How to Embrace an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

Research shows that alcohol harms your brain function and ability to process protein and build muscle. Watch the full episode to learn how alcohol affects your brain and body after 40. #SoberCurious #womenover40

Cameron Long

  • @layahails9655 says:

    It makes good sense to me ….

  • @ignor6581 says:

    Good that you realized what is doing to you .I don’t want to be mean or rude but your body looks great however your face had this look like someone who drinks. Now after this challenge you took your face looks younger there I said it. I love your videos very informative and good for you 👍

  • Anonymous says:

    You are very beautiful, someone is very lucky

  • @juliesolomonson5698 says:

    I did the same exact thing, and now it’s a year and a half later! I knew at 4 months there was NO WAY I’d ever go back! Way too many amazing things happened especially with God 👏 🙌

  • @casperinsight3524 says:

    Informed consent has a new meaning now 😉

  • @TheTamrock2007 says:

    I’m on day 18. I’ve taken a few breaks the last couple of years. And each time I felt better, tho I did have to fight the urge come the evening. And each time when I gave in to celebrate my birthday, or some other holiday, I drank for months. Maybe this time will stick.

  • @judinemulerski315 says:

    It’s so easy to become alcoholic. A little here a little there. Then it’s Denial.

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