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JEALOUSLY is the LAST class to ATTEND before you BECOME a witch..😮
Dude is a scam artist. Just follow real good people instead of
Uncle G 💯
He probably bought a portfolio of properties
Anybody can go into a debt and have a loan. What do you own outright is my question? Idk how people sleep at night being in debt up to their eyes 😂
As long as one gets more investors it’s not an issue.
Nah not anyone. Theres a good bit of requirements that most people don’t reach.
Think about it. If the debt is paying itself, its an asset and not a liability
And as long as your debt to income ratio makes sense then there really isn’t a reason to lose sleep.
We need classes to “Guarantee” with NO B.S. or excuses, that We’re going to make this kind of money!!!! Seriously!
Then maybe there would be less turn over, less homeless, less welfare, less unemployment payouts, less decline in commerce.
It can do alot!
Why aren’t people literally helping others become Millionaires and Billionaires?
—–>> Without charging a big amount or cost to do it, upfront!
This can of people getting all the properties and inflating the prices
Now show the underwear that made you 800 million
He doesn’t own any of that. This guy is a walking debt time bomb.
This guy needs to get a life, go hang out with your family and friends you have enough money and you don’t inspire people
still can’t decide if he is a scammer or legit. Maybe both😂
Probably even more than that. $1.6B to $1.8B.
Uncle OG. ❤️ 😎