I Wore a Dexcom Stelo CGM 15 days. Here are 8 things I learned about my blood sugar.
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Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, shares 8 things he learned while wearing a Dexcom Stelo continuous glucose monitor.
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You are such an inspiration.I wish such cgms were available in Africa Kenya
Dennis, Your ability to explain the details is amazing. You keep me interested the whole way! Peace and love to you and Benedicta.
If you are a diabetic, you should be obsessed with your levels.
preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.
“he was obsessed with the theme of death”
I disagree.
Absolutely check, but being totally obessed with your numbers can make you mentally unstable.
There’s MORE to life than blood glucose numbers when you are careful with your foods and you’re experienced with what you’ve been doing for a while, like Dennis has over the YEARS !
If you’re having new foods, example would be, moving to a new country with foods you’ve never eaten before, it would be wise to build experience in knowing what you can safely eat, or how much of a food you may have.
Just focusing totally, ALL THE TIME on numbers will take the joy out of living life
@@kathystearns9012 Not with a CGM!
I really love this thing Dennis! Nearing the end of my first pod, fantastic, thank you! I wouldn’t have known about this I don’t think. I gave up the cigarettes that was like 10 bucks a day, I can easily afford this and my Dr is happy.
Some of the slow rises from “fiber” is from your gut bacteria slowly breaking down the “undigestible fiber” into starches, fatty acids and gas… the fiber IS undigestible by the human digestion process… but the gut bacteria can still slowly it break down..
Wow! I never thought of that! But it does explain some things I have seen. That might also be why some folks say that if you are not having the expected success with Keto, count TOTAL carbs, not net carbs.
I was generally at low 90s throughout my two weeks, but I was surprised to see big rises in two cases. The first was after a strong coffee, where I quickly went up to 120 and took a while to come down. The other was a very stressful part of a day, which was the only time I went over 140. I liked seeing that my diet was generally working the way I want it to, but I did obsess over checking the app. I decided to save the second cgm for a few weeks and take a break.
Thank you Dennis for your service to the community.
We have so many of the same experiences. I’m using Libre 3, which my doctor gladly gives me a prescription for, and it’s less expensive, $44.00. (14 days). I don’t use insulin, so insurance won’t cover it. Differences – low carb tortillas spike me way up. I’m very sensitive to carbs, and I’m probably still insulin resistant even after 5 years of eating low carb. I almost have to eat carnivore to keep my blood sugar low. I like knowing my blood sugar, but I’m going to take a break and only wear my CGM two 2 weeks every two months. Thanks Dennis.
I’m the same as you are… many low carb and keto products run my glucose as bad or worse than a cookie. I have to stick to carnivore and time restricted (before 2pm) and periodic fasting. Wouldn’t have known any of this without using a CGM for the better part of 2 years.
The non-prescription CGM is only $45 for 15 days. It’s $90 for one month meaning two of the cgm’s
My question is why should any CGM require a prescription. You can get a meter and strips without a prescription.
@@lindad6223same here. So many of these so called low carb breads and stuff like that has hidden carbs in it. Unfortunately the fiber in it is not like natural fiber that you’re going to find and broccoli for example somehow some of that seems to get converted according to the glucometer. Sure it’s better than regular tortilla shells or regular bread but that’s not saying a lot. The glucometer will reveal the truth . Also seed oils will somehow do it too so I have to make my own salad dressing. It’s so frustrating how food industry adds crap in food that affects stuff like gut microbiome and actually trigger responses in the brain to make a person hungry. Some of these key ingredients fall in the category of when you read something that says “artificial and natural flavors” and the FDA allows companies not to tell you what they are but even in so-called natural flavorings. A lot of the natural flavors have been bio engineer to wear there anything but natural and I was reading where some of these so-called natural and artificial flavor sometimes can contain industrial solvents ??
The low carb bread and stuff will really show up bad a lot of times the next morning during the Gluconeogenesis. (Dawn phenomenon) or sometimes after you get active a couple of hours into your day will spike blood sugar not so much after the mill it’s definitely a delayed response. It’s really irritating with all the crap they put in stuff like carrageenan ,(which can be found in a lot of deli turkey products not so much ham for example and also in cottage cheese and a lot of so-called nutritional protein bars for example) , BHT , titanium dioxide, and polysorbate 80 etc. that’s just naming a few.
If any of your viewers have Medicare and your script is coded properly by your doctor it will be 100pct covered. Type 1 or 2, insulin or not . My scripts are good for entire year. CGM’s are life extenders .
Excellent! The vid is very clear and engaging. I wear CGM and needed that awesome feedback.
I wear CGM (libre) now after 12 years of being T2D , three months ago my A1C was 10.4 now I’m 6.0 flat. Diet and CGM made a lot difference.
I got one to fine-tune my diet and it was an eye-opener. It was about 10 to 15 points off the finger prick, but consistent. So, I could test a variety of meals with it and get a good idea what works for me and what doesn’t. However, the biggest eye-openers, besides the low carb tortilla, which you mention were: toothpaste and coconut oil. These are items I was not even eating that had large impacts in my blood sugar response. The toothpaste had sorbitol in it and immediately spiked my blood sugar. I apparently have an intolerance to it. Then I got dry skin one day and put on a bunch of coconut oil. Same thing. I retested when I wasn’t sure if that was the reason with the same results. I had also switched to using coconut oil for toothbrushing and apparently less problematic but the more I used, the more it caused problems. These are things I would never have suspected, so I wouldn’t have tested them at all.
When you remove your Dexcom use some baby oil on a Q-Tip. Patiently work the oil under the edge of the adhesive with the cotton tip and then your finger. If you take your time you will be able to completely remove with NO pain. Blessings.
I have used Goo Gone to remove medical strips before. I think it’s a citrus product and it really dissolves the glue period I’ll probably try doing that. If it works I’ll give feedback
Thank you for this, as I remove mine in 2 days.
This is what I do as well….with coconut oil. Also shaving the area first before I apply the CGM to get all the peach fuzz off helps make it less painful when coming off too.
I am on my 13th day with the stelo CGM and for now I will never get rid of it. It.s all that Uber delivery food that I used to order every day that caused me to be diabetic, And for a week the cost of the food and delivery expenses were way over a 100 dollars. Now, I will put that money towards the CGM and still have change left over. I love this little gadget because I see in real time what is going on with my blood sugar every 15 minutes. I have also learned that stress really elevate my glucose level and this I can see when ever I am at work. And I do not eat at work, but my glucose shoots up when I am there compare to the same time that I am NOT at work
Yes, I have seen stress spike my blood sugar too! It’s a real thing!! I also see that I really Do have that morning phenomenon before having anything to eat and eating actually helps bring it down. I usually walk for 40 minutes then wait a couple hours for breakfast, but I may have to re-think that.
@@debhouckscraftycottage9288 .. I have the dawn phenomenon too. But strangely enough once I eat some macadamia nuts, the glucose would come down
On my 3rd week with Stelo and I am loving all the education. First on lasted 13 days because it got dislocated at the bank drive through while reaching for my money. So the next one I put on my right arm which helps keep me from losing a signal because my phone is on the right side of the bed. I learned that daily average over a hundred are not bad and now I compete to get them lower. Morning walks get that dawn effect down. Dennis you need to come up with a cgm for our daily walk in God which tells us when we are going off that narrow path.
I just finished mine on Tuesday! My observations.. first 24 hours weren’t as close to accurate, but I think it was warming up possibly. Got way better after that (checking with Mike to compare).. also I just went to look at that 15 day period to see again what my average was and I can no longer see any of that data! Wish I’d screenshotted it! I have had the Libre in the past and you can see a snapshot of a few months. Maybe I’m not seeing a way to do that, but I sure tried…
Crazy that the app wouldn’t save it? I had journaled my meals and snacks and I’d love to have that accessible. Next time I’ll put it on paper too!
THANKS DENNIS! Your videos have kept me in check for the past several years and I couldn’t be more grateful! God BLESS you!
I couldn’t find a way either. It only keeps the details for the 24-hour period and after that you only see averages.
Thank you for this information. I just purchased a Stelo.
You are doing very good Pastor Dennis.
I’m on my second sensor. The first one was reading 20 to 30 points higher than my meter. I contacted Stelo and they replaced it. The second sensor is reading lower than my meter. Last meter reading was 105, but the Stelo is reading 87. I always wait for the next Stelo reading after I use my meter since they say CGMs have a lag time. For me it’s only good to give me a ballpark idea of what’s going on. I still use my meter to know what my blood sugar really is after meals. I’ll probably keep using the Stelo since I can afford the $99.00 each month. Just another tool in beating diabetes. I’m type II and don’t take any medication. Got my A1c down to 5.6 just through diet.
Very good video Dennis. That’s why I don’t want a CGM I’d be more obsessed with my numbers. I’m like you, I don’t need it because I reversed my T2 as well and know what to eat and stay away from. Everyone keeps complementing myself on all the weight I have lost and ask how I did it. I used to like to share how I did it but not so much now when they won’t listen anyway and keep eating their old ways. I love my parents and both are in so much pain and health issues but refuse to change. It truly breaks my heart knowing they could at least lessen there inflammation and other issues. 54 and shh…secret here, I’m growing hair again now on my chest lol. Haven’t had a hairy chest in many years. My skin tags are all gone. I almost paid to have them froze off. I love you my brother and keep helping those who truly want and need it.

God bless you and your precious wife