I went 36 hours WITHOUT EATING! What happened to my BLOOD SUGAR?
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Dennis Pollock, of Beat Diabetes, shares the effects of a 36 hour fast on his blood sugar levels.
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Good morning Dennis. Thank you for the helping hand you give. I understand how Benedicta feels about “sharing your life.” I hope she feels better about this over time. Some You Tubers give more than I want to know! You do keep it “normal!”
Hi Dennis, where do you come up with the 36 hour? Why is that number the best?
I have used the Stelo for 2 days now, it tends to read about 10 point higher than my “Mike”, but I have been experimenting some with small ingeston of fruit and then pasta. My body does not handle passta at all and I did spike, I will behave now ans see, I do have some discomfort if I roll over in bed and mash the sensor against my arm, enough to get my attention from sleep,
And dieticians who have Masters’ Degrees still claim that Type II can’t be reversed. I’ve even heard them now claim that being fat on American food is the fault of “diet culture”. No personal responsibility whatsoever.
Wow! Crazy world!
Job security for them.
Denise thank you for sharing this. I’ve gotten down to two meals most days. I am working my way towards fasting for a day. Thank you so much for sharing this. You are always so encouraging.
Good Morning Dennis and All ,have a blessed weekend
Good Morning Dennis! Yeah my doctor put me on metformin, as my last A1C was a 163. Dangerously Close! Now I ‘was’ fasting for like 13-14 hours at a time. But I’m so used to that schedule now!?!
I look forward to the time when I can meet “Charlie”
He seems like a really nice guy and important too
thank you Dennis 
Thank you for everything Dennis you are amazingly helpful
Thank you for sharing your experience!
Great information Dennis. I wish I knew this earlier cause when I was on metformin I couldn’t understand why I kept going very low. Now like you fasting is great. I only need 10 more lbs and I’ll be at high school weight.
Why do non diabetics NOT experience the “dawn affect”?
Amen brother I’m so happy the Lord has led me to find you and this channel, I’m on a journey to better my health and life. Thank you brother.
Thank you Dennis for the latest videos on Charlie. I look forward to receiving mine. I’ve always wondered what my readings are while I’m sleeping, also going to be nice not poking myself multiple times a day.
Dennis, have you tried testing your blood sugar while exercising?
It’s always been said that opposites attract, and something tells me that is probably mostly true.
From what I have learned, if you are already producing ketones, then it is safe to fast. If you are not already eating a ketogenic diet it could be dangerous to go straight I to a longer fast.
41 hours in myself, my glucose this morning is 70mg/dl! I’m on metformin still but I haven’t had any dangerous lows in my almost two years of IF thankfully.
Thanks to your advice, I’ve lowered my A1C from 5.8 to a current 5.2. I am doing my best to maintain this number, or perhaps even do better. Thank you for taking me out of prediabetic range, Dennis. Blessings, maybe I need to read the bible when I fast, I notice I get very grumpy.