How To Use Instagram For Business
Check out my brand new, 2021, Instagram membership (InstaClubHub) that my son, Brock, and I are doing! If you think this video was good, it doesn't even begin scratch the surface of how to grow your IG (for business or not) now!:
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About this video:
In this video Chalene Johnson shares 4 Instagram Basics for Small Businesses and How to Use Instagram For Marketing. These 4 tips are 2015 Instagram Strategies for Small Business Marketing that you can apply right away in your business.
This is what I’m talking about! High quality video, with actual tips you can implement from a down to earth lady. Go Chalene!
You know ?? your popularity is just at the distance of *IGROCKET DOT COM*
Such a change from watching seminar type videos from a lecturer. You’re energy is just what we need. you’ve gained a new subscriber 🙂
I have some of your exercise videos, really love them. The information you just shared is exactly what I was needing. Thank you!
Chalene! You manage to be funny, entertaining and ridiculously informative every time. I’m a huge fan. Thanks for this video with great, down-to-earth advice.
I got my degree in Communication in 2005, and I am SO BEHIND the times! I just downloaded Instagram, and am watching your channel to learn all I can!
How’s your Instagram growth been?
Hi Coach Isabel Geary I got my degree in Comuunication in 1985 imagine how behind Im.
how things have changed in nearly 13 years hey
Never too late to learn. People used to read books and newpapers to absorb information. Now they are all the time on their mobile.. So you understand you have to go where the audience is, they wont come to you, you have to go for them…
I was smiling and shaking my head through out! You’re so vivacious and fun to listen to! Thanks Chalene, you gave me just what I was looking for with this video, and I will click on the free IG Webinar link in just a bit! You’re awesome! 🙂
Love this!! So helpful, concise but still detailed, and full of positivity! I’ll totally use these tips on my new beauty/fitness channel!
Thanks so much Ariana!
I LOVE your videos Chalene. I love your point around having different Instagram accounts… I’m thinking about doing the same for my business.
Thank you for being here Erika and it’s definitely a great idea to have feature accounts! What’s your IG for your biz?
You know ?? your popularity is just at the distance of *IGROCKET DOT COM*
Hi Chalene! I really enjoyed this video. It was super helpful and I think you sort things in a way that “just makes sense” So much to learn with social media and I initially found Instagram intimidating. You’ve done a really great job! Thanks so much!
You gave the best 10 minute presentation that i’ve ever seen. It was very nice and I’ve never watched anything on youtube that long! Great presentation..Your passion is very contagious.
question: We are a dual venue with both tourist center focused on aviation as well as a events center venue. Would you suggest separating those two and having an insta page for both? Each focused for the venue and aviation exhibits?
Just what I needed to hear! I’ve been afraid to post anything on my IG account for fear of doing it wrong! Now I know I really should have separate/special accounts for each niche. I’m going to assume you would also say the same for Facebook accounts (separate for each business niche vs personal?)
You’re so inspiring Chalene!! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and for helping me and the others grow our business <3
This was very helpful and enlightening! So excited to follow you and continue to educate myself and build my brand!
Hi Chalene, thanks so much for these tips! I currently have only one account but I can see how it can be confusing to followers, because I post on a variety of topics. It probably seems totally random. I’m going to implement some of this. This was very helpful. Thanks so much!
Thanks Charlene. This was extremely useful. I am a Realtor and always looking for business but I have many other interests and so the multiple accounts idea was huge.
love your tutorials Charlene especially a good injection of humour. Awesome content. I have learnt something more today about Instagram
Hi Chalene, thank you so much for this video. I especially like the friendly manner that you use during your presentation. It literally makes me feel like I was listening to someone whom I’m very familiar with. Looking forward to getting great results from following your advise! 🙂
Hi Chalene, you got what I was searching for .Look forward to learn more from you to grow a digital biz.
I love your energy! You are hilarious too. I look forward to learning. I feel like I”m crawling out of a time warp and feel so behind not knowing the HUGE value of social media.