Metabolic Flexibility: Burn Fat / Burn Carbs – Should Diabetics be Concerned?

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Dennis Pollock shares thoughts about metabolic flexibility, and the primary issue involved.

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  • @4everhdt says:

    I always appreciate your videos and thoughts but I think we need to hear out the people who are saying that by massively decreasing fat to a 10 percent to 15 percent level one can make themselves extremely insulin sensitive, so much so that their A1C and blood sugar control is actually improved even though they’re eating way more carbohydrates.

    Check out the channels Jay Feldman or mastering diabetes they are two of the people who are talking about this method.

    I would also like to point out that it could be quite possible both the carnivore/Keto and the extremely low fat could both be Solutions to insulin resistance. It’s just this moderate/high fat, moderate/high carbohydrate diet that is causing the so-called metabolic gridlock.

    • @mygolfballsannoy says:

      Its not just IR.. type1/2 are different.. 2’s usually have way more metabolic damage.. And we are broken.. So.. using the Mas Diab method, we can go back to the yummy SAD? Nope.. I do not like veggies.. Keto/Carniv isnt fun either.. But we are all different Have have to try to find something that works.. before taking drugs, because we see where doctors/nutritionist lead us.. From history

    • @mygolfballsannoy says:

      And eating boxes of fruit isn’t natural either.. eat fruit in season.. no one ate lots of fruit every day before planes and trucks…

    • @jmh8510 says:

      As a t1 diabetic I’ve gone both ways. Was vegan for 2.5 yrs low fat. My A1c did go down from 6.4 to 5.7…BUT I felt and looked horrendously horrible. Hair fell out in clumps. The shower drain full of it. Skin bad, muscle loss, horrible sleep no energy, wired, brain fog and in and on. Been ketovore for 1 yr. About 20-30 carbs/day. Pretty high fat moderate protein. Sooo improved in all ways, yet A1c is at 6.3. My sleep, skin, energy is great—everything is better. Quality of life has massively improved. The mastering diabetes guys IMO look many years older than they are, skin not good color…and imo look undernourished. Vegan low fat DOES work for insulin sensitivity but there’s a host of other domains that play into this.

  • @zenane2012 says:

    Greetings from Ethiopia. That was very awakening. Thank you, Dennis.

  • @cabbys says:

    I generally have a distrust of nutritionists because they hold on to the low fat dogma. It’s refreshing to hear there are a few courageous souls who are intellectually curious and moving the needle. Cut the carbs.

  • @jobrown8146 says:

    I’ve been low carb for nearly 3 years now, and this last year I’ve been eating a lot more meat and even less veggies (just don’t enjoy them now). I enjoy being able to eat and feel satisfied and not get hangry and notice that if I eat more carbs in a meal that I get tired soon afterwards and get hungry sooner. I also no longer get hangry and can delay a meal by several hours whereas before when I got properly hungry I would have to eat within the half hour or I would get the shakes. I am now metabolically healthy and am at my ideal weight having lost 25% of my starting weight without trying. We each have to find what works for us. Thankfully I’ve found what works for me.

  • @petercyr3508 says:

    We are built to run on glucose, fatty acids and ketones. All at the same time. We burn alchohol too, but lets ignore that for now. Your liver will produce all the glucose and ketones you need. The body uses fuels in this order:
    Fat and ketones
    If you constantly consume glucose, your body never burns fat. Your body needs to get rid of the unneeded glucose as there is limited storage for it as glucose. Your body tries to burn it and stores the rest as fat. Meantime your stored fat is not being used. Your brain is starved for ketones and your energy level is low because you can only burn glucose on this state.

  • @johnmadany9829 says:

    Moderationitis! I’ll call this your best video. Cutting back doesn’t work when you need to cut out.

  • @dm9022 says:

    I’m beginning to think he’s absolutely right if you live a sedentary lifestyle eating a ketogenic diet you feel great .as soon as you have a carb. It’s tight, swollen hands and feet. It’s a sick feeling in the gut ,bad breath, passing out after you eat, etc., yet as soon as you eat your food in the order of vegetables first, proteins, then fats, then carbs in that order and add muscle building exercise and walking, you can have some natural carbs .carbs meaning in vegetables, low glycemic, fruits, like berries, and very little wild rice, or sweet potato. Without those type 2 side effects…But every doctor will tell you not to do the ketogenic diet. the only time I had a problem with ketogenic diet was when I went off it! And went back to eating pasta, bread. There has to be a connection between the sedentary lifestyle and high sugar…I believe we need to get up and walk, do some lifting whether it’s weights or grocery bags anything, calf raising under your desk … Will help burn sugar …

  • @anomarnamloh7444 says:

    My ex is a long distance runner, he does marathons and is into Carb loading. Long Distance Running and all intensive exercise cor more than 5/10minutes are stressors on the body thus jacking up cortisol and jacking up insulin. That stress can trigger diabetes. Lots of long distance endurance athletes develop insulin resistance and all its siblings. My ex still runs, still Carb loads, still drinks energy drinks and his type 2 is way out of control. Running depletes glucose in the skeletal muscles but doesn’t do anything for all the glucose stored in the liver & pancreas

  • @jayhay1237 says:

    Data driven decisions. 3 D’s. My blood work results are what matters to me. When I was SAD (low fat and high carbs) I was sick with diabetes, fatty liver and high triglycerides. My doctor recommended MORE OF THE SAME. “If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got!” I needed a REAL and MEANINGFUL CHANGE. I went KETO.

    Keto won! After 3 months, I tested my bloodwork again. The results were miraculous. That was two years ago. My blood work since then has progressively improved. Learn more about interpretation of your blood work numbers for yourself. You can’t trust your doctor or nutritionist. They are all comprised by the health care industrial complex! Make Data driven decisions for your health. It requires some study but your future self will be extremely grateful.

  • @ellen9579 says:

    Metabolic flexibility: I’m always learning from ya, Dennis! EXCELLENT…

  • @victorbaez3688 says:


  • @ruthhaney2946 says:

    My friend who’s diabetic once said to me, “if you eliminate carbs, what can you eat?” 😳

  • @dcnike820 says:

    With the most recent data and publications showing that at least 88% of US adults having at least one metabolic challenge (out of the 5 elements of metabolic syndrom) with most struggling with more than 2 of the 5, Metabolic Flexibility is worse than a Myth!. More importantly, we are finding out weekly from research for a whole range of health outcomes (physical and mental) are improved with humans achieving ketosis (fat adaptation). Cutting carb is the way forward for good health so any carb loading is just bad for us.

  • @konstantinusstoyanov9749 says:

    Right on, thank you

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