How I Schedule My Week as a Mom & CEO
In this video I'm sharing how I currently schedule my time as the CEO of a company and mom of two young children.
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Amy Landino is an award-winning YouTube creator, global keynote speaker, and 3x bestselling author—best known for her book “Good Morning, Good Life; 5 Simple Habits to Master Your Mornings and Upgrade Your Life” On her YouTube channel, Amy is dedicated to sharing high-performance mindset strategies for women so you can get more confident, motivated, and productive on the way to the life you want! As an entrepreneur for over a decade, Amy Landino has been featured as a guest expert in media outlets such as American Express Business Class, CNBC’s MakeIt, The Tamron Hall Show, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, Fortune, and The Washington Post. She and her husband reside in Connecticut with their 2 daughters.
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365 Days of Good, Morning Good Life
Good Morning, Good Life
Vlog Like a Boss
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0:00 – Intro
0:23 – The Life You Want
1:00 – Family Time
2:05 – Morning Routine
2:32 – Full-time Days
4:52 – Scheduling Around Kids
9:51 – Intention vs Restriction
11:08 – The Win List
This is so helpful!! thanks for working hard to provide more content!
This may be a weird question, but for now I’ve already watched your videos for more than five years and making a schedule for my week is one of the activities I enjoy the most as they change a lot depending on my life situation at the moment i.e. if I’m studying, if I’m on vacation, etc. Is it possible I’m not the only one who saves some hand made schedules 😸? (Because they are like diaries) – I love your content Amy!
I love how you are still doing things the way you did before kids. I remember when you would constantly get comments about how your schedule would never be as productive if you had kids. You are slaying it and proving to everyone that you can be just as productive with little kids if you really want to. It’s all in your mindset.
Thanks for the sneak peak of your schedule *in this moment of life*! I love that you don’t feel “guilty” about attending to business work time while it encroaches on your most important job – M.O.M. I’m pretty sure past Amy has rewarded current Amy with this luxury of family time because she mastered herself and her work ethic to make this possible! Great job! I’ve been watching you since 2017 and I’m truly amazed how far your life has come. 🙂 You have and continue to inspire me! All the best! <3
It’s very impressive you manage to balance running a business and having kids. I feel like i never have enough time in any given week
It goes to show you how long it has been since I watched you as I had NO idea til now that you had had a second child. Congratulations!!!!
You are so inspiring!!! ❤❤
This makes so much sense from the standpoint of how things run together, especially how you are able to adapt with your baby sleep educate yourself and then teach your team, which makes a lot more sense. Something that I could mature in and sticking with something that has worked for you all of your adult life. Thank you for sharing. This makes a lot of sense.
Thank you for your content! Very helpful! I have a question though? Do you outsource cleaning the house or cooking or are you doing it yourself during the family time? I have two kids (6 and 3) and I am homeschooling. And I struggle to find time to cook, clean, prepare for lessons and having guests over, for instance, once a week. Not even speaking about self development or me time.
Perfect timing love
Love these kinds of vids
9:30 This just changed my entire mindset. Wow. Thank you…. from another Momtrepeneur
I’m in the US! Thanks so much for this video. So helpful!
Hi Amy, You say you only meet with clients on Thursdays. However, thanks to this channel, you are meeting with me — your client on Sunday afternoon. I’m at the other end of “the season.” My “baby” is 36, so I’m making sure I’m working when she does in case she calls after work. Your little ones are so precious that I’m glad you’re making time for them.