penniless. I’ve been short the U.S. stock market since 2009. Still waiting for the second shoe to drop from the ’87 crash a retest of the ’87 lows.

  • kim young says:

    It’s far too easy for investors to lose perspective whenever something big goes wrong, the markets recovered from corona virus, 2008 crisis, the dotcom crash, even the Great Depression. So they’ll probably get through whatever comes next as well.

    • erich kraetz says:

      Absolutely true. I have lost money with this singular mistake, and since then i’ve been very scared of jumping into the market. Most times, i cannot identify trends.

    • joesph cu says:

      I’m sure the idea of a portfolio-managers might sound controversial to a few, but a new study by investopedia found out that demand for Portflio-Managers sky-rocketed by over 41.8 percent since the pandemic and based on firsthand encounter I can say for certain their skillsets are topnotch. I’ve raised over $400k within 18months from an initially stagnant portfoli0 worth of 150K which was devoid of dividend stocks. These are the high-volume traderss

  • Sarah Arkwins says:

    Tony Gregory, thank you. <>

  • A L says:

    Hey George, you are one of the financial channels that I can understand what you are talking about verbally and the visuals make it even better. Thank you sir!

  • Jennifer Powell says:

    Thaks George well I sold a couple of homes in the Tampa area for pretty good cash and I’m thinking to just leave it in stocks while waiting for a house crash to happen and as well avoid inflation, but is this really a good time to buy stocks? I hear it’s a madhouse right now and I still hear folks are raking in huge 6figure profits by the weeks and I’d love to know how

    • Andrew Loothbrok says:

      look at it this way, while some folks are waiting to make minimal profits when stocks recover, some others folks already know where to look and what to do to make hefty gains in these times
      so yea, it all boils down to knowledge to risk mltigation.

    • TVS says:

      Wait for stock market crash. US stock markets will surely start falling from 2023. I have sold 75% of my portfolio in Indian stock markets. As Indians now have access to trade in US markets, I’m waiting for the crash. I’m planning to invest a part of my profits in US markets, between 130k USD to 150k USD initially.

    • Eddie Adventure says:

      endgame Buy bonds when the fed is printing money like candy? hmm…..

    • Pauly Hart says:

      with every dive-bombing asset class, another is climbing… i’m buying commodities and ag real estate. winter wheat and pork bellies over bluechip in my opinion right now. also, precious metals are good.

  • David Newbury says:

    Is this a good time to buy stocks? I know everyone is saying stocks are at a discount and all, but just how long will It take for us to recover, obviously there are strategies to maneuver in this present market but these strategies doesn’t come common to the average folk, or am I better off putting my money elsewhere?

    • Shelia Swelttk says:

      If there’s one thing about the market, it’s that it always recovers, but I can’t seem to focus on the long-run, major factors at play like my retirement and my reserve laying waste to inflation. I need a solid data trajectory and solution asap

    • Williams Kohler says:

      @Shelia Swelttk The uncertainties accompanying this present market is more reasons I have my daily investment decisions guided by a portfolio-coach seeing that their entire skillset is built around going long and short at the same time, both employing profit-oriented strategy and laying off risk as a hedge against the inevitable downtrends, coupled with the exclusive information/analysis, it’s quite impossible not to outperform. Netted over $1.5m in return on investment, since using a coach for about 2years.

    • Gabrielle Wilson says:

      @Williams Kohler I see no other way to maneuver, profit and steer off losses in this present market except with the aid of a pro-investor, Think you could recommend this coach that guides you, I’ve been looking intoo advisors myself and I’d really need guidance to scale through

    • Williams Kohler says:

      @Gabrielle Wilson I’ve shuffled through investment-advisers in the past and so far Tracy Helene Aalvik has proved to be the most effective and well grounded, she has quite an audience so you can easily just reach her on the web to gain access to her, just look-the name up

    • Gabrielle Wilson says:

      @Williams Kohler Thanks, I saw and went through Tracy Helene Aalvik’s bio and It was very satisfactory, seems like the kinda pro I need to aid me through this unstable times.

  • Alesster101 says:

    Michael predicting a crash actually makes me feel at peace that it won’t happen.

  • Eric Wilde says:

    It’s possible that this pricing will never be seen again. If you have a fantastic vision for it, there is always opportunity in the midst of chaos.I have my interests set on key blue chip and top etf sectors based on performance and projected growth, I’ve been able to grow my portfolio to 7 figures. My strategy with my F.A Susan Kay Mack handling my portfolio gives me the best returns even during recession.

  • Legado says:

    With markets tumbling, inflation soaring, the Fed imposing large interest-rate hike, while treasury yields are rising rapidly—which means more red ink for portfolios this quarter. How can I profit from the current volatile market, I’m still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $125k bond/stocck portfolio

    • Alexander Webber says:

      Focus on two key objectives. First, stay protected by learning when to sell stocks to cut losses and capture profits. Second, prepare to profit when the market turns around.I recommend you seek the guidance from an expert

    • Albacus says:

      @Alexander Webber Right, I’ve been in constant touch with a fiinancial-analyst since covid . You know these days it’s really easy to buy into trending stock`s, but the task is determining when to buy or sell . My advisorr decides entry and exit commands on my portfoliio, I’ve accrued over $550k from an initially stagnant reserve of $150K

    • Kayla Wood says:

      @Albacus Please can you leave the info of your investment advisor here? I’m in dire need for one

    • Albacus says:

      @Kayla Wood My advisor is “Sharon Louise Count” You can easily look her up online, she has years of financial market experience.

    • Cloudy Blaze says:

      I just looked up Sharon Louise Count online and researched her accreditation. She seem very proficient, I wrote her detailing my Fin-market goals.

  • Raj B says:

    This analysis is spot on. Next CPI will be released on 1/12/23, but market might pull back before that and get ready to sell the news (The last bear market rally in next 2 years). S&P 500 still has 40-50% to drop in 2023. This could be much worse than 2008. Cash & Bonds are your best bet. Good luck folks!

  • joesph cu says:

    With this crash I’ll say it wont be too easy to pick the right stock, Warren Buffet said there are still huge opportunities despite the crash, and I overheard someone talk about making $250k from about $110k since the crash. How do I make these kind of returns ?

    • alex young says:

      There are actually a lot of ways to make high yields in a crisis, but such trades are best done under the supervision of Financial advisor.

    • simon fes says:

      The best course of action if you lack market knowledge is to ask a consultant or investing coach for guidance or assistance. Speaking with a consultant helped me stay afloat in the market and grow my portfolio to about 65% since January, even though I know it sounds obvious or generic. I believe that is the most effective way to enter the business at the moment.

    • Ruth spense says:

      @simon fes Please who’s your investment-advisor?. I’m retiring next mnth. I’m a bit nervous about how to keep up with the skyrocketing inflation and cost of living.. I have $100k for a start

  • Bobby mainz says:

    We can’t really tell what will follow until after the inflation result comes in this February. Meanwhile, historical data have proven time and time again that stocks will always outperform bonds in the long run, so I’m sticking out my guns and I’m remaining in the market. I just need to pick out quality stocks, and I’m good to go. The problem is how to find them.

    • Ruth spense says:

      The one effective technique I use is staying in touch with a financial coach for guidance. It might sound basic or generic, but getting in touch with a financial advisor was how I was able to outperform the market during the pandemic and raised a profit of roughly $170k within 3 months of investing.

    • bob fletch says:

      @Ruth spense I completely agree, which is why I prefer to delegate daily decision-making to an investing coach. It is difficult for them to underperform given their specialised knowledge and research, as well as the fact that every one of their abilities is geared toward utilising risk for its asymmetrical potential, and mitigating it as a buffer against certain bad turns. I’ve been working with an investment coach for over two years, and have made over a quarter mill dllars.

    • o'neil jerry says:

      @bob fletch My port-folio has been performing really poorly lately. I’m looking to change my strategy and use a coach. Can I possibly get in contact with your coach?

  • Clement Russo says:

    It’s hard to predict the future until we see this month’s inflation results. However, historical data consistently show that stocks tend to outperform bonds in the long term. Therefore, I’m staying in the market and focusing on selecting high-quality stocks. The challenge lies in identifying these stocks.

    • Miriam Rodriguez says:

      I wholeheartedly agree, which is why I choose to delegate my daily investment decisions to a coach. Their specialised knowledge, research, and risk management skills make it challenging for them to underperform. They focus on utilising risk for its asymmetrical potential while mitigating downsides. I’ve been with my investment coach for over two years and have earned over a quarter-million dollars.

    • Vicky Alvarez says:

      My collection has been underperforming recently, and I’m considering a strategy change with the help of a coach. Is it possible to get in touch with your coach?

    • Miriam Rodriguez says:

      There are many financial coaches who excel in their profession, but for the time being, I employ Stacey Lee Decker because I adore her methods. You can make research and find out more

    • Jason Aviero says:

      ​@Miriam Rodriguez She seems quite knowledgeable and well-educated. I just Googled her name and found her webpage. Thanks for sharing!

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