Intermittent Fasting – Looking at the Views of Dr. Jason Fung
In this video Dennis Pollock takes a look at the views of Dr. Jason Fung about intermittent fasting, as he shares in his book, "The Diabetes Code." Dr. Jason Fung, probably more than any other person, has popularized the idea of fasting as a major component in the reversal and cure of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
In this video Dennis shares a number of quotes by Jason Fung related to fasting, and throws in a few of his own thoughts.
"The Diabetes Code" on amazon:
Diabetes Resources by Dennis Pollock:
Dr. Jason Fung's YouTube channel:
It would be great to see a video on the different causes of type II. I have insulin levels in the normal range yet my blood sugar still floats in the 120-150 range. I don’t have fatty livet. I had a liver biopsy. My liver was damaged from lyme. My research says that a damaged liver can cause spiked blood sugar levels. I haven’t heard anyone discussc this.
I’ve come to the same conclusion on my own. Been on a keto VLCHF diet for around 2 years now for type 2. A1C is great. Lipid profile is still improving (though I’ve had to tweak types of lipids for cooking some.) I did my 1st fast Thanksgiving weekend. Aimed for 24hrs, but since well fat adapted, it ended up being 43hrs. Glucose and ketosis definitely reached therapeutic levels and autophagy should have been well active in beneficial range. I’m attempting to make it a weekend practice for now. I should note, however, that, though the source of the disease is dietary/insulin, muscle building (not cardio) should still be beneficial in long run by creating more insulin receptors. That’s secondary though. Ultimately we have no business taking in the level of carbs we do on many modern diets.
My blood sugar was 425 while in the ICU of a hospital eating just three bowls of soup a day, was being administered insulin, got better and I’m fasting and doing low to no carbs now, my blood sugar was 110 two hours after a meal, despite a cheat meal, eating cake and Biryani for my wife’s birthday. Alhamdulillah
I’m glad you’re doing so much better!
But do you have medicine ,
Jesus Christ, the son of God has guided you and helped you. May you be blessed.
Glad you doing well
I have been losing weight since I stared watching your videos. I was slowly heading towards pre diabetes and I’ve turned that around! Thank you so much!!
That’s wonderful!
I read both the Obesity Code and the Diabetes Code and found them to be informative, inspiring and essentially life changing books. This is because he redefined my Type 2 diabetes from a chronic disease where medications and watching my diet might manage it to a self imposed condition that can be reversed and eliminated via diet. This provided me with optimism and motivation. Your review of Dr. Fung’s book is Excellent! You did a great job of summarizing the highlights and providing bullet points. It is clear that you are dedicated to helping people with T2 and you are walking the walk as well. Great job on this and all of your videos. Thanks!
@Pete, so you no longer have Diabetes?
I will not say “I no longer have diabetes “ I have only been doing keto for 8 weeks and I’ve seen a loss of weight and reduction in A1c. I hope to see my weight remain in the BMI range of 23/24 and I’d like to see an A1c of 5.5 as I continue with this plan. I also hike 30 plus miles a week and have included intermittent fasting 8/16 and OMAD. If I reach these goals and my doctor Labs support my home measurements I will feel confident saying that I am not in a diabetic condition. It will prove to me that this lifestyle did it and then it will be my responsibility to maintain it…. and my own fault if I don’t.

Best of luck to you
@Mr. Pete , suppose you continue this therapy this for 6 more months and your lab results are normal, then will you be able to eat sweets and oil rich food and your sugar level wont shoot up ?
I can only assume that if I return to my previous diet including carbs and sweets that my weight and glucose levels would go back up. My intention is to stick with the keto diet as long as I experience the health benefits.
@Mr. Pete , I mean if you eat normal rice/wheat everyday, including milk products (like tea/coffee) and meats and some occasional sweet dishes 1-2 times a week, then will that bring back your diabetes ?
I’m 58 years old and dropped 40lbs in 4 months with little effort on Keto and never felt this good when I was in my 20’s.
Wow! That’s great!
@Beat Diabetes! Can you be more specific on how you do it, you’re my hero.
I really started doing IF and eating only low carb high fat and protein started on August 28 2022 had labs and md appointment JAN 9 2023 my labs were no better and I had not even lost 10 pounds plus walked 4 miles a day I do have THYROID condition with no local help SO WHAT IS WRONG
@Patricia Salyers Not sure but Im now down 80lbs, I reversed my fatty liver, all my health problems went away including depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, my bp now is 127/81 it could be your thyroid but I would contact one of Dr. Berg’s specialist and just explained to them everything and go from there.
@Len I am very glad for you I am getting worse each day I know its my thyroid but everyone just wants to sell Diabetes equipment
My fasting blood sugar was 110 … started fasting 48’ & 72’s and blood sugar initially went up to 129 and 134 … but I trusted the process and kept fasting and within 2 -3 months it has dropped to 77!!! My a1c was 6.01 fasting is the answer for fatty liver – diabetics – and being fat too!!
Dennis, you are literally a Godsend to those of us battling this condition. I’m also appreciative of the clear manner in which you explain everything, paying attention to the details of the matter, yet in a clear, concise manner that is easy to understand, not leaving out any pertinent information. Thank you so much and may God bless you, your family and your ministry.
I appreciate your kind words.
Dennis. Yesterday I had very good news from my doctor, thanks to you and Dr. Fong because back in September I was diagnosed with diabetes time 2. My doctor just dropped the bomb on me and told me stay out of the carbs and exercise and good luck. Not much he said in 10 minutes and I went home knowing that my A1C level was at 11.6. So I went on YouTube and saw a bunch of videos and hours explaining how to get back on track and yours and Dr. Fong and Dr. Berg also explaining on how to reverse diabetes. I took it very seriously, I immediately stopped eating all white carbs, sugars, and beginning to eat sautéed vegetables, many greens, and just adding some chicken, meat or fish. Half of my plate is vegetables, one quarter meat, one quarter red fruits or berries. I did this for 3 months and the only day I cheated was on thanksgiving day. But I chose which carb I wanted to eat and no sugar at all. Well it paid off. After my blood test the results were A1C of 6.4. From 11.6 to 6.4 that is a great improvement. So if I continue this way for another 2 months I will be back to normal and that is just something to celebrate on these holidays. I tell you that unfortunately doctors don’t inform people on what to do to improve their health. They spend 10 minutes with you and frankly it is not enough to inform, encourage and have a good relationship with the patients. They are focused on selling their pills… so it is up to us to figure out what to do. Again, thanks to YouTube I was able to find out what really works. Also fasting is a great tool. I rarely have breakfast on most of the days and have light lunch and good dinner. Fasting is the key to let your pancreas and your liver rest from producing insulin. The Keto diet is the very best for anybody who wants to get rid of diabetes. Once and for all. Then please don’t go back to old habits because it will creep up again…
You have done great!
thank you for sharing.
Oh. You are so encouraging. God bless you.
what about having pills in the morning during fasting?
freelancelady this YouTube videos are so much better than some of the doctors we go to the just want to sell the medicine witch is killing us keep up the good work
My sister-in-law told me her sister’s husband fatty liver was reversed after incorporating intermittent fasting. I also read from another person the same thing. It’s amazing that not only fasting help reverse diabetics it also helps reverse fatty liver.
Viv Lee would you know what kind of intermittent fasting he is doing? What kind of foods is he eating, during what hours? Any info is appreciated Viv
@Scott hi Scott there is nothing spl to know about fasting, dont confuse your self by what others doing, just do fasting unitl u will get hungry, “not craving! If u hungry drink good quality cofee or green tea, 48Hrs fasting is great every fourth day and eat mostly plant based raw foods, nuts and eggs on that four days .. fat from natural source coconut, butter and olive oil … 90 days
After taking metformin (glucophage) for more than a decade, I can say now that I am diabetic free by going into the combination of keto and intermittent diet. Praise GOD! Thank you Lord for healing me!
Albert what is your schedule for eating and fasting if I don’t mind asking. I’m really not seeing how people are fasting schedule wise :(. Do you eat only certain hours of the day, or not eat at all certain days? Any info is much appreciated. :).
@Scott I follow 18/6 or even tighter sometimes. But sometimes I let myself slide too.
I also follow Keto diet together with intermittent fasting. I am not as strict on my Keto now compared to when I started.
@Scott Basically, I skip breakfast and eat lunch around 12 – 12:30 then dinner before 6.
Albert Landicho thanks for the info :). I know I gotta make changes as I’m achy all the time with stiff joints. And putting weight on in my midsection. Diabetes runs through my family (especially males).
When I was in my 20s I would do a 48 hour fast each week. Then I met my husband and it bothered him so much, we argued on my fasting days so much I finally stopped. He has since passed. Now, I do intermittent fasting (1030a-330p) , and one 24 hour fast on Sabbath. I feel better and I certainly sleep better.
Dennis, excellent summary of the book. You hit all of the points with precision. In working with other diabetics, including myself, all that is required is will power and discipline. In my case I see diabetes as a death sentence with no upside. Meds that will lead to progression of the disease are a no no for me. This psychological approach serves me well as it forces discipline. I will do whatever it takes, and for that reason, I see fasting as obligatory, the big Kahuna, if you will. Adherence to the diet is, I found simple, and a low carb diet can be delicious. I found that my friends prefer their meds to fasting which they see as an insurmountable obstacle. Dropping from a fasting level of 305 to continuous under 100 is a rush and big motivator to keep pushing.
Alternate day fasting. Lost 45lbs in 3 months and still losing. Fasting is THE ANSWER, not just for weight loss, but whole body health. My body has detoxified in ways I couldn’t imagine and is hard to exactly explain. It’s a strange and powerful feeling.
another great video….l can do 12 hrs of fasting but after that it gets very hard..but my best blood sugars come after fasting 16 is certainly something that comes easier with practice and will power. lts folks like you and dr.fung who help many of us get thru this medical condition.lm newly diagnosed type 2. its a continuous learning process.thank you very much.
You’re welcome!
I’m fasting for cure. Prior to fasting I was waking up with numbness arms and hands. My feet was hurting when I first walk out of bed in morning. Water fasting is amazing. I am on my 8th day.
well done 8 days wow
How did it all go Ann ? Love to hear the results:)
@Smythe Hi Ann can you let us know how you’ve been going please?
I’m all for fasting. Love Jason Fung! He was addressing diabetic insulin resistance over 10 years ago, when everyone else was calling him a quack. Jason Fung was, and is ahead of his time for us diabetics. Anyone with Type2 should invest their time and study the information he has to offer. Thank you for sharing his information on your channel.
Basal tedding is key for T1 to do fasting. I’m T1 and routinely IF and do 36+ hour fasts. Basal insulin is meant to keep you steady in the absence of food. I’m also doing mostly OMAD right now. If you’re embarking on fasting for the first time it does help to get doctors help if you’re not comfortable or knowledgeable with adjusting insulin. If you get resistance from your doctor a good approach is ask them for help basal testing.
Dr. Fung started implementing fasting in his Toronto clinic when he saw that many patients could not or would not adhere to a strict low carb diet. It was so powerful (and so easy for his culturally diverse patient population) that it became his signature method for reversing T2D. Even Indians on their traditionally high carb vegetarian diet benefitted.