Cardio vs Weights After 40 (Wish I Knew this Sooner)
I Tested Every Red Light Therapy Device So You Don’t Have To…
#1 Best Way to Use Creatine for Fat Loss, Bone & Brain Health Over 40
The Shocking TRUTH About Menopause—Top Doctors Finally Speak Out
Doctor Reveals MUST TAKE Supplements /Skincare to Reduce Wrinkles
What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Drinking Alcohol
#1 BRAIN EXPERT:Anxiety, Depression, Low Libido and Role Hormones Play | Dr. Daniel Amen
Walking For Weight Loss – BIGGEST Cardio Mistakes for Women Over 40 w/ Mark Sisson
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Hi, I am trying to find the recently posted video about improving sex as a married couple. Seems to have been pulled down. Any reason for that? Was hoping to listen to it as a couple
I went looking for it to finish listening to as well…anywhere else we can see it?