Medical Technology Has Come So Far – But Diabetes Stubbornly Rages On & Multiplies! Why???
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Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, discusses why it is that despite all our medical technology improvements, despite all the research and the studies, diabetes continues to hammer us.
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Because people eat too much, portion sizes too large. Gluttony is mainstreamed. Snacking is a full-time hobby and a pancreas was not designed to be overworked like this.
Kind of. It doesn’t work to have small amounts only (ie small amounts of French fries etc). As a type 1 diabetic I eat a lot of food—but almost exclusively animal foods. I eat until comfortably full. I’ve found it’s What I eat, not the amount, that’s been the game changer. I lost 50 lbs in about 10 months eating a lot
@@jmh8510 Generally, this channel refers to Type 2 Diabetes, which is what I was referring to. Good on you for figuring out how to manage your Type 1.
@@jmh8510totally agree, I’m a type 2 and I eat until I’m filled, one or two meals per day, meats, eggs fish and some veggies. Coconut and almond flour, no snacking.
I have been thinking a lot about whether patients should be informed about carnivore sooner. Lately I have had patients come in saying they were doing the carnivore diet and we’re feeling great. To quote one of my patients “I got ahead of you doc” I’m not eating anything but meat.
The reason why people can’t stick to “a diet” is because the recommended diets don’t give adequate benefits. If you take a prescription strength diet you will feel great. If you feel great you can keep doing the diet.
I’ve seen way too many people who aren’t willing to change.
It’s an unfortunate trait of humanity.
@CarnivoreHercules-j8i You are exactly right! I guess they’d rather wait until they have to have a leg amputated or lose their eyesight before they’ll finally pay any attention to what is actually causing their issues.
Iv learned so much information from your channel and I sure appreciate it, thanks for sharing
Greetings from Ethiopia. That was very educational. Thank you, Dennis.
As a retired chef who has unsuccessfully battled Type 2 Diabetes for 35 years… now it all makes since. Carnivore now for about a year and what a difference. Thank you for this series.. 70’s – 90’s was my hay days… I feel complicit in the problem now. Now it all makes since. A1c of 5.8 last time… made the changes after my doctor said,” hey, I can GET you Ozempic…” and I thought, “why would I want Olympic,and why would that be a good thing. Now seeing an endocrinologist who has explained the way my body works and how changes can reverse the situation. You are right. Carry on. Big Pharma and the food industry, and the medical establishment are the culprits and are in cahoots with the insurance industry. YOU ARE RIGHT. CARRY ON

You did a video on the over the counter CGM. I saw where they are now offering a wristwatch that will read your blood glucose. Has anyone heard anything about accuracy with this and pros and cons.
blood sugar meter The jab type can be 20% inaccurate which is a bit if your figures are 200 /400
My friend, a type 2 diabetic, won’t change his diet because his doctors won’t tell him to. He said he finally asked his doctor if he should stop eating bananas and she finally replied to him “probably so”. They had sent him to a dietician, which didn’t even tell him to stop eating toast and sugar. So doctors abdicate their responsibility to inform as they pass it to dieticians, which won’t do it. No one wants to be the bad guy.
@elizabethlavet7528 What you said, plus I think a lot of doctors just don’t really have the correct information to give their patients re: correct diet. Luckily, the doctor I have did tell me to cut back on foods that have carbohydrates, but then he is a Type 1 diabetic himself, so probably knows a lot more about foods that help than other doctors who don’t have to personally deal with that issue.
My doctor was no help, AT FIRST. She told me that you can’t beat diabetes. I found Dennis, changed the food I ate, and not only is my type 2 diabetes in total remission, but now my doctor tell patients to do what i did and cut the carbs.
The problem might be spiritual.
Gm Dennis. Can’t say it enough, ty for all the help reversing my type 2!