How To Get Rid Of Cellulite For Good | Science-Backed Ways
Chalene Johnson shares proven strategies to reduce cellulite on thighs, buttocks, arms, and stomach, both temporarily and permanently. Learn the science behind cellulite, including how genetics, hormones, and connective tissue contribute to its appearance, and discover research-backed methods like strength training and collagen supplements to smooth out those stubborn dimples. Chalene also shares quick fixes like self-tanner, body blur, and caffeine powder to help you look your best. Whether you're targeting cellulite reduction for a special occasion or seeking long-term results, this episode offers actionable advice for everyone.
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Elan Pure Non-Toxic Self Tanner Use Code CHALENE for 10% Off!
Key Points Covered:
Temporary Solutions:
► Reduce Water Retention:
➜ Use a sauna or infrared light sauna.
➜ Try body wraps for short-term size reduction.
➜ Get a lymphatic massage to reduce inflammation.
► Diet & Lifestyle Adjustments:
➜ Practice intermittent fasting to reduce inflammatory markers.
➜ Avoid foods that cause inflammation in your body.
► Quick Fixes:
➜ Use self-tanner or body blur to smooth skin appearance.
➜ Apply caffeine powder mixed with oil to reduce inflammation and pull water from the skin.
► Permanent Solutions:
➜ Strength Training:
➜ Lift heavy weights, especially for lower body exercises, to increase muscle tone and reduce body fat.
► Hormonal Balance:
➜ Get your hormones checked, especially if you have PCOS or are perimenopausal, and balance them naturally or with hormone replacement therapy.
► Fascia Blasting:
➜ Use a fascia blaster tool regularly to improve connective tissue flexibility and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
►Collagen Supplementation:
➜ Take collagen type 1 and type 2 supplements to strengthen connective tissues and reduce inflammation.
Watch Next!
Hormone Health for Women Over 40 Playlist
The Best Workouts for Women Over 40! Playlist
Check Out Chalene's Favorite Self Tanners and Body Blur
The Effects of Fascia Manipulation and Cellulite
Mediterranean Diet and Zone 2 Cardio
Collagen Peptides Reduce Cellulite in Women
Collagen and Skin
Caffeine and Essential Oils
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I joined phase it up and I love it!
@@chalenejohnson thx little lady
@@chalenejohnson on a tight budget. But thx for replying!!
Can’t find the link for the collagen? Halp
@@bokrask5577 Same here
I love the calling out of Dr Berg! I love him but seriously… sometimes I just wonder
. I love your channel, it just keeps getting better and better! Don’t stop 
Right?!? Thanks for watching doll
@@jamieharmon1402 he can be a little too hyperbolic for me. I don’t do well with fear based over anxious and overspending in the long term.
dr Berg is a not a Doctor … he is a scientogist osteopath spouting BS to sell supplements
Well I have a little cellulite never had it on my arms or stomach only thighs and buttocks. I have gotten rid of 80 % of it from massaging thighs daily with castor oil. I seen a video where a girl done that for 7 days and it worked. Also I no longer eat a lot of processed food. Lots of fruit and vegetables and a good meal. Mainly drink water. I don’t use collagen at all. I’m sure things work different on different people. Wishing everyone success and thank you Charlene for making a great video
Amazing you mention this because it was one of Charlene’s videos that turned me on to mixing Castor Oil with Emu or sesame oil, can’t remember which, plus her favorite essence oil. She used on her legs. I’ve been doing that pretty much since that video to try to heal my skin from over-use of topical steroids from a scary, full-coverage rash I got out of nowhere, left very thin scar patches as a map to every previous rash spot. I figured my legs were done between that damage, spider veins from a desk job plus hormone imbalance, and cellulite. I had been noticing big improvement of the scars. You can’t see them, but you can still feel them a bit. Rough patches. But the other day I noticed my cellulite was not as bad. My diet has been much cleaner, but not exercising correctly for legs, per se. I think the castor oil mix has been a great find.
@@MeShellMaBelle oh yeah I forgot to mention I also do thigh exercises daily about 15 to 20 minutes a day
@@MeShellMaBelledo you know what essence oil she uses?
Oh 80%??? Wow!! That’s super amazing!! Now, I’m gonna do the same! Thank you for sharing, Debra!
@@chalenejohnson you’re very welcome
I enjoy watching your videos on YouTube. You’re all about helping and supporting other women. Just love your sense of humor, too. Thank you, Chalene. Great tips!
Awww! Thank you, Mandi!
I can attest to lifting heavy and exercising. Even if you’re just starting out and doing body weight squats…they work. I remember doing planks and looking down toward my thighs and seeing all that bumpy cellulite hanging down
. Now my thighs are much more tighten and toned. I still have a bit of cellulite but I’m far less jiggly
OMG!! I love this so much!!
I have zero cellulite … never had it. But when I started rubbing bio identical estrogen on my thighs …. OMG! I got dimpled thighs! I immediately stopped and took patches instead and over a few months it was all gone again! That was MY proof of estrogen being the culprit pronto!
Really?! Give us more deets sis!
What a fantastic subject Chalene! I have the same fascia blaster you feature in this video that is available on Amazon. I also now have purchased several fascia blasters from Ashley Black. There is no comparison. The AB blasters are far superior and they work! (caveat: the AB blasters are pricey. If you want to start and are on a budget, the Amazon one is a fantastic place to start!) AB also has multiple sizes of the tools themselves, but also the claws. She has smaller claw ones that get the surface level of fascia and are small enough to use around ankles, knees, your face etc. Then the larger claws get the deeper levels of fascia. Another bonus is I have chronic pain – fascia blasting makes you feel like you’ve gotten a deep tissue massage and brings lots of blood flow to the areas. I am a believer!
Chalene!! that was absolutely so beautiful the way you had mentioned “pregnant mothers or mothers who just had babies please don’t worry about your body. Please just take care of your baby. We can fix it later.”!

Way to go !
I love your advice to the new Mother’s, just take care of the baby! So many young mothers feel like they have to bounce back right away. Great advice to the young women. Thank you !
OMG! Right?!? Oh how important it is to just enjoy those years and be the best mom – not the best looking –
there are many people who report the jumping on a rebounder eliminates cellulite – which make sense as it it the best in getting the lymph flowing.
Many but I haven’t looked at the studies. It makes sense though!
I love this lady. She’s my new best friend. So stinking honest!!!!
Chalene, your face is absolutely radiant and glowing in this video — no alcohol is looking great on you! Superb content as always. I’ve been a fan since early 2000s. Thank you for always being real and transparent.
I agree 100%. No reddish tint to her skin. I hate to say that cuz she’s beautiful in every video but looks way healthier & glowing in this one. More beautiful in this video.
When i saw the title, i felt my stomach sink. I never had cellulite, never overweight. DV led to divorce. I maintained weight and size for several years. Im sedentary. About 3 months ago, my hips and upper thighs increased in size. This added to my depression.
I bought an electric suction cupping device from Amazon that has eliminated most of my cellulite within just a few uses. I didn’t have cellulite until I was in my late forties, but by 55 it was terrible; all over my thighs and buttocks. This device has been miraculous for me, and I’ve only used it about 7. I also find that I’m losing fat with diet and exercise in a way that I could when I was younger, so I’m now a believer in the connective tissue hypothesis. The clogged-up, inflamed feeling is gone! I’ve been taking my son to tennis tournaments for the last 15 years, and I will say, you rearely see any female players with cellulite, even when they obviously have quite a bit of fat on their thighs. They all foam roll, probably daily, so I think connective tissue is the answer.
Could you share the link or the name of the suction device?
@crystalusmchic Ithere are several sellers selling the same unit. The suction is very strong, so I use it on lowest suction and highest heat. It bruised me the first few times, but hasn’t after that. Good luck
What I learned from Chalene today….There is a chance cellulite could hit someone in the eye

Love you girl!
I swear by the fascia blaster. It really works. I also lift heavy, eat hardly any processed foods and no alcohol. 60 and very little cellulite. Have some but it’s really decreased
I am so encoraged to hear that there are other women our age out there who go the miles to take good care of her body!
Girl-your shoulders look sooo good in that top!! And I can vouch for cellulite in “other” areas
it’s sucky, but I utilize quite a few of the tips you gave! 

Thanks for addressing the topics we women in this phase of life are dealing with-appreciate the info!! 

No fascia blast imo! I used this thing YEARS ago and it wrecked my body and hormone levels. You want your skin attached to the tissue over your muscle as much as possible. Exercise, heat up your body, use compression and stretch. That will help fascia alignment. Why do plastic surgeons use fajas after liposuction and BBLs? You want the skin to attach, not hang loose.
I just want to start with: I love this channel. It’s one of my favs. So just want to share this. I am 5’5″ and 110 lbs. My BMI is 18.3. I’ve been considered “underweight” my whole life (I’m 42 now) but this is just my genetics. My dad and his mom were also very thin. Anyway, ladies, I HAVE CELLULITE. Yep. On my butt and the backs of my thighs. And a decent amount too. It’s not always about fat. It really has so much to do with our collagen fibers. I tried testosterone pellets and my doc accidently gave me WAY too much. Like my testosterone was over 200. For a female, yikes. My hair was falling out, my boobs were shrinking, my voice was cracking like a pubescent boy, and I wanted to kill everyone I was so angry all the time, lol, BUT, but but but my cellulite for the first time in my life started to go away. I’m telling you hormones are a big player. However I wouldn’t trade my cellulite for all those horrible side effects but it taught me something abt hormones – specifically testosterone & how it affects our collagen. Dudes are lucky.
I just love how you entertain AND educate your audience!