Grant Cardone’s Marketing Playbook LIVE – Million-Dollar Strategies for Explosive Growth
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That’s what they trying to do destroy the middle class
“You will own nothing and be happy”.
At least you understand!
@@danielaramburo7648 that’s like saying you’re going to drown today but don’t worry, you won’t get dehydrated 😂
@@lifeontheroad_ always the government have their ways of control population
Spot on 😂
He want you to rent.
No he wants you to be rich with money. He wants to you understand what the face of socialism looks like.
@lifeontheroadhe doesn’t give a damn about you and yoi don’t understand what socialism is
You and the other people that like this is post are going to be the idiots that are going to regret for voting for her is she gets elected
I own a home I bought my home 25 years ago. I paid $120.000, and now it is worth $860.600 . You can’t do that renting .go to one of his properties, the rent is in the $ 2000 a month
The a mortgage on a 1 million dollar home.
You better hope the housing market doesn’t crash again. You paying all that property tax on $800,000+ would all be for nothing.
Unfortunately, it’s all a part of their plan
The capital gains tax is on unrealized capital gains. Also, it only applies for people with over 100 Million dollars.
A lot of housing complex’s are owned by corporations, if the paper value of there property portfolio increases by $100 million they will have to pay $20 million dollars in tax for money they don’t have. How will they get that $20 million? They will raise rents which will affect the people who rent
Yeah, I can’t believe these are real questions and thought from adults.
@@Someone-gj3go maybe or they would have to sell properties to cover their unrealized capitol gains taxes, especially if these properties are rent controlled they would have no choice but to sell properties creating more supply in the market and effectively capping property portfolio growth.
@@Someone-gj3gothat’s not how it works
Rich people crying because they’re being asked to pay taxes at the same rate as the middle class.
Top 1% pay 50% of all taxes in the Us
The people in %1 are your boss/bosses that provide you with employment
See you just don’t get it. The middle class always ends up paying for this. Do some home work. As soon as someone says, tax the rich. Make them pay their fair share. People jump on board.
Says the guy that the tax would target 😂
So he would know…
No it wouldn’t, he doesn’t pay capital gains. He does 10/31 exchanges which defers all capital gains.
It would cost him nothing! He would just charge more for his properties
That’s the wisky talking not Kamala 😂
Forget about cutting back on spending. Just take the money from the middle class.
I live in Vancouver, Canada 🇨🇦🍁 where a 1 bedroom 650 square-foot apartment is $500,000+ so I don’t think it can get much worse than it already is 😕
You will own nothing and be happy- WEF meeting 2016
@@earlebarker1359 lol
50 billion dollars is a lot of money, Grant.
Imagine your rent is 36000 dollars and it’s already past due. Now imagine all you can come up with is 50 dollars to pay it. That’s the equivalent of 50 billion dollars into our nation’s deficit
Venezuela 👋🏻
Everything they’re doing shows they’re trying to destroy the middle class!
How does this affect the middle class? It only applies to people making $100 million or more. 😂😂
@@AriMaccabi1223 Income tax was originally pushed to the public as being only a tax on the ultra wealthy 😅🤣😅
Grant holy shot
Akam Masal
You can’t tax corporations you only tax people.
Raise taxes on a corporation in an industry, it’ll just raise its prices in the market accordingly. The people lose.
Grant cardone and his Weasley a$$ is your consultant!?
Same idea with Elon Musk
So says the man who makes his living as an influencer, selling his idea of wealth to anyone who will pay, where all he ever says is “the reason you aren’t rich like me is because you’re lazy.”